Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Covenant Oneness Meditation Psalm 91 v 1


Covenant Oneness Meditation Psalm 91 v 1

Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations

"Helping You Bring Out of You What is Already In You"

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1. Find a quiet place to relax: sitting in a chair, in a garden, at a bus stop, in your car driving. [Time 5 seconds] This is Oneness. You already live in the Father and the Father's Love already abides in you.

2. Inwardly acknowledge the Father's Love is already in you: flowing freely from head to toe being deposited INto Christ Jesus and into your body. This is Covenant. The Father's Love flowing through Covenant elements of Jesus through His Sacrifices that He became INto your body. [1 min]

3. Delight in the expanding Love of the Father acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit outside of you, "Taking from the Father's Love [Oneness] through the Covenant elements of the Sacrifices of Jesus [Covenant] and hidding you on the outside of the Banner of the Love-Life of the Father in Covenant Oneness. "

4. Discernment in Covenant Oneness--As you practice the acknowledgement of the Father's Love acknowledge the Covenant Elements of the Sacrifices that Jesus became are upholding you in blood, water, and Spirit. [1 John 5] These elements are what the Holy Spirit looks for to do the work of the Father's Love: these three bear record on earth as it is in heaven. [5 mins]

5.Spiritual Sight Activation in Covenant Oneness--As you acknowledge the Love of the Father in Oneness through the Covenant Elements of Jesus look for vision [the Light of Righteousness of the Father's Love being deposited into Christ Jesus and into your body]: movement of colors, videos appearing in your Spiritual Sight looking unto Jesus. Keep it simple, allow the Father's Love to be your first Love inwardly and learn to look. [5 mins]

6.Slowly open your eyes and say outloud Psalm 91:1. Then before you leave this place use this confession to personalize in your own way.

7.The Father's Love is continually flowing through me in Covenant Oneness, all day long. I am hidden in the Father's Love and His Love abides in me continually being deposited INto Christ in my body. I am hidden all day long under the Banner of Love and I walk in rest and righteousness in the Father's Love.

**Request your free Sermon Book
Reconciled Unto God to Live in Covenant 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
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Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara

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