Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Transfigured Streams of Continual Covenant Love

 Transfigured Streams of Continual Covenant Love 

Union Gems of Covenant [The Interior World]

"Increasing in the Kingdom of Heaven Within You"

Listen to this article 

How the Father joins a thought to Christ in you, is what Transfigures thoughts in the Resurrection of Christ  that establishes a life driven in Covenant Love.

Here, thoughts are made alive in Life.  A Transfigured Life causes desire to come from the inside of the disciple to the outside to appear in the Cloud of Resurrected Dominion.

The Transfigured Driven Life is a Love Driven Life in Covenant. Where there is no inward Transfiguration of the Father's Love there is no outward appearance of Life of the desired end to believe. For to believe is to join in Union [one thought at a time] with the workings of the Father, through Christ in you by the Holy Spirit.  

Everything that was and is Transfigured by Christ Jesus was by the Father's expansion of Love through in and through Christ which gives access of the Holy Spirit to cause what is in Christ to appear in open view. The disciple is no greater than the Master.

As the Father expands through Jesus in Love, so shall the disciple of Covenant expand and remain in continual Transfigured Streams of Righteousness Covenant Love.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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