Thursday, March 3, 2022

Prophetic Corner Come Up to Me in the Mount Part 2 Deuteronomy 10 Verse 2


Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion 

Today's Scripture 

Dueteronomy 10:2
And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which though brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark. 

Thoughts on today's verse: 

Not only did Moses break the first set of the Ten Commandments but he had to re-hew out two tables of stone like unto the first and come up to the LORD into the mount. (Verse 1) When the LORD said to "Come up" He was speaking about coming up in the recognition of the mind and to purposefully realize the mind of God as one.  Everything starts at the Head, who is the mind of our Elohim through Jesus as One and must the prophetic oracle which means OSH in the Hebrew as their beginning to create with God.  Here, the life a prophetic oracle of God will prepare a place in their minds to hear God's voice and understand God's instruction because the two tables represent heaven (Or the mind of God in the prophetic oracle who speaks God's mind) and the second tablet represets the earth (Or the heart of God in the prophetic oracle who speaks God's mind.) These two tablets are not separate and nothing is between them because they are one, and so it is in the life of the prophetic oracle.  In today's devotion the LORD tells Moses hew them out like the first set you received because you broke the first.  In Modern days those who are walking in Sonship forget what God speaks to them, or they come out of fellowship with what the LORD wrote upon their minds and hearts.  Just as they became broken in the hands of Moses the Voice of God and Vision becomes broken in the mind.  Yet, here we see that "A prophetic oracle can re-hew them out like the first" to prepare by using prophetic breath and visualizing with prophetic desire to prepare the right hemisphere of the brain to receive (The tablets in the Ark of the Covenant sprinkled in Blood); the center part of the hemisphere of the brain to receive (The Rod of Aaron the Branch and the Fruit that budded reflection upon the Resurrection and being One--John 15); the left hemipshere of the brain to receive (The Golden Pot of Manna) through Rest & Righteousness with the God-Head in breath through the Blood.  It is not a time to speak.  It is not a time to decree.  It is a time to develop a secret place back in the mind so these words will not be stolen.  Each breath the hemispheres of the brain enlarge through the ark of wood--or, the cross.  For this reason the ark is interpreted as coffin, or "It is finished" from the cross.  The prophetic oracle moves as one to change the season and be in the same place and time in Elohim, or the Trinity. Here, we see a Divine Pattern "It is not the job of the Prophetic Oracle to speak and decree the words to be-rewritten because the LORD said He will write.  It is, however, the job of the prophetic oracle to breathe with the LORD as one His Living Voice in the ark of the covenant of their mind and visualize being one with the words already spoken through breath, and one with the finger that already wrote the words through breath, and one with the sound of the voice that spoke through breath. Get busy preparing what God, our Elohim--the Trinity, the Covenant God, a place in each hemisphere of the brain (Front and Back) through visualizing and through Ruach.  Shake the Head as One.  Move the thoughts as One.  Breathe as One in Prophetic Desire through Blood Covenant.  Oh, by the way since the Ark is gold...well, I have written enough for today.  Good day.

Our Prayer:

Father, today in the name of Jesus our Jehovah-Maginnenu the Lord our Defense and Jehovah our Golden Vesture Dipped in Blood we begin to extract the prophetic scrolls that You have spoke to us and hew them out in each hemisphere in our brain allowing the ark of the wood (the cross) to be one in the articles of the ark in Blood Covenant.  As we do we will grow as a Seer and look for vision of your finger; of your voice; of your word  in the Fear of who You are with expectancy and desire for You to write upon our brain as we recognize we are one in the Head, the OSH, of who You are our Elohim and Hashem.  As I do I thank You that the Ark of Your Blood will cleanse what concerns my thoughts and record Your thought for me because the Blood creates in secret; records in secret, gives evidence of Your presence in secret as Your Prophetic Oracle in my life.  Amen. 

If you enjoy this written prophetic devotion from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham today.  Here, we learned that the Law of Moses is how God our Elohim writes upon the the mind and heart of the prophetic oracle as one in Blood Covenant teaching the prophetic oracle how to create after the heavenly pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses.   Hungry for more, we got several years of teachings to share with you!  Let's go!  Yes, you can start right here. 

Prophetic Symbology: From Blood Covenant View

Come up to Me in the Mount--The simple recognition of being One in HEAD-the OSH:the Mind and Heart of God, our Elohim -the Trinity, our Covenant God.  

The Tablets-Heaven on earth in the Mind of God 

Hew-Prepare a place through RUACH and visualising (OSH and desire) in the hemispheres of the brain after the heavenly pattern. 

The Oracle-The LORD teaching how to create after the heavenly pattern.

God-the word ELOHIM; the Trinity; Covenant God representing the work of God in each part of the ark of the Covenant the Mind and Heart of God.

The LORD will write--Hebrew meaning: to draw and sew together as one.  As the LORD writes and draws the prophetic oracle simply acknowledges which hemisphere the word is written and visualized (sometimes more than one compartment in the OSH or brain) and breathe in to acknowledge the LORD in intimacy with the LORD.

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Good Day,
Sister Lara 

1 comment:

  1. Learning to live Life in what the Prophetic Oracle creates is the beginning to learn to walk with God to change the seasons and the times--Sister Lara, "School of Moses and Abraham Blood Covenant."


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