Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Transfiguration of Eternal Streams of Gods Pure Love

The Transfiguration of 
Eternal Streams of God's Pure Love 

Covenant Gems Divine Union With God 

There is One River that flows into four heads in the Garden of Eden and is prophetic of the Garden of our Minds.   This River is the Father's Love that flows through four portals, which are the Four Sacrifices of Righteousness as represented what Jesus became on the cross that was foretold in the Law of the Prophets.

The Father's Love flows through the Garden of the Mind of the disciple and is best represented as Gold freely flowing through each portal head of the River. As the disciple allows the Father to access their thoughts one at a time [whether good or bad], such bliss of Love is joined inwardly to Christ in them in  Resurrected Dominion.

I have seen this River flowing from under the Father's Throne, and I have tasted the Fruit of the trees of healing.  Yet, to know that a disciple can freely drink from the Golden Living Waters of Transfigured Love Inwardly to join them to the Resurrected Dominion inwardly of Jesus is pure bliss. 

Gold is translated as butter and honey and this Gold is Living, Active Transfiguring Love that flows through the Covenant Sacrifices of Righteousness that Jesus became to continually uphold the disciple inwardly in the Love Bonds of Divine Union with the God-Head allowing the God-Head to expand their Dominion freely to the outside of the disciple hiding them deeper under the Fountains of Transfiguration of Light [a Law of Creation called Day] on earth [inwardly] as it is in heaven. [Outwardly].

For this reason, Oneness is not Covenant because Covenant is Blood, Water, Spirit-Trinity that flows freely in rest and righteousness, making one taking to everywhere it flows if allowed access. At the same time, the waters of Grace and all supplies are freely flowing, non-stop, but it is the Covenant elements of the Body of Jesus that these Golden Living Waters of Transfiguration are joined to flow through from the top of the Head to the bottom of the feet of a disciple. 

There is Gold in the Garden of your minds! Allow access today in rest and righteousness through the four portals of the Sacrifices of Jesus.

There are new affirmations to practice this on the blog, and a new label on the blog of the Interior World of Transfiguration in Covenant Love.

Increasing in Covenant With You Today, 

If you have a testimony to share, or a comment please leave your comment below. 

Sister Lara, The Voice of Covenant 

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