Tuesday, June 21, 2022

With God Luke 1 Verse 37 Covenant Daily Devotion


Sister Lara
Covenant Daily Devotions

"With God"
Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Today's Covenant With God Podcast

I was sitting with an elderly person who is new in their home. As she began to show me around she brought me into her Den where she literally has hundreds of books on her wall shelf. As I sat down in her quaint antique chairs with saddle back pillows, she offered me a glass of cold tea. I told her thank you but I just finished my morning coffee. I looked at her wall shelf and said, "What an amazing collection you have." She replied, "Oh thank you. The movers left all my other books in the second bedroom and it is literally full. Those in there are my favorite." I asked the woman, "Out of all the books you have which book is your favorite?" She daintly smiled and said, "The Secret Garden." It is about a very wealthy man from India who took his daughter to live in an all girls home in a garret. In this place the little girl no longer lived in the wealth she did with her father but decided to call herself "A Princess." As she grew in the home the House Warden, whose name is Mrs. Mention, was strict and unwavering unkind. One day, the gentleman who lived next door appeared on the scene. He spent his life time looking for the "Princess" to let her know that her father left her great wealth. When he finally learned who the young girl was the "Princess" came into her inheritance, in full. When the woman finished telling me this I said, "What a wonderful story that this young girl became what she believed she was." The elderly woman replied, "Yes, but also, we must learn that no matter what your circumstances are you must learn to endure all the Mrs. Mention's we have in our lives."
You see, today's Scripture is "With God" nothing shall be impossible. Here, we learn that nothing is impossible "With God" because the disciple is One with God in Divine Union--or Covenant. Living a Life of Righteousness and Rest in the Household of God positions a disciple as One with God but also in the same sphere of power (Covenant) and wealth. (Resources)

It is what God is doing for you that defines the pure definition of the Covenant-Kind of faith. Covenant Faith came to the "Princess." Faith is what God is doing for you made known to you, on your behalf. A disciple does not live by the witness of man, but by the witness of Covenant and that witness is God's faith at work on your behalf.

You see the "Princess" was much more than a "Princess" she was a girl predestined Resting Covenant of her Father. When a disciple discovers that God is working on their behalf because of Covenant this same disciple can walk in the expected end. Beloved, when a disciple is born of Covenant they are already made overcomers of the world and every day life circumstances. You can become all that God made you to become with an expected end, because "All things are possible with God!"

I acknowledge that I am born of Covenant in the fullness of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. As I walk in who I am who God's Word says I am I walk in a Kingdom of more than enough and greater than I can imagine. I recognize that no matter my circumstances I choose as an act of my will to walk in Resting Covenant with God who gave me power (Covenant) to establish His Faith (Testimony & Record ) in my life for all resources. In Jesus name. Amen.

Online School of Prayer Podcast Archive

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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Speak the Word Only Matthew 8 Verse 8 Jesus and the Centurian


Now it is time for today's Daily Covenant Devotion Podcast

Sister Lara
Covenant Devotions of Rest and Righteousness
"Speak the Word Only"

Matthew 8:8
June 18, 2022

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

There is a man at work who I think is just as cute as a button. He is very kind to his coworkers and to those who he passes by and always willing to help one another. One day he said, "Do you know something Sister Lara?" I turned around and said, "Do I know what Buttercup?" He smiled and the whole room started laughing. Then I said, "Well he is a Buttercup. He is always kind to his workers." Several weeks went by and yesterday I was standing in the breakroom peeling me a tangerine to eat. This man walked in and said, "You and my wife must have something going on between you." I said, "Why do you say that?" He said, "You know she called me Buttercup? She hasn't called me Buttercup in a long, long, time." I said, "Well you are both blessed aren't you."

You see in today's Scripture we read, "Speak the word only" and your servant shall be healed. The centurian went to Jesus for healing because he believed Jesus was a man under authority. See, the authority that Jesus walked in was Covenant because Jesus was born of Covenant. (1 John 5) So often a disciple thinks that if they speak the word only the word will accomplish what it was sent to do. However, we must understand that it was Covenant that made the words One with the words Jesus spoke.

