Saturday, January 28, 2023

Golden Bowls and the Face of Jesus

It's an amazing thought that our prayers are held in gold, lined in gold, rest in gold and filled with incense. The evening sacrifice was the Lamb that kept the fire burning day and night. So, the prayers were upheld by fire. Fire is made when light shines through blood, giving the revelation of prophetic gymnastics of the Holy Spirit in Life. Remember the cloud by day and fire by night? Right? Well, the good Book says the appearance like fire. 

So, here we see golden bowls of incense, full of Light (righteousness) which the Father sows continually His presence in the face of the Lamb, as the evening sacrifice. It is the work of light to join as one through blood (Covenant), like a needle the prayers of the saints to make one (in Divine Union) revealing the face of Jesus in each bowl of prayer. 

There are actually 5 faces of Jesus in the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6 we are told to pray. But, in this scripture from the book of revelation, we see only one. Sister Lara

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