Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Mysteries of Your Future in the Transfigured Life of Covenant

The Mysteries of Your Future 

in the Transfigured Life of Covenant 

"Welcome to Disciples of Covenant 

Increasing in Living a Life of the Kingdom of God From Within"

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Treasures and Mysteries of Covenant Faith 

Union Gems of Covenant With God-Basics of Faith and Treasures of Mysteries 

Child of God, you have heard me say that Faith is something you do not take and you do not claim. Yet, this Scripture says, "Above all, take your Shield of Faith". You see, to take means to give access to, and the Word Shield literally means portals and Door 🚪.

What shall we say then? What is the Treasury and Mystery? Well, to tell you the Truth we see this same word "Door, or Shield" used in the Lord's Prayer.  "When you pray Shield, or close the Door."  In other words, "Above all, be ready to give access to the Father in every situation inwardly to fill every thought of the enemy that is put in your mind: good, or bad with His Covenant Love to weave that inward part of you [pure access] to the Transfiguration of Christ in you to pour out, lift up Faith [the work of the Father] in Resurrected Dominion, which is the powerful prophetic gymnastics of the kingdom of God in you.

Such acts of a disciple of Covenant realizes that the fiery presence of the Father is the Shield of Righteousness [Covenant Portals of the Father] joined with the Faith [Covenant Portals] of Jesus who is the Door-Shield on earth as it is in heaven. 

Here, the skilled disciple of Covenant exercises their Spiritual senses in Love to stay pure in rest and righteousness. 

It is the inward act of the Father [living in heavenly places], through the Transfigured Resurrected Dominion of Christ through you [on earth as it is in heaven] that the Holy Spirit takes [not the disciple of Covenant] action to scoot the boot of all that opposes Covenant [the power of blood, water, and Spirit-Trinity] flowing inwardly in constant power and pure authority upon the tongue [before you speak] to bring outwardly [on earth] what has been transfigured inwardly [as it is in heaven] Covenant Victory "It is written, worship the Lord, and Him only shall you serve."


For that reason, "Stand therefore" means to release liquid gold, or the Righteous Transfiguration of the the God-Head inwardly [portals of heaven] as it is on the earth. [Through the Doorway of Jesus] as your Confession of Faith [the inward work of the Father] with you in pure power and authority. [The Treasury and Mystery of Covenant Gems-Divine Union With the God-Heads Faith.] 

You see, Faith is not how you take Faith is Who you are joined to living inside of you constantly springing UP [take up] through the the Door-Portals of the Righteous Sacrifices of Christ coming outside into the earth to keep the disciple hidden on Righteous LIGHT of Covenant.

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

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