The centurian understand this authority and that is why his servant received his miracle. Just like it was with the words that I spoke to the coworker spoke to the wife of the man under his roof. Covenant makes the spoken word quickened and come alive to where you are sending it which is the pure definition of faith.

Jesus was under authority because He was born of Covenant which is the foundation. Faith is the quickening work and overflow of Covenant. Only Covenant can cause the course of the spoken word come to pass and give a place for faith to have expression.

Today I will practice walking in Covenant which puts me in a position to speak the word and have power to accomplish what I speak. I walk in authority because I am One with authority through the simple acknowledgement of God's presence (The God-Head) upon me, inwardly and in overflow. I choose to walk in rest and righteousness because Covenant equips me to walk in authority as an Ambassador.

Online School of Prayer Podcast Archive

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Whose Mind Is Stayed on Thee Moses Generation


Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Raising a Moses Generation

Blood Covenant and the Life of Moses

Sister Lara

Moses Generation Covenant Devotions
"Whose Mind"

Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

We all have them. We all have nights we can't sleep. I was sitting with an elderly lady today who is 100 years old. As she sat at her dining room table eating her breakfast she said, "I had such a bad night last night I just could not sleep. I had bad dreams." She went to say, "So, as I laid there I talked to the Lord but that didn't seem to help. I just could not sleep."

I suggested to her that the next time she can't sleep or has bad dreams to simply lay her head on her pillow and acknoweldge that God's presence is upon her and in her. She went on to say, "How do you know?" I said you will have "Peace come to your thoughts from the top of your head and inwardly in your heart." She said, "Oh yes, I have experienced that before" then she sipped on her morning coffee and took a spoon from her cereal bowl.

In today's Scripture we read"God (Elohim-the Trinity) will keep me in perfect peace" or--in a position that has been joined as one: one with the Father, one with the Son, one with the Holy Spirit." The reason why her meditating and praying did not work was because that is from the outside, trying to work my way into the presence of God. Some would say, "Oh that was probably a demon." Notice here Scripture says, "God will keep the disciple in peace" the "Disciple doesn't keep themselves in peace" because thedisciple is already positioned in Rest and Righteousness or Covenant. The heavenly witness of God's presence is Covenant because Covenant is the God-Head. (1 John 5)

These three things in heaven are one and they agree, "The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit." It is Covenant that brings Rest and it is Covenant that causes the presence of Elohim to be recognized in the life of a disciple. When that presence is recognized and revealed to the disciple that is the quickening work of Covenant that deposits faith into their mind and heart to rest. Covenant is Divine Union that connects heaven to the disciple and all the power and resources of the Kingdom as the foundation of the life of the disciple above all and everything else is an overflow. Hallelujah!

Moses said to the Lord, "Show me Your Way that I will know thee, and which way to walk." The Lord replied to Moses, "My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest." (Ex. 33:14)

Today I will practice walking in Covenant through the simple acknowledgement of God's presence (The God-Head) upon me, inwardly and in overflow. I choose to walk in rest and righteousness because Covenant equips me to walk in authority as an Ambassador.

Moses Generation Covenant Devotion
Exerpt from Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministry Blog
Online School of Prayer Podcast Archive

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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer. 

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Monday, June 13, 2022

What Authority Matthew 21 Verse 23 through 25 Covenant Daily Devotions


Label-Covenant Daily Devotions 

Sister Lara 

Covenant Devotions of Rest & Righteousness 

June 13, 2022 

"What authority?"

Matthew 21:23-25 

And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority? 24And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. 25The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men?

