Saturday, May 18, 2024

Faith is Expressed Through Love Treasuries of Covenant

 Faith is Expressed Through Love 
Treasuries of Covenant 

"Welcome to Disciples of Covenant
Increasing in Living a Life of the Kingdom of God From Within" 

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Union Gems of Covenant-Inner World

[Mysteries of Spiritual Sight and Treasures of Faith and Love]

I was standing in the hallway at work when a co-worker began to speak to me from down the hall. As I listened, with eyes wide open, I saw his Spirit man step out and walk towards me and stand where I was. [He did not know he was two places at one time] He was full of Light, just as Jesus is full of Light. With eyes wide open, I was sitting in chapel at work and angels began to soar in the realm of the kingdom and Jesus appeared in a Robe of Righteousness with Patriarchs wearing crowns laughing with great joy.

Love is the organ of discernment that exercises Spiritual senses. Faith is what expresses Love. The disciple of Covenant is already joined to the Father's Faith, the Sons Faith, and the Holy Spirits Faith that springs up from within. Through grace the effectual working of Faith already lives inward, but it is righteousness that establishes and joins Faith to the disciple. For that reason Faith is the work of the God-Head in you, and made alive because the disciple is born of Covenant.

Through each inward act of allowing the Father to fill the thoughts of the disciple is the Father's Faith, or works, made alive in you. Jesus said, it was not Him who did the work but the Father through Him. For that reason a disciple is no greater than the Master. As the Father hovers over the thoughts of the disciple this act of the Father's Faith fills thoughts [whether good or bad] with Love. The purpose of this inward work of the Father through Faith and Love is to join the disciple in the Transfiguration of Christ and His Resurrection inwardly. This is the secret to increasing in Spiritual Sight in purity. The eyes are washed in Love and joined in Covenant with Christ in them to see in purity through the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus.  As you are filled inwardly, you increase outwardly under and inside the fullness of the God-Head. [This is the secret to walking in the mystery of creation called day. Get the study companion booklet and teaching]

Here, the disciple increases from Faith to Faith [the Fathers Faith, to the Faith of Jesus and made alive by the Holy Spirit.] By the way, Faith is not something to take and claim as that is evidence the disciple lives outside of Covenant. It is the Holy Spirit who takes on behalf of the disciple and gives to the disciple because the Father joined and Transfigured Christ inwardly. This is what causes the Word of Faith to spring up and sit on the tongue to speak out because speaking means Covenant. Covenant speaking is only effectual because of the Father transfiguring the Resurrected Dominion of Christ in the disciple. 

If you would like to learn the pure basics of Faith enjoy our Sabbath Studies on demand on Saturday in our blog.

Free study companion booklets with journal prompts, audio teaching to read wile you listen and more. Simply follow our blog and bookstore and be blessed.

Increasing in Covenant With You Today in 2024, The Month of May 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

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