Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Spirit Mind Frequencies of Love


The Spirit Mind Frequencies of Love

Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations 

Helping You Bring Out of You What is Already In You

The Spirit Mind is a Covenant Oneness Mind where the frequency of the Mind is Love. You are created in the beauty of Oneness inside the Father as the Father's redeemed inheritance.

The frequency of the Spirit Mind is Love: the Father's Love molds, shapes, carves, hew's out, Christ Jesus seated on His Throne with you--as a joint-heir in the wonderful world of the kingdom in you. This invisible work of Holy Frequency is by the Father's expanding Love.

This Love is ever flowing through the elements of the Sacrifices of Jesus in blood, water, INTO your body and OUTside your body in overflow by the Father's Love. Here, the Holy Spirit takes this invisible work of the Father's Love and causes what is in you, to appear outside of you.

You do not become what you behold you become what is carved in you in Covenant Oneness by the Love of the Father.~~ Sister Lara

Romans 12:1,2; 1 Cor. 2:14-16; Phil. 2:5; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Peter 1:13

***Excerpt from Free Sermon Book in Newsletter

The Heart of Covenant The Perfect Heart -Techniques to Practice

"Go tell My people Jesus is coming much sooner than they think. Teach My people My Rest [Covenant Oneness]." The Father to Sister Lara

Love to hear your comments below how you personalized this template to bless your day and how you are growing in the Father's Love. 🙌🥰👇✍️

Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara

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