Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Union Gems of Transfiguring Covenant Love

 Union Gems of Transfiguring Covenant Love 

"Living Life in Oneness With God in the Garden of Your Minds" 

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Union Gems of Transfiguration of Covenant Love - [The Interior World of Living Within the Kingdom of God]

In the Garden of the Covenant Mind the disciple practices Transfiguration daily. In today's Scripture, Moses represents the inner world of the disciple. The name Moses means "To be drawn from water and delivered as a son." For that reason the inner thoughts of the Garden of the Mind must be drawn by the Waters of the Father's Love and filled in His plans and purposes for the disciple to walk in their destiny in the Spirit of Adoption and Sonship.

Through the simple act, yet potent act, the disciple allows access of the Father to prepare to reveal and Transfigure Christ inside. This hidden act of inner beauty of Transfiguration is Holy and continually upholds the inner world of the disciple in quiet assurance and Peace. Untamed thoughts are instantly dissolved. Untamed works of Pharaoh [the uncirumcised senses] and the workers of Pharaoh [places of false agreement] are silenced before the Resurrected Dominion of Christ in you; plans and purposes that oppose Covenant with God are thwarted and more.

As the disciples gives the Father access to His presence, through thoughts [whether good or bad] the Father fills those thoughts with His Love from the top of the disciples feet, to the bottom. This is their daily work and reasonsable service to grow in the Spirit of Excellence.

This is inner work of the Father to part the Red Sea inside the disciple, or Covenant Waters of Transfiguring Love prepares a place to join the disciple in the image and likeness of the God-Head in Eternal Transfiguring Love. Only Love joins inner Resurrected Dominion. Only Love draws Christ Jesus deeper into the inner world of the disciple to overflow outwardly in the Chief Spices of Transfiguring Love of the Father's presence. The servant is no greater than the Master and the Master said, "It is the Father who does the work through Me" so it is with the disciple of Covenant.

Oneness is not the same as Covenant. Covenant is the joining of the inner life of the God-Head: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit in continual Transfiguring Eternal Love. Oneness is how Covenant is carried because of the revelation of Rest and Righteousness. Oneness without Covenant cannot carry in fullness the Two Tablets of Divine Union as represented in the Father and the Spirit and Testimony of the Son.

The inside work of Transfiguration is how the LORD GOD eclipses the disciple (the ability to walk in the earth in Covenant) in the joining of the Father's LOVE on the outside of the disciple hidden under the shadow of the Almighty (the ability to walk in heavenly places in Covenant).

Therefore, the Two Tablets with blood sprinkled upon them represents how the disciple walks in Divine Union in the Garden of their mind with the God-Head. Daily the disciple's mind partakes of the Vineyard of the Clusters of Father's Transfiguring Covenant Love; the Son's Transfiguring Covenant Love; so the Holy Spirit takes of the Father through the Son (blood, water, and Spirit) to uphold the disciple in holiness and purity in Garments of Beauty of Rest and Righteousness.

Such beautiful mysteries when this is practiced because here the disciple "Hears the Voice of the God-Head inside them in the Interior World of Covenant." The Word is written in their minds, and in their hearts, where all the issues of Life Flow--inwardly. The Father reveals the Son; the Son reveals the Father; the Holy Spirit takes of the Father and reveals the desire of the Father through the Son in the Interior World of the the kingdom of God within.

Welcome Month of June,
Increasing in Covenant with you today,
Mentor Sister Lara, The Voice of Covenant

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