I was outside mowing my yard when a sudden storm was on the horizon and the sky was very dark.  I commanded the storm to sieze and the rain to stop until I got my yard cut.  I told the weather, "You will rain when I say it rains.  Rain, you are in Covenant with me through God and you were designed to enforce Covenant to be a blessing to me."  All the sudden a small branch came down off my tree and broke in half and hit my roof.  I said, "Wind you are in Covenant with God and you were designed to enforce Covenant."  All the sudden, "The thunder came as the sky got darker."  I said to the thunder, "Thunder you were designed to enforce Covenant and be a blessing to me." 

We talk alot about these few scriptures, "Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. 22And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."  But, let me ask you did you ever read the rest of the Scriptures? 

They asked Jesus, "By what authority do you do these things?"  Jesus said, "The baptism of John, or was it the baptism from heaven?"  You see, when John baptized Jesus in the Jordon river in Matthew 3:16, "Heaven opened and the Spirit like a dove came upon Him and the Father spoke-this is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."  In other words, "Jesus did walked in the authority He did because He was baptised in the Father and the Holy Spirit, or-made One in Covenant."  1 John 5 says, "These three things bear witness in Heaven and are One: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit."  Jesus walked in Covenant because He was all the resource of Covenant was upon Him who is: the Father and the Holy Spirit." 

We must understand it is Covenant that caused what Jesus said to be quickened.  It was Covenant that caused Jesus to walk in authority.  When a disciple walks a life that practices Covenant they understand that caused His words to be quickened and when that quickening came--that is faith.  Faith is the quickening work of the Testimony of Covenant at work on behalf of a disciple because this same disciple walks as One in Covenant. 

Just think, "If creation is designed to enforce Covenant with God how much more is the disciple?" Covenant is the foundation of authority not faith, faith is the quickening testimony of Covenant at work on behalf of the disciple.~~Sister Lara


I acknowledge I am One in Covenant with God.  Covenant is authority and I walk in authority because I am One with authority.  It is Covenant that quickens what I say and Covenant that brings to me what I speak into being.  All my resources are found hidden in Covenant.  I praise You God (greek word theos: trinity) that I am in Covenant with you in rest and righteousness.  In Jesus name. Amen.

Excerpt from Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministry Blog 

Excerpt from Covenant Daily Devotions Online School of Prayer 

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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer. 

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Sunday, June 12, 2022

This Mind Philippians 2 Verse 5 Moses Generation


Blood Covenant and the Life of Moses 

Sister Lara

Moses Generation Devotions

"This Mind"

June 12, 2022

Philipians 2:5 

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

I was driving my car to work when the same problem came to my thoughts for the past five years.  I would think about my mother's passing away: her on the ventilator, not eating for over two weeks, and the memory of my last visit with her.  Times like these I would sob deeply.  I tried casting demons out.  I tried loosing the spirit of grief.  I tried binding.  I tried speaking in tongues and more.  The one time I did talk about it to someone they said I had strong soul ties and needed inner healing. I remember turning to the Father and said, "I simply can't do this anymore." 

Instantly, I was deposited peace in the spirit of my mind and instantly I received the blueprint of the Tabernacle of Moses in my thoughts beginning with the Ark of the Covenant.  I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You have the mind of Christ."  

In today's Scripture we read, "Let this mind be in you."  It wasn't until I received this revelation I realized I  was trying to free myself through works outside of Covenant with God.  

You see, Moses did not know the sprinkling of the blood on the tablets made his mind one with God's Mind in Covenant while He was carrying them on the outside of him in his arms down the mountain. For that reason, "Jesus received the crown of thorns upon His head so that Blood would make the Triumphant Church one in mind and the heart in Covenant with God." 

This word mind represents the the diaphragm of the parts of the heart that are partitioned apart from the body.  You see the mind consists of the thoughts (Ark of Covenant) and the heart (The Holy Place) as One.  They are not separate and they are fully one with God because of Covenant through Jesus.  In times past they are interpreted: spirit, soul, and body.  Even those interpretations are on the outside of Rest & Righteousness as One in Covenant.  Every part of the whole being of a disciple is One in Blood Covenant.

