Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Between You and Them Prophetic Covenant Daily Devotion


Today's Scripture: Genesis 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Prophetic Covenant Thought of the Day-There is a difference between carriers of Prophecy and Seasons of God more than one who heralds and speaks the prophecy.~~Sister Lara 

Welcome to Today's Devotion

Today's Scripture:

Genesis 3:15 
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

We have all heard the story of Adam and Eve and how they were tempted.  Yet, it is interesting to understand how God responded to Satan for tempting Adam and Eve.  God said, "I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between everything the woman does through her seed and everything you do and your seed."  To get blunt God said it this way, "I will be an enemy to your enemies and an enemy to all the enemies you gather in your work against My Will." 

When you understand this blueprint of God you can see that "Satan uses this same blueprint that is suppose to be against him and his kingdom from God--in the everyday world we live in."  

An example would be, "People of color against people of color, age groups against age groups, belief systems against other belief systems and more."  Yet, to bring this blueprint even closer to home we see this in the church in prophecy when people bring up your past, your present, areas you fall short in and even in their way they interpret Scripture to be used as a means of condemnation.  Yet one thing is for sure, "When you live a Life of God's Rest and Righteousness through Blood Covenant God has already put enmity against what is not of Him to separate a disciple from His presence."  The secret to walking in God's Rest & Righteousness in prophecy is to understand that "Jesus is the Law of Blood Covenant of God's Rest and Righteousness" that is purposefully positioned for the power of the God-Head to uphold you in Oneness and walk in the supply of the kingdom.  At the end of the day, "There is a difference between carriers of Prophecy and Seasons of God more than one who heralds and speaks the prophecy because carriers of Blood Covenant carry are the Oracle of Prophecy and Seasons of God in the earth."

Today's Prayer 

Father, I praise You that You are the God of All Creation and through Jesus --our Sanctifier and Blood Covenant, no matter what I might be facing today I acknowledge that I am one with You and as I remain as One with You in Blood Covenant in Rest and Righteousness I walk in power and victory as an Overcomer over every law of enmity known and unknown against Blood Covenant.  Amen! 

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like Prophetic Covenant Confession Templates to confess, click here in our School of Prophetic Imagination, or School of Moses and Abraham. 

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Sister Lara 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Its Between You and Me Prophetic Covenant Daily Devotion


Prophetic Covenant Thought of the Day-What was used to destroy you I will create something just between you and Me.

Label-Covenant Daily Devotions 

Today's Scripture:
Genesis 9:15
And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Like Noah, the waters that flooded the earth seemed to never end is much like some of the days of our lives.  Days full of being overwhelmed with life's circumstances; days of being full of not being able to see anything but the cares and floods of this world; days of not knowing when what seems to be the worse days of your life will end--is something we all face in our life.   Yet, there was something that God said to Noah that strikes me to the core, "It's between you and me."   I love that!  God has a way of instantly changing the way we see our lives and His purpose of allowing us to go through what we go through with a "Prophetic Covenant." 

"The same thing that has flooded your life now I will cause to be floods of blessing and victory.  The same thing that has destroyed your life I will cause to bless your life.  The same thing that tossed you to and fro I will cause you to ride the waves of My Prophetic Covenant" says the LORD God. 

You see, just as the waters of flooded the earth the LORD God caused the waters of Blood Covenant to give times of refreshing; times of renewal; times of wholeness; times of triumph and so much more.  More so, "Prophetic Covenant" will teach a disciple the greatest lesson of all: no matter how many floods over take you I will cause you to remember that we are One in Blood Covenant.  My Spirit will go before you and bring to you Good News of brighter future.  My Spirit will go before you and bring to you hope of My Covenant with you to be established.  

My Spirit will go before you and cause you to know, "I will make you something that will be just between you and me and no matter what you go through all forms of flesh that was against you will be destroyed forever and I will bless you to be fruitful and multiply you in the works of My Covenant."  Amen. 

