Friday, March 4, 2022

Prophetic Corner Come Up to Me in the Mount Deut. 10 Verse 3


Today's Written Prophetic Corner Devotion 

Today's Scripture 

Deuteronomy 10:3

“And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.”

Thoughts on Today's Verse

So, Moses made an ark.  He would purposefully use his prophetic imagination and create a place in his mind how the LORD God showed him his back as the LORD God passed by him.  A back full of piercing's from the scourge of the cross.  The back part of the LORDS Head with the crown of thorns upon His Head.  Moses purposefully visualized what he saw in the supernatural vision to walk in the same vision of Abraham of the appearing of the LORD God from His back pf piercings --of Blood Covenant, in mount Sichem.  Moses would move to the right hemisphere of His brain where the tablets of stone of the Voice of God was written as God's prophetic oracle.  Moses would visualize, in prophetic imagination the writing of each word in his prophetic OSH (Head).  Movement from his eyes, to the center of his forehead, back to the back part of his head he would hew out space of the words and vision of the LORD God from the cleft of the rock. (The heart of God: Elohim, the Trinity, Covenant God in Rest & Righteousness.)  As Moses went out to get shittim wood Moses would visualize the back of the LORD God in the center of his brain--soon to be the Rod of Aaron that budded,  because every branch had thorns on it that would pierce his hands at the plucking in his mind of his days in Egypt and the children of Israel through the vision of Jesus --from the back side of the cross.   There Moses went up to the mount, or prophetic OSH -the head and there Moses used prophetic imagination through Blood Covenant having two tables: the Mind of God and his as one as the Ark of Covenant. 

Our Prayer

Father, You are my El Roi (The God who sees me) in the name of  'Jehovah T'sidkenu',  (The God of my Righteousness) and today I come up to the Mount of Prophetic OSH, by purposefully recognizing that I am one with prophetic imagination of Your desire to walk as one with me through Blood Covenant.  Like Moses you have shown me many things and I begin to hew them out in my mind: right hemisphere (The tablets of stone-the Heart of God, our Elohim, the Trinity and me as One in Blood Covenant), center hemisphere (Aaron's Rod-The Branch with Thorns that budded--the back of Jesus between His shoulder blades and the scourge upon His head of thorns and His back).  My prophetic imagination is my hand of being one with You and it is there I wait between the cleft of the Rock (The tablets of stone) to wait for You to write upon my mind. I purposefully recognize Your presence upon me and in my Ark I have created as one with you. Amen.

Prophetic Symbology: From Blood Covenant View

Come up to Me in the Mount--The simple recognition of being One in HEAD-the OSH:the Mind and Heart of God, our Elohim -the Trinity, our Covenant God.  

The Tablets-Heaven on earth in the Mind of God 

Hew-Prepare a place through RUACH and visualising (OSH and desire) in the hemispheres of the brain after the heavenly pattern. 

The LORD will write--Hebrew meaning: to draw and sew together as one.  As the LORD writes and draws the prophetic oracle simply acknowledges which hemisphere the word is written and visualized (sometimes more than one compartment in the OSH or brain) and breathe in to acknowledge the LORD in intimacy with the LORD.

The Back of the LORD passed by--Genesis 12: And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, (from the back, scourged, between the shoulders) unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.

Hand-Being one with God in the Ark of the Covenant 

If you enjoy this written prophetic devotion from the "School of Moses" please consider using our free register button at Online School of Prayer | Supernatural School of Moses and Abraham today.  Here, we learned that the Law of Moses is how God our Elohim writes upon the the mind and heart of the prophetic oracle as one in Blood Covenant teaching the prophetic oracle how to create after the heavenly pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses.   Hungry for more, we got several years of teachings to share with you!  Let's go!  Yes, you can start right here. 

Want more? Click here.  Listen to this great spoken word on Prophetic Imagination.

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Good Day,
Sister Lara 

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