Saturday, June 8, 2024

Transfiguring Love of Prayer Affirmation


Transfiguring Love of Prayer Affirmation

"Helping Disciples to Live From the Kingdom of God Within"

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Label-Transfiguration Affirmations

This is an audio affirmation to our teaching, "The Process of Transfiguring Love in Prayer." Click here, to read and listen to this article.

**Quietly find a place to begin this affirmation.  What desire do you have in prayer?

I purposefully allow the Father to access my desire and expand His fullness with His Love.  I purposefully visualize the Father's Love filling my desire in quiet assurance as I inwardly live in Him, through Christ in me.  From my head, through my inner being, through the bottom of my feet, the Father's Love expands in me, and through me: 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold.  [From my throat, through my inner being all the way down my feet.]

I rest and delight in the Father's Presence delighting in me; and expanding in me in Love.  I feel His warmth of Love upon me, in me, through me and He expands His Love outside of me. His Banner over me is Love as I rest inwardly and outwardly hidden in Him. 

I purposefully allow the Father to join my desire in His Love through Christ in me, through the Sacrifices of Righteousness in Christ.  The Father expands His Love through the Turtledove Offering of Jesus: [the Turtledove is upon my head, and the body of a Dove covers my body all the way down to my feet] my desire is born of His Peace, through His Blood in Covenant of Transfiguring Love.  

The Father expands His Love through the Lamb Offering of Jesus;  [Upon my head I am covered by the Lamb Offering of Jesus over my body all the way down to my feet] my desire is born of healing and by the stripes of Jesus my desire has been Redeemed.  The Father expands His Love through Scapegoat Offering of  the Trespasses of Jesus as He became the Trespass so that my desire can freely pass in rest and righteousness in Transfiguring Love.  My desire is born of freedom and has no written documents of offense against it as I freely forgive others. The Father fills who those others might be and expands His Love through each one and joins them to Christ in me through the Trespass Offering.

The Father expands His Love through the Bull Offering of Deliverance of Jesus; [The Dove, the Lamb, the Scapegoat, the Bull are all upon me and the Father expands His Love of deliverance, strength in Life to glorify the resurrection of the Father's Love through Christ in me.]  The Bull Offering is upon me, on my head all the way down to my feet.

From the top of my head to the inner part of my being, down to my feet the Father expands His Love through Christ in me and rests on the outside through me: 30 fold, [from my head to my throat], 60 fold [from my head to my inner being], 100 fold [down to my feet to expand outside of me 30, 60, 100 fold.]  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  The Love of the Father expanding His Love through your breath through Christ in you. 

The Holy Spirit takes my desire through the Transfiguring Love of the Father through Christ in me, to glorify Christ in me, in One faith: the Father's; the Son's; and the Holy Spirit's and One desire to bring my desire into existence on earth as it is in heaven.  

I lift my hands giving thanks unto the name of Jesus, without wrath and doubt.  I feel my whole inner being full of the Presence of the expanding Love of the Father and delight in His Love in thanksgiving, and praise.  In Jesus's name.  Amen!

I purposefully allow the Father's Love through Christ in me to hold that position of my desire as full answered.  I bring my hands down giving thanks in the name of Jesus.

Suggested Studies: Free Study Companion Booklet in PDF; EPUB; Question and Answer Journal Prompts and more.

You are Born of Rest and Righteousness Through Covenant With God.

Thank you for sharing your experiences below in the comment section and following this blog. 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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