Today's Prayer: 
Father, You are God of all Flesh and You are God of all that is living--in Jesus name, My High Priest and Apostle of My Confession.  Your Covenant is forever and no matter what I might be facing today I acknowledge that I am one with You in Prophetic Blood Covenant to supply every need and desire in the knowledge and fear of who You are above all circumstances in my life in thanksgiving and praise.  Amen. 
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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer.  If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.  

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The Longing Gods Rest and Righteousness Daily Devotion


The Longing Gods Rest and Righteousness Daily Devotion

Gods Rest Thought of the Day: Don't look at this season as the longest chapter of your life but look how far you have come in the greatest longing of your heart. ~~Sister Lara

Welcome to today's devotion 

Today's Scripture 

Psalm 119:40 (KJV) 
Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness. 

There are days that seem so long and you just want to get them over because you know the next day will be something new from the Lord.  Yet, here in Psalm 119 we find David writing the longest chapter in the Bible where David lays his life out there before God: full of drama, full of desire, full of failures, full of need for help and more.  

Like David, "Everyone has the longest chapter in their lives" and if your life seems to be the longest struggles, the longest challenges, the longest time of waiting David said, "I have a longing." 

Look, if you have a longing for God's Word in the longest season of your life and can't grasp what it takes to cross over--step back and count it joy the longing is there! David longed for what he knew worked because he had been there many times before.  David said, "I have longed for thy precepts."  Here, the word precepts represents the Law.  This is the Law that Moses knew, the Law that Abraham knew--which is the Law of Blood Covenant: to be quickened in righteousness.  In the Life of Moses the Law of Blood Covenant represented from the heart and mind as being one with God, His Elohim.  In the Life of Abraham the Law of Blood Covenant would be to be one in the circumcision of the flesh to be one with God.  In reality David was saying, "With my whole being I long to be One: quickened in Blood Covenant in rest and righteousness."   You can be righteous and still not live in rest.  You can live in rest and still not have Life in the Law of being One in Covenant.  David aimed his life, "With a heart after God" or to be One.  May the longest chapter of your life desire the same, too! 

Today's Prayer 

Father God, You are our Elohim the Father of all Glory and Covenant. It is my desire to be quickened in Life as One so that Your Covenant will avenge; Your Covenant will create my victory in the midst of the longest chapter in my life and my circumstances.  I long for Your Law more than anything with my whole being and in Your presence is Your assurance that the victory is mine.  I give You praise the Peace and Thanksgiving Offering of Jesus and I am washed in the Fire of the Altar of Your Love and delight towards me today.  Amen. 

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.

Want advanced teachings on Blood Covenant, click here and register.
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Sister Lara 

Friday, March 18, 2022

They Couldnt Even Say Hi to Him Righteousness Daily Devotion


Righteousness Thought of the Day-Walking in God's Favor will cause people to hate you so keep practicing Rest and Righteousness, and remain one in Blood Covenant.

Label-God's Rest Daily Devotion 

Righteousness Thought of the Day-Walking in God's Favor will cause people to hate you so keep practicing Rest and Righteousness, and remain one in Blood Covenant.~~Sister Lara

Today's Scripture:

They hated him so much that they would not even greet him. (Genesis 37:4)

We all have people in our lives where we have experienced people walking past us and they wont even recognize you are there to say hello.  At the same time, we all have experienced people in the same room as us and you might happen to look up and that same person will not acknowledge you as you are standing there and you greet them. 

 In today's Scripture Joseph went through the same thing, except this was in his family.  It's one thing in public places to have people like this in your life but it is another to have this in your home. 

