Friday, March 18, 2022

They Couldnt Even Say Hi to Him Righteousness Daily Devotion


Righteousness Thought of the Day-Walking in God's Favor will cause people to hate you so keep practicing Rest and Righteousness, and remain one in Blood Covenant.

Label-God's Rest Daily Devotion 

Righteousness Thought of the Day-Walking in God's Favor will cause people to hate you so keep practicing Rest and Righteousness, and remain one in Blood Covenant.~~Sister Lara

Today's Scripture:

They hated him so much that they would not even greet him. (Genesis 37:4)

We all have people in our lives where we have experienced people walking past us and they wont even recognize you are there to say hello.  At the same time, we all have experienced people in the same room as us and you might happen to look up and that same person will not acknowledge you as you are standing there and you greet them. 

 In today's Scripture Joseph went through the same thing, except this was in his family.  It's one thing in public places to have people like this in your life but it is another to have this in your home. 

Not only would they not speak to Joseph but they betrayed him behind his back, they were deceitful and lied about him to his parents. Yet, as you study the life of Joseph all of the actions of others who rejected him didn't stop God's favor in his life.  He ended up in prison after being sold out, yet Joseph prospered.  He ended being thrown into a dark well with no way to get out on his own, but God's favor caused Joseph to still prosper.  He ended up being accused of doing taking physical advantages against the King's wife and was thrown in prison a second time, yet God continued to prosper him.  Those same people that used him, abused him, didn't acknowledge him, betrayed him, sold him, reviled him, hated him all the more. 

The one thing we can learn about the life of Joseph isn't so much how he forgave when it hurt, or how he showed mercy when the others never did about his life.  The real lesson is that he chose to remain one in God's Rest.  Look you can say you forgive but never forget.  You can say "You forgive because you don't want them to control you in your mind."  All those sayings are from the outside looking in from God's Rest and the ability to remain one.  Choosing to remain in God's Rest is the pursuit of Joseph, just like Jesus on the cross when they said "He can't even save Himself."  Fact of the matter is, like Jesus--Joseph remained One in God's Rest and Righteousness.  From the cross Jesus said, "Father forgive them."  Jesus did not say, "Father I forgive them so they wont have control over my mind" because that is self righteousness too coming from a heart that no clue what it means to live as One in God's Rest and Righteousness. 

Our Prayer 

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I acknowledge Your presence and delight in Your presence as You enlarge me in You.  I do not have to step up to get Your presence, I do not have to reach out and take Your presence as I simply acknowledge my heart, mind and body are One with You to fill me as many times as I need.  Your presence set me apart and in quiet assurance and confidence I know You hear me everytime I call.  You are my Elohim, my Shepherd to the Throne, my Anchor in the midst of the storm.  You are my Mercy and Truth. Amen.

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
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Sister Lara 

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