For that reason, Covenant with God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is deliverance.  Now the Mind and Heart of God are One with the disciple in Blood Covenant and the disciple learns to draw from God as a normal way of living for every resource that is needed.  

This word mind also means to be strengthend from the word fenced in or inclosed to put to silence what is on the inside.  When the disciple gets a hold of this position of Covenant with God in their mind (mind and heart are one) they literally stop the mouths of lions that seek to change the image and likeness of the Mind of God through Jesus in the Glorious, Redeemed Church. 

Jesus did not come to put away the law of the Prophets but came to make one the heavenly blueprint of the habitation of God's Rest & Righteousness in Covenant with all creation and mankind in Divine Union of fullness and overflow.


I acknowledge that my mind and heart are one with the law of the prophets (Moses) through Blood Covenant and that simply drawing from Covenant with God shuts the mouth of every lion and _________________________that tries to change the image and likeness of who I am now created to be in newness of life.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Moses Generation Covenant Devotion 

From Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Blog with Sister Lara 

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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer. 

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Therein Is Romans 1 Verse 17 Covenant Daily Devotion

Sister Lara   Covenant Devotions of Rest & Righteousness   June 12, 2022  Romans 1:17   For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, the just shall live by faith.  I was standing in the mail room at my work place when a woman walked up to me to say hello.  As I greeted her she asked me if I knew what to use to get some spots out of her carpet that was there for a while.  She went on to say that she was having company and wanted her home to look nice.  So I told her if she wanted to walk up there now with me I would take a look at it for it to see how I can help her.

Label- Covenant Daily Devotions

Today's Podcast 

Sister Lara 

Covenant Devotions of Rest & Righteousness 

"Therein Is" 

June 12, 2022

Romans 1:17 

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, the just shall live by faith.

I was standing in the mail room at my work place when a woman walked up to me to say hello.  As I greeted her she asked me if I knew what to use to get some spots out of her carpet that was there for a while.  She went on to say that she was having company and wanted her home to look nice.  So I told her if she wanted to walk up there now with me I would take a look at it for it to see how I can help her. 

As I got up there to take a look at the spots for her I asked her for a particular spray she already had in her cabinets and if she would kindly bring it to me.  She went on to say she had no idea the spray would work, but I told her that I would demonstrate how to use it.  As I sprayed the product on the carpet the spot immediately came up and that spot was fully removed.  Now that the woman knew this product worked she asked me to use it on a few more spots.  Each spot I went to the spots were instantly removed. 

You see, the removable of these spots was easy to reach for and make the carpet new again.  We read, each time I sprayed tells us a little bit about today's Scripture "The righteousness of God is revealed."  What I mean to say is, "It is Covenant with God that will make One anything external."  You see, each spray revealed the original look of the carpet.  This is the same way with Covenant.  Not only does Covenant with God reveal His pattern to clean, remove areas of our lives that are stained but Covenant with God makes One with clarity the original design that is created.  No matter how many spots where in the carpet Covenant with God makes One the design of God: in the image of God and the likeness of God. 

Now, this same thought applies for anything in our lives where a disciple has need because Covenant means the power of God (Greek Word theos) and the resources of God are one. 

Just as Jesus carried the fullness of the Diety of God with Him: upon Him, in Him, and through Him, the disciple carries all the same power and the same resources.  As the disciple fully learns to rely upon the Kingdom of God in them that same disciple can set their faith loose for the expected end.   That woman had faith I could help her.  However, she did not know she already had the resource and how to make them one.  Here, you will notice in your life that there are people who do not know how to apply this to their every day lives for every area of their lives.  For that reason those that do are there to help those that do not through the Word of God in which they are called Ambassadors.

Faith is the understanding that all resources come out of Covenant with God to make one. You can't have faith without the foundation of Covenant with God in God's rest and righteouesness.  This is where most that do believe in God miss it.  They do not realize the insight to Covenant with God as the foundation and they have put faith first which is why their faith does not reveal the expected end.