Not only would they not speak to Joseph but they betrayed him behind his back, they were deceitful and lied about him to his parents. Yet, as you study the life of Joseph all of the actions of others who rejected him didn't stop God's favor in his life.  He ended up in prison after being sold out, yet Joseph prospered.  He ended being thrown into a dark well with no way to get out on his own, but God's favor caused Joseph to still prosper.  He ended up being accused of doing taking physical advantages against the King's wife and was thrown in prison a second time, yet God continued to prosper him.  Those same people that used him, abused him, didn't acknowledge him, betrayed him, sold him, reviled him, hated him all the more. 

The one thing we can learn about the life of Joseph isn't so much how he forgave when it hurt, or how he showed mercy when the others never did about his life.  The real lesson is that he chose to remain one in God's Rest.  Look you can say you forgive but never forget.  You can say "You forgive because you don't want them to control you in your mind."  All those sayings are from the outside looking in from God's Rest and the ability to remain one.  Choosing to remain in God's Rest is the pursuit of Joseph, just like Jesus on the cross when they said "He can't even save Himself."  Fact of the matter is, like Jesus--Joseph remained One in God's Rest and Righteousness.  From the cross Jesus said, "Father forgive them."  Jesus did not say, "Father I forgive them so they wont have control over my mind" because that is self righteousness too coming from a heart that no clue what it means to live as One in God's Rest and Righteousness. 

Our Prayer 

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I acknowledge Your presence and delight in Your presence as You enlarge me in You.  I do not have to step up to get Your presence, I do not have to reach out and take Your presence as I simply acknowledge my heart, mind and body are One with You to fill me as many times as I need.  Your presence set me apart and in quiet assurance and confidence I know You hear me everytime I call.  You are my Elohim, my Shepherd to the Throne, my Anchor in the midst of the storm.  You are my Mercy and Truth. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. 
Sister Lara 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Emotional Healing For the Broken in Heart Hand This Man A Kleenex


Blood Covenant Thought of the Day-The recognition of being One with God with our whole being: mind, heart and body is worry free from life's cares.~~Sister Lara 

Welcome to Today's Written Devotion 

Today's Verse-Jeremiah 17:7-8 (MSG)

7-8 “But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,
    the woman who sticks with God.
They’re like trees replanted in Eden,
    putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers,
    never dropping a leaf,
Serene and calm through droughts,
    bearing fresh fruit every season.

There is a reason the nickname for Jeremiah was the weeping Prophet.  Sometimes you read his writings and think, "Hand this man a kleenex."  The Prophet Jeremiah wept over every concern of the heart of the Father because of a Nation that was broken and fragmented in the mind and heart. 

Yet, at the end of the day Jeremiah practiced what God told all the Prophets to do, beginning with Moses to meditate upon the Word of God.  Yet, when it comes to meditation not just any word, "But recognition of being one with God, our Elohim, in the mind."  The tree that was focused on was "The Branch" that budded or Aaron's Rod in the Ark of the Covenant. 

Here, the Lord God even gave the Prophet Jeremiah a vision of a branch budding and said, "Watchman what do you see?"  The Prophet said, "I see a branch that budded."  Let me ask you, "What do you see?"  We must learn to focused on "The Branch--who is God the Father with Jesus (The Fruit of the Branch living through Jesus) in our minds (Being One with the Jesus by the Holy Spirit.) "  As you picture that "Branch" being engrafted in Life as One with Jesus your mind is instantly turned to heavenly thoughts rather than the circumstances of Life.  At the end of the day a disciple has to remember, "They have the mind of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit" and that is where they live--not in the mind of the events of the world.  That's right!  Take one thought at a time.  You are on your way as One in God's Rest and Righteousness.

Our Prayer 

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I acknowledge Your presence and delight in Your presence as You enlarge me in You.  I do not have to step up to get Your presence, I do not have to reach out and take Your presence as I simply present my heart, mind and body for You to fill me as many times as I need.  Your presence set me apart and in quiet assurance and confidence I know You hear me everytime I call.  You are my Elohim, my Shepherd to the Throne, my Anchor in the midst of the storm.  You are my Jehovah El Gemuwal. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. 
Sister Lara 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Prophetic Corner Moses Made an Ark Deuteronomy 10 Verse 3 Part 2


Label-School of the Prophet Moses Online School of Prayer 

Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion 

Today's Scripture

Deuteronomy 10:3 (Part 2)

“And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.”

