Saturday, January 28, 2023

Kingdom Oneness in Blood Covenant

I mean, I get it. But why do people want to say, "Your chains are falling off you? Your chains are being broken?" Honestly speaking, "If we have died with Christ, risen with Christ, seated with Christ then all things become new, and now we live a whole new living way." Either we have died with Christ or we haven't. Either we have risen with Christ or we haven't. I don't know maybe it is me? Frankly, I choose to believe that we have not been given the spirit of fear and a troubled mind, but a sound mind. I choose to believe I have the mind of Christ, just like the Scripture says. How can anyone walk in power that is chained up? I mean, really? What type of Gospel is that? I honestly believe we are free and choose to live out of what was done on the cross. To me, that is living the kingdom way.

To tell you the truth, I believe that I now live in God, reconciled as one with God. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) So if I believe I live in God, then why would I want to say I am chained up, or chains are being broken off of me? Eh eh. Nope, I just don't get it. I admit it is hard for people to see themselves as bold as a Lion, with Jesus in His resurrection as the Lion. Frankly, chains are bondages and yokes that do not belong to the disciple that is born again and in Covenant with God. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Maybe I am just ranting here, and maybe I am way off track to some.

But, to tell you the Truth, I choose to live (or at least try to live) out of everything that was purchased for me to live in through the cross. One thing I do know: I have done things I couldn't free myself from--yet, He delivered me. I have been in places I should have never been--yet, He rescued me. These eyes have looked at things I should have never looked at--yet, He washed my eyes in the salve of His Blood and cleansed them for me to see. Nobody told me how to live a free life. This life I now live is that I live in Christ. It is a life of Rest. It is a life of being One with God. Covenant is deliverance. Covenant is power. Covenant is a pure foundation. For what it is worth. Thanks for listening to my rants today.

I will continue to turn my eyes towards Jesus when I read a Gospel that someone presents to me that leaves me in my own blood rather than the Blood of Jesus. Shutting my mouth now. Thanks for reading this post today. SL

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