Sunday, June 12, 2022

This Mind Philippians 2 Verse 5 Moses Generation


Blood Covenant and the Life of Moses 

Sister Lara

Moses Generation Devotions

"This Mind"

June 12, 2022

Philipians 2:5 

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

I was driving my car to work when the same problem came to my thoughts for the past five years.  I would think about my mother's passing away: her on the ventilator, not eating for over two weeks, and the memory of my last visit with her.  Times like these I would sob deeply.  I tried casting demons out.  I tried loosing the spirit of grief.  I tried binding.  I tried speaking in tongues and more.  The one time I did talk about it to someone they said I had strong soul ties and needed inner healing. I remember turning to the Father and said, "I simply can't do this anymore." 

Instantly, I was deposited peace in the spirit of my mind and instantly I received the blueprint of the Tabernacle of Moses in my thoughts beginning with the Ark of the Covenant.  I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You have the mind of Christ."  

In today's Scripture we read, "Let this mind be in you."  It wasn't until I received this revelation I realized I  was trying to free myself through works outside of Covenant with God.  

You see, Moses did not know the sprinkling of the blood on the tablets made his mind one with God's Mind in Covenant while He was carrying them on the outside of him in his arms down the mountain. For that reason, "Jesus received the crown of thorns upon His head so that Blood would make the Triumphant Church one in mind and the heart in Covenant with God." 

This word mind represents the the diaphragm of the parts of the heart that are partitioned apart from the body.  You see the mind consists of the thoughts (Ark of Covenant) and the heart (The Holy Place) as One.  They are not separate and they are fully one with God because of Covenant through Jesus.  In times past they are interpreted: spirit, soul, and body.  Even those interpretations are on the outside of Rest & Righteousness as One in Covenant.  Every part of the whole being of a disciple is One in Blood Covenant.

For that reason, Covenant with God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is deliverance.  Now the Mind and Heart of God are One with the disciple in Blood Covenant and the disciple learns to draw from God as a normal way of living for every resource that is needed.  

This word mind also means to be strengthend from the word fenced in or inclosed to put to silence what is on the inside.  When the disciple gets a hold of this position of Covenant with God in their mind (mind and heart are one) they literally stop the mouths of lions that seek to change the image and likeness of the Mind of God through Jesus in the Glorious, Redeemed Church. 

Jesus did not come to put away the law of the Prophets but came to make one the heavenly blueprint of the habitation of God's Rest & Righteousness in Covenant with all creation and mankind in Divine Union of fullness and overflow.


I acknowledge that my mind and heart are one with the law of the prophets (Moses) through Blood Covenant and that simply drawing from Covenant with God shuts the mouth of every lion and _________________________that tries to change the image and likeness of who I am now created to be in newness of life.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Moses Generation Covenant Devotion 

From Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Blog with Sister Lara 

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