Thoughts on Today's Verse: 

In our last time together we shared how God showed Moses His back, just as He did Abraham. There, we studied the place that the Lord appeared to Abraham in Genesis 12 and we discovered that this place means, "The back, the shoulder blades that was scourged."  Both Abraham and Moses saw a vision of Jesus from His back on the cross.  For that reason, in today's time we learn that the ark was made of shittim wood.  Here, the word shittim means: wood with thorns; to prick, wood used to scourge and flog.  Moses not only saw the back of the LORD but also the type of wood Moses was told to use was a prophetic oracle of the crown of thorns upon the Head of Jesus.   Here, the tables of stone would placed in a prophetic place of the crown of thorns that was upon the Head of Jesus revealing to all that the Mind of God in Christ would be written in the mind and heart of those walking in Sonship and is One.  There, the crown of thorns would be a place where Blood would be evident to record and give evidence of Blood Covenant to establish "Rest in the Nest" of the Mind of God as one with the young prophetic oracle of God in the making as a disciple. 

Our Prayer

Father, You are my El Roi (The God who sees me) in the name of  'Jehovah T'sidkenu',  (The God of my Righteousness) and today I come up to the Mount of Prophetic OSH, by purposefully recognizing that I am one with prophetic imagination of Your desire to walk as one with me through Blood Covenant.  Like Moses you have shown me many things and I begin to hew them out in my mind: right hemisphere (The tablets of stone-the Heart of God, our Elohim, the Trinity and me as One in Blood Covenant), center hemisphere (Aaron's Rod-The Branch with Thorns that budded--the back of Jesus between His shoulder blades and the scourge upon His head of thorns and His back).  My prophetic imagination is my hand of being one with You and it is there I wait between the cleft of the Rock (The tablets of stone) to wait for You to write upon my mind. I purposefully recognize Your presence upon me and in my Ark I have created as one with you. Amen.

Prophetic Symbology: From Blood Covenant View

Come up to Me in the Mount--The simple recognition of being One in HEAD-the OSH:the Mind and Heart of God, our Elohim -the Trinity, our Covenant God.  

The Tablets-Heaven on earth in the Mind of God 

Hew-Prepare a place through RUACH and visualising (OSH and desire) in the hemispheres of the brain after the heavenly pattern. 

The LORD will write--Hebrew meaning: to draw and sew together as one.  As the LORD writes and draws the prophetic oracle simply acknowledges which hemisphere the word is written and visualized (sometimes more than one compartment in the OSH or brain) and breathe in to acknowledge the LORD in intimacy with the LORD.

The Back of the LORD passed by--Genesis 12: And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, (from the back, scourged, between the shoulders) unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.

Hand-Being one with God in the Ark of the Covenant 
Shittim wood--The prophetic symbology of the crown of thorns upon the Head of Jesus as a place of REST in the Mind of God in oneness through Blood Covenant.

For an indepth teaching on the "Crown of Thorns" in Hebrew Word study in this click on this past Sunday's LIVE from Revelation Hour, or use the free register button at Online School of Prayer and request this teaching.

If you enjoy this written prophetic devotion from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham today.  Here, we learned that the Law of Moses is how God our Elohim writes upon the the mind and heart of the prophetic oracle as one in Blood Covenant teaching the prophetic oracle how to create after the heavenly pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses.   Hungry for more, we got several years of teachings to share with you!  Let's go!  Yes, you can start right here. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Prophetic Corner Come Up to Me in the Mount Deut. 10 Verse 3


Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion 

Today's Scripture 

Deuteronomy 10:3

“And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.”

