Tuesday, June 21, 2022

With God Luke 1 Verse 37 Covenant Daily Devotion


Sister Lara
Covenant Daily Devotions

"With God"
Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Today's Covenant With God Podcast

I was sitting with an elderly person who is new in their home. As she began to show me around she brought me into her Den where she literally has hundreds of books on her wall shelf. As I sat down in her quaint antique chairs with saddle back pillows, she offered me a glass of cold tea. I told her thank you but I just finished my morning coffee. I looked at her wall shelf and said, "What an amazing collection you have." She replied, "Oh thank you. The movers left all my other books in the second bedroom and it is literally full. Those in there are my favorite." I asked the woman, "Out of all the books you have which book is your favorite?" She daintly smiled and said, "The Secret Garden." It is about a very wealthy man from India who took his daughter to live in an all girls home in a garret. In this place the little girl no longer lived in the wealth she did with her father but decided to call herself "A Princess." As she grew in the home the House Warden, whose name is Mrs. Mention, was strict and unwavering unkind. One day, the gentleman who lived next door appeared on the scene. He spent his life time looking for the "Princess" to let her know that her father left her great wealth. When he finally learned who the young girl was the "Princess" came into her inheritance, in full. When the woman finished telling me this I said, "What a wonderful story that this young girl became what she believed she was." The elderly woman replied, "Yes, but also, we must learn that no matter what your circumstances are you must learn to endure all the Mrs. Mention's we have in our lives."
You see, today's Scripture is "With God" nothing shall be impossible. Here, we learn that nothing is impossible "With God" because the disciple is One with God in Divine Union--or Covenant. Living a Life of Righteousness and Rest in the Household of God positions a disciple as One with God but also in the same sphere of power (Covenant) and wealth. (Resources)

It is what God is doing for you that defines the pure definition of the Covenant-Kind of faith. Covenant Faith came to the "Princess." Faith is what God is doing for you made known to you, on your behalf. A disciple does not live by the witness of man, but by the witness of Covenant and that witness is God's faith at work on your behalf.

You see the "Princess" was much more than a "Princess" she was a girl predestined Resting Covenant of her Father. When a disciple discovers that God is working on their behalf because of Covenant this same disciple can walk in the expected end. Beloved, when a disciple is born of Covenant they are already made overcomers of the world and every day life circumstances. You can become all that God made you to become with an expected end, because "All things are possible with God!"

I acknowledge that I am born of Covenant in the fullness of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. As I walk in who I am who God's Word says I am I walk in a Kingdom of more than enough and greater than I can imagine. I recognize that no matter my circumstances I choose as an act of my will to walk in Resting Covenant with God who gave me power (Covenant) to establish His Faith (Testimony & Record ) in my life for all resources. In Jesus name. Amen.

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