Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Between You and Them Prophetic Covenant Daily Devotion


Today's Scripture: Genesis 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Prophetic Covenant Thought of the Day-There is a difference between carriers of Prophecy and Seasons of God more than one who heralds and speaks the prophecy.~~Sister Lara 

Welcome to Today's Devotion

Today's Scripture:

Genesis 3:15 
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

We have all heard the story of Adam and Eve and how they were tempted.  Yet, it is interesting to understand how God responded to Satan for tempting Adam and Eve.  God said, "I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between everything the woman does through her seed and everything you do and your seed."  To get blunt God said it this way, "I will be an enemy to your enemies and an enemy to all the enemies you gather in your work against My Will." 

When you understand this blueprint of God you can see that "Satan uses this same blueprint that is suppose to be against him and his kingdom from God--in the everyday world we live in."  

An example would be, "People of color against people of color, age groups against age groups, belief systems against other belief systems and more."  Yet, to bring this blueprint even closer to home we see this in the church in prophecy when people bring up your past, your present, areas you fall short in and even in their way they interpret Scripture to be used as a means of condemnation.  Yet one thing is for sure, "When you live a Life of God's Rest and Righteousness through Blood Covenant God has already put enmity against what is not of Him to separate a disciple from His presence."  The secret to walking in God's Rest & Righteousness in prophecy is to understand that "Jesus is the Law of Blood Covenant of God's Rest and Righteousness" that is purposefully positioned for the power of the God-Head to uphold you in Oneness and walk in the supply of the kingdom.  At the end of the day, "There is a difference between carriers of Prophecy and Seasons of God more than one who heralds and speaks the prophecy because carriers of Blood Covenant carry are the Oracle of Prophecy and Seasons of God in the earth."

Today's Prayer 

Father, I praise You that You are the God of All Creation and through Jesus --our Sanctifier and Blood Covenant, no matter what I might be facing today I acknowledge that I am one with You and as I remain as One with You in Blood Covenant in Rest and Righteousness I walk in power and victory as an Overcomer over every law of enmity known and unknown against Blood Covenant.  Amen! 

If you would like prayer click here.

If you would like Prophetic Covenant Confession Templates to confess, click here in our School of Prophetic Imagination, or School of Moses and Abraham. 

Thank you for following this blog by navigating your phone to the right and click follow. I enjoy seeing your faces as I write to you and pray for you, too.

Love to hear your comments below, 

Thanks for being with us in this post today, 

Sister Lara 

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