Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Basics of Faith A Covenant View Sabbath Studies

 The Basics of Faith a Covenant View Sabbath Studies

"Welcome to Disciples of Covenant 

Increasing in Living a Life of the Kingdom of God From Within"

Today's Topic:  

Today, we walk through the basic Scriptures on the topic of faith we may or may not know.  Yet, what sets these teachings apart from others is that Sister Lara shares from a Covenant view.  Learn why faith is not something you take, faith is not something you claim, "Faith is already in you."  [Romans 10 A Covenant View]

Journal Prompts: 

What did Paul say was the missing ingredient in the opening of this chapter?  Why is this important and relevant to you today? 

As you heard Sister Lara where faith is, and why, what came to mind?  Why is this important and relevant to you today? 

From a Covenant View, name three types of faith already in you.  Why is this important and relevant to you today? 

What came to mind when you heard Sister Lara share about "The word of faith" or "Jesus is the Word made flesh in you? What came to mind?" 

Give an example of what faith is, from a Covenant view.

When we confess the Word of God, we are preparing a habitation to what?  

Was there an experience you had today, or this week that you could have applied what you learned today? What would that be? 


Take a moment and practice what you learned today, what is was your experience? 


Recommended Studies: 

The Basics of Faith A Covenant View Sabbath Studies 

Coming Soon-Awake to Righteousness Helping Disciples Be Established in Righteousness and Awake in God [Free 60-page Study Companion Booklet, Video Teachings, Printable Study Notes.)

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

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