Thursday, March 17, 2022

Emotional Healing For the Broken in Heart Hand This Man A Kleenex


Blood Covenant Thought of the Day-The recognition of being One with God with our whole being: mind, heart and body is worry free from life's cares.~~Sister Lara 

Welcome to Today's Written Devotion 

Today's Verse-Jeremiah 17:7-8 (MSG)

7-8 “But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,
    the woman who sticks with God.
They’re like trees replanted in Eden,
    putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers,
    never dropping a leaf,
Serene and calm through droughts,
    bearing fresh fruit every season.

There is a reason the nickname for Jeremiah was the weeping Prophet.  Sometimes you read his writings and think, "Hand this man a kleenex."  The Prophet Jeremiah wept over every concern of the heart of the Father because of a Nation that was broken and fragmented in the mind and heart. 

Yet, at the end of the day Jeremiah practiced what God told all the Prophets to do, beginning with Moses to meditate upon the Word of God.  Yet, when it comes to meditation not just any word, "But recognition of being one with God, our Elohim, in the mind."  The tree that was focused on was "The Branch" that budded or Aaron's Rod in the Ark of the Covenant. 

Here, the Lord God even gave the Prophet Jeremiah a vision of a branch budding and said, "Watchman what do you see?"  The Prophet said, "I see a branch that budded."  Let me ask you, "What do you see?"  We must learn to focused on "The Branch--who is God the Father with Jesus (The Fruit of the Branch living through Jesus) in our minds (Being One with the Jesus by the Holy Spirit.) "  As you picture that "Branch" being engrafted in Life as One with Jesus your mind is instantly turned to heavenly thoughts rather than the circumstances of Life.  At the end of the day a disciple has to remember, "They have the mind of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit" and that is where they live--not in the mind of the events of the world.  That's right!  Take one thought at a time.  You are on your way as One in God's Rest and Righteousness.

Our Prayer 

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I acknowledge Your presence and delight in Your presence as You enlarge me in You.  I do not have to step up to get Your presence, I do not have to reach out and take Your presence as I simply present my heart, mind and body for You to fill me as many times as I need.  Your presence set me apart and in quiet assurance and confidence I know You hear me everytime I call.  You are my Elohim, my Shepherd to the Throne, my Anchor in the midst of the storm.  You are my Jehovah El Gemuwal. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
Thank you for following this blog and subscribing. 
Sister Lara 

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