Wednesday, March 2, 2022

How Long Will You Turn My Glory to Shame Psalm 4 Verse 2


Today's Verse-Psalm 4:2  Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?  How long will you love vanity,   and seek after leasing?  Selah.

Label-God's Rest Daily Devotion

Welcome to today's written devotion

Today's Verse-Psalm 4:2 

Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?  How long will you love vanity, 

and seek after leasing?  Selah.

Thoughts on today's verse: 

We have all been in places like these in our lives where there are those who insult what is good, and try to bring dishonor and shame.  David had opened his prayer, "Hear me when I pray God of Covenant and my righteousness" as he went to the Father to pray about reproach these sons of men continually brought to his life and name.  Here, the word shame represents the idea to pierce and prick in order to wound.  It would be hard to think of David being so sensitive because David was such a great and mighty warrior.  Yet, at the end of the day --like David, there are enemies in our lives who desire the same to us.  What do we do in times like these?  David called on Elohim, the God of Covenant and asked for greater presence of who God is to push back distress.  Seeking God first in times like these seek God's Covenant of Rest and Righteousness and He will always give victory through His presence, as our assurance, and will care for those voices of shame against us.  You are not what the effect of lying and shame says abaout you, you are one in the God of Covenant and Rest and what He says about you. Amen.

Our Prayer:

Oh God, You are the God of Covenant and Your Covenant is my Righteousness and Rest.  I will turn  towards You when words of shame and reproach try to prick my heart. I choose as an act of my will to be one in Your thoughts towards me and wait on Your presence to fill me and renew me.  You alone are My Victor and You alone are my Avenger.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

Enjoy a six week journey on "Rest & Righteousness for Beginners" by clicking here. in this blog.
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Sister Lara 

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