Thoughts on Today's Verse

So, Moses made an ark.  He would purposefully use his prophetic imagination and create a place in his mind how the LORD God showed him his back as the LORD God passed by him.  A back full of piercing's from the scourge of the cross.  The back part of the LORDS Head with the crown of thorns upon His Head.  Moses purposefully visualized what he saw in the supernatural vision to walk in the same vision of Abraham of the appearing of the LORD God from His back pf piercings --of Blood Covenant, in mount Sichem.  Moses would move to the right hemisphere of His brain where the tablets of stone of the Voice of God was written as God's prophetic oracle.  Moses would visualize, in prophetic imagination the writing of each word in his prophetic OSH (Head).  Movement from his eyes, to the center of his forehead, back to the back part of his head he would hew out space of the words and vision of the LORD God from the cleft of the rock. (The heart of God: Elohim, the Trinity, Covenant God in Rest & Righteousness.)  As Moses went out to get shittim wood Moses would visualize the back of the LORD God in the center of his brain--soon to be the Rod of Aaron that budded,  because every branch had thorns on it that would pierce his hands at the plucking in his mind of his days in Egypt and the children of Israel through the vision of Jesus --from the back side of the cross.   There Moses went up to the mount, or prophetic OSH -the head and there Moses used prophetic imagination through Blood Covenant having two tables: the Mind of God and his as one as the Ark of Covenant. 

Our Prayer

Father, You are my El Roi (The God who sees me) in the name of  'Jehovah T'sidkenu',  (The God of my Righteousness) and today I come up to the Mount of Prophetic OSH, by purposefully recognizing that I am one with prophetic imagination of Your desire to walk as one with me through Blood Covenant.  Like Moses you have shown me many things and I begin to hew them out in my mind: right hemisphere (The tablets of stone-the Heart of God, our Elohim, the Trinity and me as One in Blood Covenant), center hemisphere (Aaron's Rod-The Branch with Thorns that budded--the back of Jesus between His shoulder blades and the scourge upon His head of thorns and His back).  My prophetic imagination is my hand of being one with You and it is there I wait between the cleft of the Rock (The tablets of stone) to wait for You to write upon my mind. I purposefully recognize Your presence upon me and in my Ark I have created as one with you. Amen.

Prophetic Symbology: From Blood Covenant View

Come up to Me in the Mount--The simple recognition of being One in HEAD-the OSH:the Mind and Heart of God, our Elohim -the Trinity, our Covenant God.  

The Tablets-Heaven on earth in the Mind of God 

Hew-Prepare a place through RUACH and visualising (OSH and desire) in the hemispheres of the brain after the heavenly pattern. 

The LORD will write--Hebrew meaning: to draw and sew together as one.  As the LORD writes and draws the prophetic oracle simply acknowledges which hemisphere the word is written and visualized (sometimes more than one compartment in the OSH or brain) and breathe in to acknowledge the LORD in intimacy with the LORD.

The Back of the LORD passed by--Genesis 12: And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, (from the back, scourged, between the shoulders) unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.

Hand-Being one with God in the Ark of the Covenant 

If you enjoy this written prophetic devotion from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham today.  Here, we learned that the Law of Moses is how God our Elohim writes upon the the mind and heart of the prophetic oracle as one in Blood Covenant teaching the prophetic oracle how to create after the heavenly pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses.   Hungry for more, we got several years of teachings to share with you!  Let's go!  Yes, you can start right here. 

Want more? Click here.  Listen to this great spoken word on Prophetic Imagination.

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Good Day,
Sister Lara 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Lord Has Set Me Apart for Him Psalm 4 Verse 3


Welcome to today's written devotion 

Today's Verse-Psalm 4:3 

But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the Lord will hear when I call unto him.

