Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 1


The Path of Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 1 Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest   "Is suffering for believers? Why must a Christian suffer?"

The Path of Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 1

"Is suffering for believers? Why must a Christian suffer?" 

Todays Thought: Disciples of Blood Covenant practice drawing from God's Rest no matter the circumstances in their life doesn't make them less valued in the sight of God.~ Sister Lara 

I can't say that I understand why people suffer.  Personally, I have witnessed two family members suffer in death and I will never understand why.  They suffered at the hands of doctors mistakes.  They suffered at the hands of wrong medicine given to them.  They suffered at the hands of their bodies working against them.  They suffered at the hands of pain in their hearts because they did all they knew to stand on their faith as they saw loved ones hurting to see them hurt. 

It's not easy writing about a subject like this but, "Is suffering for believers?" I am reminded of the woman with the issue of blood that suffered many things at the hands of the physicians.  In Mark 5:26 we read about this woman, yet to top it off she spent everything she had and gave it to the doctors and things got worse.  

If you have been in a situation where you are standing for your healing and your situation has gotten worse think about the woman for a moment and tell yourself "You are there too."  What is interesting is that we must ask ourselves, "What was the final outcome?"  After standing so long and going broke takes a deep toll on anyone's emotions.  I grew up in a family where my mother was sick from the day I was born two or three times a  year, until I almost turned sixty.  As I look back on those times I realize that my mother was often misunderstood because she was not feeling well and her temperment was not always the best.  One thing I do know is that she loved the Lord with all her heart.  People say, "How can someone call themselves a Christian and act like that?"   

You know what?  Sometimes God allows people in our lives to be examples of the sufferings of Christ Jesus because it is in times like these that God reveals the hearts of others around you and what they are really like.  It's not easy to Love those who suffer because sometimes you feel totally helpless that you can't do anything, even though you pray.  People may not think of suffering that way but one thing I know suffering does reveal what people in your life are really like because of the one suffering. 

A good example of that would be the worlds of Jesus when He told His disciples, "The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and b raised up the third day."  (Luke 9:22) 

When we go back to the woman who had suffered for many years standing for her healing she had a personal encounter of with God in Christ Jesus and she got her healing.  That one miracle was over two-thousand years ago and look at the glory that God is still getting and the testimony of this woman has left behind.  I wonder, "Does this woman realize how many people have learned from her life?  Does this woman realize how many people have preached about her life and preached into the message of what and why they think she was so sick?"  Listen, don't think for one moment that this woman would have ever thought that her ability to stand through it all would give God so much glory as she simply touched the hem of the garment of Jesus.  The fact of the matter is to top it off, Jesus did not even know she was there to get her miracle because Jesus said the famous question "Who touched Me?"  It wasn't until He felt virtue go out of His body that He turned around and saw the woman. Isn't that amazing? This virtue that was in Jesus was the Father Himself because we read in 2 Corinthians 5, "God was in Christ Jesus making those outside of Him in one in Blood Covenant." (The Ministry of Reconciliation.)

This woman showed us three important insights. 

1. She drew from God's Rest and presence by desiring to be where Jesus was. 
2. She drew from her desire in her to be healed and made her desire one with God in Christ for her healing. (If I can only touch)
3. She never gave up no matter how badly she suffered at the hands of other. 

When I read today's Scripture I wonder to myself, "Is this Scripture written for the one going through the suffering in whose steps Jesus Himself walked?"  Or, "Does this Scripture speak to those who are around the lives of the person who is suffering for them to be established, strengthened and made perfect?"  I believe the second lesson is greater than the first because when we look at the life of Jesus, "He suffered at the hands of every religious person and the system of religion but was raised up on the third day so that we will be established, and made perfect in Blood Covenant."  

Jesus was 'touched with our sufferings, and made one with our sufferings so that our emotional healing might be established in Blood Covenant."  That's good news!

The Path of Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 1 Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest   "Is suffering for believers? Why must a Christian suffer?"

Thank you for being part of God's loving family in these pages, too. 
I am thankful for the thousands of people who read these writings and are drawn to these writings because they have a hunger for being established in Blood Covenant too.

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Sister Lara 

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  1. Touched my heart deeply! A different perspective and such hope!

  2. Touched my heart! Such a different perspective. She never gave up!

  3. It’s so true, when one is suffering physical or emotional pain, the hearts of the people in their life are revealed. If the ones assisting are helpful and full of encouragement no more sorrow is added to the one in pain.
    But if the people, helping the one who is hurting, do not show compassion or patience, the one suffering suffers even more. Family and friends caring for loved ones who are sick also suffer watching the sick suffer.


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