Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Mystery of the Garden of the Mind Transfiguring Love

 A Mystery of the Garden of the Mind 

"Transfiguration of Covenant Love -Untying the Colt"

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Label-Interior World of a Disciple of Covenant 

A disciple of Covenant is continually increasing in God's Rest and Righteousness inwardly, to live from the kingdom of God within.  This is not a place to turn to; a place to step into; but a place to acknowledge they are already positioned inside of the God-Head through the Covenant body of Jesus in blood; water; and Spirit. 

Daily, the disciple feeds upon each part of the God-Head as their clusters of Vineyard of Love in Covenant Wines of delights.  Each inward thought is a path of Transfiguration of Covenant Love [whether good or bad] that the disciple allows access to be filled in the Father's Love and Flames of Righteousness.  Here, thought by thought the Father fills these and joins them in Divine Union with the Resurrected Dominion of Christ in them, so that the Holy Spirit can take of the Father's desire and reveal desire openly to the disciple.  

Yet, there are times when the disciple needs assistance for Transfiguring Love of Covenant in the Garden of their minds.  These times of assistance appear as roadblocks, and continual cycles where nothing seems to move.  Times like these we turn to the words of Jesus, "Untie the colt."  Just as the Good Shepherd is skilled at freeing His Lambs from the thickets of Life, the Good Shepherd remembers His Covenant in the Garden of the mind of the disciple.  

The owner of the colt said, "Why are you untying the colt" reminds us of the disciple of Covenant works from the outside of Covenant in the Garden of their minds in untamed thoughts-even though the colt is a gift for Jesus to ride upon.  The constant motion of musing; thinking; visualizing; in repetition of what it not Love Driven in Covenant.  

When untamed thoughts are given access to the Father to fill with His Love, perfect Love delivers and sets free and gives clarity of a sound mind in the power of Peace.  Here, the Father breaks the bands that tie and fills these pathways with Transfiguring Covenant Love, to be joined by the Master within to ride the colt.  Here, all the thoughts that once tied the colt now bows to the Master and the colt in submission to Transfiguring Covenant Love.  

There is power to "Untie those stagnant areas" that desire to own that part of the property of the Garden of your mind, but you cannot do it on your own:  you cannot decree it, you cannot cast it out, you cannot name it, you cannot claim it.  The only power that creates is the Father's Transfiguring Love to deliver the spirit of the mind of the disciple in Resurrected Dominion of the One who is meek; lowly; and pure in heart--Christ Jesus.  It is here "All thoughts that are outside of Covenant; all voices outside of Covenant; all untamed senses outside of Covenant; all scenes outside of Covenant that have been visualized bow down in homage to Transfigured Covenant Love." 

"Helping disciples live from the kingdom of God within"

Increasing in Covenant with you today, 
Mentor Sister Lara, The Voice of Covenant 

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