Thoughts on today's verse: 

It didn't take long for David to personally acknowledge that it would be by God's presence being enlarged in him that the distress and anxieties of the many battles he faced would be pushed back.  For that reason he called upon "The God of Covenant as his righteousness" and sang unto the Lord waiting for God to reveal Himself in his mind and heart through His presence.  As he continued to sing when God's presence came to acknowledge His Covenant with David he knew "The Lord set him apart for Himself and that the Lord will hear every single time he called to God in prayer."  As we learn to keep God's Covenant by practicing and acknowledging His presence it is in those small moments of the day that we purposefully acknowledge God's presence we know that He hears when we call and He will enlarge our heart and mind with His Voice and Ways concerning everything in our lives.  Amen. 

Our Prayer:

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I acknowledge Your presence and delight in Your presence as You enlarge me in You.  I do not have to step up to get Your presence, I do not have to reach out and take Your presence as I simply present my heart, mind and body for You to fill me as many times as I need.  Your presence set me apart and in quiet assurance and confidence I know You hear me everytime I call.  You are my Elohim, my Shepherd to the Throne, my Anchor in the midst of the storm.  You are my Jehovah El Gemuwal. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. 
Sister Lara 

Prophetic Corner Come Up to Me in the Mount Part 2 Deuteronomy 10 Verse 2


Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion 

Today's Scripture 

Dueteronomy 10:2
And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which though brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark. 

Thoughts on today's verse: 

Not only did Moses break the first set of the Ten Commandments but he had to re-hew out two tables of stone like unto the first and come up to the LORD into the mount. (Verse 1) When the LORD said to "Come up" He was speaking about coming up in the recognition of the mind and to purposefully realize the mind of God as one.  Everything starts at the Head, who is the mind of our Elohim through Jesus as One and must the prophetic oracle which means OSH in the Hebrew as their beginning to create with God.  Here, the life a prophetic oracle of God will prepare a place in their minds to hear God's voice and understand God's instruction because the two tables represent heaven (Or the mind of God in the prophetic oracle who speaks God's mind) and the second tablet represets the earth (Or the heart of God in the prophetic oracle who speaks God's mind.) These two tablets are not separate and nothing is between them because they are one, and so it is in the life of the prophetic oracle.  In today's devotion the LORD tells Moses hew them out like the first set you received because you broke the first.  In Modern days those who are walking in Sonship forget what God speaks to them, or they come out of fellowship with what the LORD wrote upon their minds and hearts.  Just as they became broken in the hands of Moses the Voice of God and Vision becomes broken in the mind.  Yet, here we see that "A prophetic oracle can re-hew them out like the first" to prepare by using prophetic breath and visualizing with prophetic desire to prepare the right hemisphere of the brain to receive (The tablets in the Ark of the Covenant sprinkled in Blood); the center part of the hemisphere of the brain to receive (The Rod of Aaron the Branch and the Fruit that budded reflection upon the Resurrection and being One--John 15); the left hemipshere of the brain to receive (The Golden Pot of Manna) through Rest & Righteousness with the God-Head in breath through the Blood.  It is not a time to speak.  It is not a time to decree.  It is a time to develop a secret place back in the mind so these words will not be stolen.  Each breath the hemispheres of the brain enlarge through the ark of wood--or, the cross.  For this reason the ark is interpreted as coffin, or "It is finished" from the cross.  The prophetic oracle moves as one to change the season and be in the same place and time in Elohim, or the Trinity. Here, we see a Divine Pattern "It is not the job of the Prophetic Oracle to speak and decree the words to be-rewritten because the LORD said He will write.  It is, however, the job of the prophetic oracle to breathe with the LORD as one His Living Voice in the ark of the covenant of their mind and visualize being one with the words already spoken through breath, and one with the finger that already wrote the words through breath, and one with the sound of the voice that spoke through breath. Get busy preparing what God, our Elohim--the Trinity, the Covenant God, a place in each hemisphere of the brain (Front and Back) through visualizing and through Ruach.  Shake the Head as One.  Move the thoughts as One.  Breathe as One in Prophetic Desire through Blood Covenant.  Oh, by the way since the Ark is gold...well, I have written enough for today.  Good day.

