Thursday, October 13, 2022

Covenant Devotion Every Thought 2 Corinthians 10 Verse 5


Label-Blood Covenant of Gods Rest 

Today's Scripture 
2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 

Covenant Devotion
Every Thought

A disciples Covenant-Mind is mighty through God because the mind of the disciple is One with God: God the Father,God the Son, God the Holy Spirit in Undivided Union. It is the Blood and the Life in the Blood that makes this Eternal-Union as One that constantly pulsates the Divine Exchange of Life through the simple acknowledgement of the disciple.

It is the act of a person's will to acknowledge this Eternal-Union of the Covenant-Mind through the finished works of the cross the disciple already has.

The Covenant-Mind is mighty through God that causes what ever opposses Blood Covenant to be enforced at the melting pot of the presence of who God is as a Shield and Buckler to the disciple. The disciples Covenant-Mind has the laws of God written in their mind, as One, in the ink of Blood Covenant. The disciples Covenant-Mind has the Voice and Words of God, the Trinity, written in the inward parts through the ink of Blood Covenant.

As the disciple learns to live from this place, inward devotion, the Father goes before the disciple trampling out the vintage and barricading the works of the mind of the world and everything that is external. For that reason the words of the Covenant-Disciple are prophetic gymastics against what opposses as they speak in Covenant-Authority in Rest and Righteousness.

Who is like You oh God? You are one with my Covenant-Mind and Your eyes run to and fro over and through my Covenant-Mind ready to cause any voice or strategy against Your Rest and Righteousness in my life and day. I choose as an act of my will to acknowledge I am One through Blood-Covenant and the fullness of who You are goes before me so that I can remain seated with You as One: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit in Rest and Righteousness. Ha! Every thought that opposses You is Your Melting Pot before me and I live a day of praise today in Peace. In Jesus name. Amen. I shall not be moved.

If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.

If you would like the study companion booklet leave your comment below. 

How did today's time bless you? We would love to hear, 

Sister Lara, The Voice of Covenant 

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