I am thankful I have a Covenant God and all the resources I need in this life are readily available through Covenant.  I set my faith loose for ____________________ to be released out of Covenant in my life and give God the praise.  Father I praise You for being a Covenant God.  Hallelujah! In Jesus name. Amen. 

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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer. 

If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.  

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It is Evident Galatians 3 Verse 11 Covenant Daily Devotions

 Label-Covenant Daily Devotions 

It is Evident

Galatians 3:11 (KJV)
But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

I remember the first time my mother began to teach me how to drive a car. She took me into a school parking lot and handed me the key and said, "You are driving today." As I got in the car and sat in the car I didn't realize how different the car looked from the drivers side because everything looked different: the engine, the steering wheel, the car signals was something that I was in charge to drive at the 'start of the car by the key.'

"Faith is like the key of the car." You have a key to start the car but the whole car is like"Covenant." Everything is supplied by Covenant and everything in the car is "One" for the purpose of transportation. If you have a key to the car the key is nothing without the car--it is just a key. Yet, Covenant makes the key one with the car. Isn't that something?

In today's Scripture we read, "The just --or those who walk in Covenant according to rest and righteousness can join any disciple as one with faith." You can have faith and still not walk in rest. You can have faith and still not be one with the blessing of Covenant. Covenant joins faith to be one and it is there that the supply of Covenant is loosed into the disciples life.

Remember, the key to the car is not the foundation to the car. The framework and everything in the car is Covenant to be made one with the car to make it run and bless to be a blessing. ~~Sister Lara

Today I purposefully acknowledge that I am born again of the whole God-Head: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit in Blood Covenant. All things are possible to the disciple who practices Blood Covenant to set their faith loose and do mighty exploits and lack no good thing in their lives.

Thank you for following this blog to read these devotions with us today by navigating your device to the right and click "Follow" this blog. 

If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer.  If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.  

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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Power With God 1 Corinthians 2 Verse 5 Covenant Daily Devotions


Label - Covenant Daily Devotions

The Power of God 

1 Corinthians 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

I was walking down the hallway at work when I saw two women with a three-tired shelf full of disinfected wipes.  As I watched them begin to unload the wipes on a table they said to each other, "Leave a note on the Housekeeping Supervisor's desk and let him know that these need to be returned they are not approved to kill covid and they are about to expire."  Immeditately, the staff came running over wanting to take them all home. One staff member said, "My wife can use those at home I will as many as I can." It was the supervisors day off and would be back the next day.  

The next day I was sitting in the same office when the supervisor walked in and the staff came to see what he would say about the wipes.  They all re-hearsed why the wipes were there and how many they all wanted including their family. The supervisor listened and said, "They are all going to be returned for credit because the company sent us the wrong kind and the ones we want are on back order."  

You see, "Faith should not stand in the wisdom of men."  Everyone planned their own way on what they wanted outside of the supervisor of that department.  It was the supervisor who had the final power to say what would happen to the wipes.  

The Greek word faith is the word pistis.  Pistis is the ability to pull out of the power and resource of God (Greek word theos-Trinity) because you are One with God in Covenant.  Even in the work place the Holy Spirit will use every day situations to teach His people "Not to stand in the wisdom of men but in the power and resource of being in Covenant with God." Faith outside of Covenant with God is faith in the wisdom of men.  

The Supervisor "Did get credit just as he said he would" the right supply of wipes came that same day at no extra charge to meet company standards.   When you understand Covenant, being One with God (The Trinity)  in reliance in His power but also His ability to release all resources what you are believing for,  you can set your faith loose for anything because nothing is impossible with God.


I am willing to rely upon God for all my needs.   God has the power and all resources to get to me what I desire. Once I set my faith loose for what I am believing for because only God can make a way where there seems to be no way because God made Covenant with me and the Covenant with the resources I am believing for. In Jesus name. Amen.

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If you would like to learn more about Covenant please visit Online School of Prayer.  If you have any prayer request please leave your comment below or fill out the prayer form at Online School of Prayer.  

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Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...