Sunday, March 20, 2022

Its Between You and Me Prophetic Covenant Daily Devotion


Prophetic Covenant Thought of the Day-What was used to destroy you I will create something just between you and Me.

Label-Covenant Daily Devotions 

Today's Scripture:
Genesis 9:15
And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Like Noah, the waters that flooded the earth seemed to never end is much like some of the days of our lives.  Days full of being overwhelmed with life's circumstances; days of being full of not being able to see anything but the cares and floods of this world; days of not knowing when what seems to be the worse days of your life will end--is something we all face in our life.   Yet, there was something that God said to Noah that strikes me to the core, "It's between you and me."   I love that!  God has a way of instantly changing the way we see our lives and His purpose of allowing us to go through what we go through with a "Prophetic Covenant." 

"The same thing that has flooded your life now I will cause to be floods of blessing and victory.  The same thing that has destroyed your life I will cause to bless your life.  The same thing that tossed you to and fro I will cause you to ride the waves of My Prophetic Covenant" says the LORD God. 

You see, just as the waters of flooded the earth the LORD God caused the waters of Blood Covenant to give times of refreshing; times of renewal; times of wholeness; times of triumph and so much more.  More so, "Prophetic Covenant" will teach a disciple the greatest lesson of all: no matter how many floods over take you I will cause you to remember that we are One in Blood Covenant.  My Spirit will go before you and bring to you Good News of brighter future.  My Spirit will go before you and bring to you hope of My Covenant with you to be established.  

My Spirit will go before you and cause you to know, "I will make you something that will be just between you and me and no matter what you go through all forms of flesh that was against you will be destroyed forever and I will bless you to be fruitful and multiply you in the works of My Covenant."  Amen. 

Today's Prayer: 
Father, You are God of all Flesh and You are God of all that is living--in Jesus name, My High Priest and Apostle of My Confession.  Your Covenant is forever and no matter what I might be facing today I acknowledge that I am one with You in Prophetic Blood Covenant to supply every need and desire in the knowledge and fear of who You are above all circumstances in my life in thanksgiving and praise.  Amen. 
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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer.  If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.  

How did today's time bless you?  Please leave your comment below. 

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