Our Prayer:

Father, today in the name of Jesus our Jehovah-Maginnenu the Lord our Defense and Jehovah our Golden Vesture Dipped in Blood we begin to extract the prophetic scrolls that You have spoke to us and hew them out in each hemisphere in our brain allowing the ark of the wood (the cross) to be one in the articles of the ark in Blood Covenant.  As we do we will grow as a Seer and look for vision of your finger; of your voice; of your word  in the Fear of who You are with expectancy and desire for You to write upon our brain as we recognize we are one in the Head, the OSH, of who You are our Elohim and Hashem.  As I do I thank You that the Ark of Your Blood will cleanse what concerns my thoughts and record Your thought for me because the Blood creates in secret; records in secret, gives evidence of Your presence in secret as Your Prophetic Oracle in my life.  Amen. 

If you enjoy this written prophetic devotion from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham today.  Here, we learned that the Law of Moses is how God our Elohim writes upon the the mind and heart of the prophetic oracle as one in Blood Covenant teaching the prophetic oracle how to create after the heavenly pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses.   Hungry for more, we got several years of teachings to share with you!  Let's go!  Yes, you can start right here. 

Prophetic Symbology: From Blood Covenant View

Come up to Me in the Mount--The simple recognition of being One in HEAD-the OSH:the Mind and Heart of God, our Elohim -the Trinity, our Covenant God.  

The Tablets-Heaven on earth in the Mind of God 

Hew-Prepare a place through RUACH and visualising (OSH and desire) in the hemispheres of the brain after the heavenly pattern. 

The Oracle-The LORD teaching how to create after the heavenly pattern.

God-the word ELOHIM; the Trinity; Covenant God representing the work of God in each part of the ark of the Covenant the Mind and Heart of God.

The LORD will write--Hebrew meaning: to draw and sew together as one.  As the LORD writes and draws the prophetic oracle simply acknowledges which hemisphere the word is written and visualized (sometimes more than one compartment in the OSH or brain) and breathe in to acknowledge the LORD in intimacy with the LORD.

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Sister Lara 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Prophetic Corner Come Up to Me in the Mount Duet. 10 Verse 1


Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion   Today's Scripture  Deuteronomy 10:1 KJV At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood.

Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion

Today's Scripture 

Deuteronomy 10:1 KJV
At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood. 

Thoughts on today's verse: 

 The first time God wrote everything out for Moses with His finger and hewed the tablets out of the mountain for Moses.  The second time "Moses had to hew them out for himself in order to give to God and God would write them all down a second time for him."  So it is, in the life of a prophetic oracle of God to prepare a place in their minds to hear God's voice and understand God's instruction. This takes work.  It's not about sitting down and doing nothing and waiting for God to speak. Walking in Covenant is purposefully visualizing your mind inside the mind of God as one because that is what Blood Covenant is.  There is nothing between you and God's fullness and no separation because the veil has been rent.  You simply acknowledge your position as one.  Yet, Moses had to come up or "Set his mind first" not his heart to be one with God in Covenant by simply acknowledging being one. In other words, "Start from the head, not the heart because Jesus is the Head, and the Beginning of encountering God's Voice."  After Moses he continued to hew a place in his mind to receive through the ark of the wood, "Or, being one in the lost art of the finished works of God in Christ."  Acknowledge your mind is one hidden in God's Rest and Righteousness because it is in this place you are positioned to carry the Life of the Ark of God's presence because Resurrection Life is Blood Covenant.  You don't have to cleanse your mind by stacking your thoughts here or there or even binding this or that.  The Ark of Life will care for that as you simply visualize your mind inside God, our Elohim--the Trinity, of Covenant.

