Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Am Fully Hidden Inside of God in Transfiguring Love

Giving Access to the Father's Love to Expand in Me

"Affirmations of Transfiguring Love in Covenant With God"

Listen to this affirmation 

Topic: Learn how to expand in the Father's Love, through Christ in you, and be upheld in Love and Peace by the Holy Spirit in Covenant with God.

Find yourself a comfortable place.  Practice this for a whole week throughout your day. 

I purposefully acknowledge I am hidden in the Father. I purposefully visualize being inwardly filled with the Father's perfect Love and Peace from my head to my feet.  I allow His presence to expand through my body, from within, to outside of me and rest: 30 feet outside me, 60 feet outside me, 100 feet outside me. [Under me, around me, over me}  I am fully hidden inside the Father. 

The Father's Love joins me inwardly to Christ in me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet in the Father's Love.  I purposefully visualize I am hidden inside of Jesus through His Sacrifices of Righteousness: the Turtledove, [I am full of Peace from my head to my feet]; the Lamb [by His stripes I am full of healing from my head to my feet]; the Scapegoat Offering [I am the Righteousness of Jesus and fully forgiven and forgive others 
 from my head to my feet]; the Bull Offering [I am full of strength and deliverance] from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.  

I allow the presence of the Father's Love to expand through Christ in me through my body, from within  from my head to my feet, to outside of me [from my head to my feet] and Rest in Righteousness: 30 feet outside me, 60 feet outside me, 100 feet outside me. [Under me, around me, over me}  I am fully hidden inside the Father's Love and His Love expands me in Jesus [ from my head to my feet]

I allow the Holy Spirit to take of the Father's Love through Christ in me and continually uphold me through the Sacrifices of Jesus in Spirit and in Truth, through the Blood of Jesus in Covenant with each Person of the God-Head throughout my day.  I am fully hidden on the inside of God and the outside: 30, 60, 100 feet and Transfigured in Love and Peace [ from my head to my feet].

Suggested Studies: Free Study Companion Booklet in PDF; EPUB; Question and Answer Journal Prompts and more.

You are Born of Rest and Righteousness Through Covenant With God.

Thank you for sharing your experiences below in the comment section and following this blog. 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant


  1. Powerful affirmation, indeed i have loved it

    1. To me, this is the single most deepest revelation that I love to practice throughout my day, on an ongoing basis. How could I ever look another way? I realize now how much my life has been outside of Covenant with God, yet, I realize I have only just begun. Great to see you. God bless you

  2. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


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