Testimony of Sister Lara


Testimony of Sister Lara

Testimony of Heaven & Death:

In the year 2019, in the month of October, I died in my sleep and was taken by two angels to heaven before the Throne. I told the Father, "My purpose on earth is done as I cared for my aging parent over 20 years." The Father said, "Would you like to stay in your home here in heaven or return to the earth?" I told the Father, "I will return to earth because Your people do not know Your Rest and Righteousness." The Father replied, "Well done Daughter. Go and teach My People My Rest."

There, the same two angels that took me to heaven took me back to the place where my body lay and I was awakened. My purpose on earth is done, yet--I desire to share only one message, "God's Blood Covenant of Rest and Righteousness" until the Lord calls me Home again.

Come, let us renew the Kingdom today. 
Steal Away in the Secret Place,

Sister Lara & Friends

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