Our Prayer: 

Father, today in Jesus name I hew out my mind by acknowledging my position of being one with you in Blood Covenant.  I visualize the cross in the right part of my brain through Blood preparing a place for Your Rest and Righteousness for You to write Your words in my thoughts.  I visualize the cross in the center part of my brain where Aaron's Rod is, the Branch of the Resurrection of Jesus through the cross and Your presence expanding in my thoughts as my Fruit.  I visualise Your Rest and Righteousness in the left part of my brain in the Golden Pot of Manna through the cross to glorify You in Rest as my Supply for all things concerning Your kingdom.  As I do, I thank You that the Ark of Your Blood will cleanse what concerns my thoughts and record Your thoughts for me as Your Prophetic Oracle in my life.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

If you enjoy this teaching from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham, today.

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Sister Lara 

How Long Will You Turn My Glory to Shame Psalm 4 Verse 2


Today's Verse-Psalm 4:2  Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?  How long will you love vanity,   and seek after leasing?  Selah.

Label-God's Rest Daily Devotion

Welcome to today's written devotion

Today's Verse-Psalm 4:2 

Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?  How long will you love vanity, 

and seek after leasing?  Selah.

Thoughts on today's verse: 

We have all been in places like these in our lives where there are those who insult what is good, and try to bring dishonor and shame.  David had opened his prayer, "Hear me when I pray God of Covenant and my righteousness" as he went to the Father to pray about reproach these sons of men continually brought to his life and name.  Here, the word shame represents the idea to pierce and prick in order to wound.  It would be hard to think of David being so sensitive because David was such a great and mighty warrior.  Yet, at the end of the day --like David, there are enemies in our lives who desire the same to us.  What do we do in times like these?  David called on Elohim, the God of Covenant and asked for greater presence of who God is to push back distress.  Seeking God first in times like these seek God's Covenant of Rest and Righteousness and He will always give victory through His presence, as our assurance, and will care for those voices of shame against us.  You are not what the effect of lying and shame says abaout you, you are one in the God of Covenant and Rest and what He says about you. Amen.

Our Prayer:

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I will turn  towards You when words of shame and reproach try to prick my heart. I choose as an act of my will to be one in Your thoughts towards me and wait on Your presence to fill me and renew me.  You alone are My Victor and You alone are my Avenger.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
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Sister Lara 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Hear When I Call God of My Righteousness Psalm 4 Verse 1

Hear When I Call God of My Righteousness Psalm 4 Verse 1

Gods Rest Thought of the Day: Righteousness positions the disciple to be trained in God's Rest to make room the presence of God to expand in their lives. ~~Sister Lara 

Today's Verse -Psalm 4:1 

Hear me when I call, o God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

Thoughts on today's verse: 

At first when we read this Scripture David asks God to hear, or be a witness and speak back to him concerning his prayer.  As David begins to play his instrument he sings his prayer unto God and calls God the God as His righteousness.  Here, the word God is Elohim and righteousness is the word covenant.  "Hear God as my Elohim of Covenant" enlarge me in my distress.  David showed the disciple that during times of distress the secret to victory is knowing God through Covenant and it is there that God's presence will triumph over the cares of the world.  So, in times of distress a disciple can be enlarged in victory.  Here, the word enlarged is the word rahab.  We remember the woman called Rahab who helped hide men in the days of Joshua as they went to spy out the land.  This word rahab means, "To cause an open meadow; to expand a heart with joy; and increase the kingdom."  David said, "o God my Covenant (Righteousness) increase me in Your presence that my heart will be an open meadow to graze upon Your presence and Your kingdom will advance in me with great joy."   That's Good News!

Our Prayer: 
Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Covenant is my Righteousness.  Cause my heart to be a place where I can experience Your joy today, and as You do Your presence will be like a meadow where I will Rest in Your Righteousness and graze upon Your presence and voice."  In Jesus name. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. 
Sister Lara 

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...