Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Call of the Prophet the Life of Moses Enforcer of Blood Covenant P1


Label-The Life of a Prophet Enforcer of Blood Covenant (New)   (See our Seer Devotion Label as well ; Seeing in the Spirit ; Seer Hour of Prayer )  Voice of Gods Rest Bookstore | Creating Through Blood Covenant With God  Todays Blood Covenant Thought: Living a Life of Undivided Union with God in Blood Covenant is living a Life of Rest as a peculiar people unto God. ~Sister Lara

Label-The Life of a Prophet Enforcer of Blood Covenant (New

More Labels to Visit:
(Seer Devotion Label as well ; Seeing in the Spirit ; Seer Hour of Prayer ) 

Voice of Gods Rest Bookstore | Creating Through Blood Covenant With God

Todays Blood Covenant Thought: Living a Life of Undivided Union with God in Blood Covenant is living a Life of Rest as a peculiar people unto God. ~Sister Lara

Welcome to today's time together.  

Let's go in today's podcast! 

Journal: What would you like to learn to from today's podcast? Why? 


What is God speaking to you through today's podcast? 

How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you? 

How can you act upon what God is speaking to you? 


Want more study notes on this message today? Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Joshua Gods Chosen to Enforce Blood Covenant Part 1


Image made by Sister Lara through YouVersion Bible App
Label-Joshua and the Ark of the Covenant Bible Study 

Voice of God's Rest Bookstore -Label Joshua and the Ark of the Covenant (Taught in Feb-April of 2021) 

Scripture Picture-Made by Sister Lara in the YouVersion Bible App

Today's Blood Covenant Thought: As a disciple simply acknowledges Blood Covenant in their heart they are upheld continually as One in the God-Head, and as the Body of Christ in overcoming victory. ~~Sister Lara

I was nudged by the Holy Spirit to re-visit the Book of Joshua a few weeks ago from teachings I shared earlier at the beginning of this year, and the later part of 2020.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of what I taught on in "The events that are happening in the world now are a School Master to the Church.  Just as I taught Joshua to have the 7 Levites carry the Ark of the Covenant as an example to the children of Israel without speaking, so I Am I teaching My people in this hour to carry the Ark of My Presence in My Rest & Righteousness. (The meaning of the number 7)  

It is there in My Word that as the Priests of Levi carried the Ark of the Covenant the children of Israel had to walk apart from each other in Social Distancing .5 miles from each other.  They were not allowed to speak but they must keep their eyes on My Covenant and learn to keep My Covenant.  I will tell them when to speak.  I will tell them when to shout. 

I will dwell with My people, My nations in Blood Covenant as One.  I have sent My spies out, just as Joshua was sent with Caleb and the others and it was only Joshua and Caleb who returned with the Grapes carrying them on their shoulders.  This is My Blood Covenant.  Shall you not know it?  All the others have come up short and full of want.  Those that speak of My Blood Covenant and how to carry My Blood Covenant in this hour are those that I have sent and continue to raise up in this hour.  I see the King of Jericho and the King of Jericho's Captains.  My hand has already given the victory to My people for these walls to come down, but I Am sending those to you to teach you of My Blood Covenant.

It is through the Ark of the Presence of My Covenant that the Apostolic/Prophetic Priesthood will begin to carry as I Am raising them up as My ensamples to be an example to the Nations.  Prophets do not bring deliverance to a Nation, but it is Blood Covenant that brings deliverance to a Nation.  My Blood Covenant will fill the earth and through My Blood Covenant My people will learn to create in Blood Covenant the desires that I have given them.  They will root out, tear down, build up as I reveal to them the Heavenly Pattern to create in the Feasting of My Tabernacle on earth as it is in heaven. 

Turn not to the left or the right.  Be steadfast in this hour and be not stiffnecked to run to those who say they speak of Me and do not.  For My Voice is the Voice of Blood Covenant from the beginning and I change not.  

I will teach of you of the heavenly pattern just as I gave to Moses and Moses taught Joshua.  I will teach you the heavenly pattern just as I gave to David and David gave to Solomon.  I will teach you the heavenly pattern just as I walked in My earthly ministry and gave this heavenly pattern to My Apostles."  


Today's Message 

Joshua: God's Chosen to Enforce Blood Covenant, Part 1

Journal Thoughts

What would you like to learn from today's teaching? Why?


What is God speaking to you today? 


How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you? 


How can you respond to what God is speaking to you? 


Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Being Born Again of Blood Covenant Episode 5 1 John 5 Gods Will in the Earth


About Today's Podcast. In today's time together I continue to share with you the topic of "Being Born Again of Blood Covenant" from familiar Scriptures that we all know and love so that we can purposefully examine the elements of Blood Covenant and the work of each element so that you can recognize them in Scripture.    Ultimately, the teaching of  this series will help the disciple of God's presence walk as One in Blood Covenant in God's Rest & Righteousness.

About Today's Podcast.

Label-Born Again of Blood Covenant

In today's time together I continue to share with you the topic of "Being Born Again of Blood Covenant" from familiar Scriptures that we all know and love so that we can purposefully examine the elements of Blood Covenant and the work of each element so that you can recognize them in Scripture.  

Ultimately, the teaching of  this series will help the disciple of God's presence walk as One in Blood Covenant in God's Rest & Righteousness.

Today's Blood Covenant Thought: Living a Life as One with God in Blood Covenant continually positions the disciples in God's Rest & Righteousness in the finished works of the cross.~Sister Lara 

Today's Journal: 
What would you like to learn about this message title today? 


What is God speaking to you? Why is this important? 


How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you through today's message? 


How can you respond to what God is speaking to you through today's message? 

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.
In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Being Born Again of Blood Covenant John 3 Verse 4 and 5 Episode 3


Label-Being Born Again of Blood Covenant

Today's Blood Covenant Thought: When you purposefully study God's Word by meditating upon the elements of Blood Covenant, a disciple is upheld in the fullness of Rest & Righteousness.  Sister Lara

Today's Podcast 

Being Born Again of Blood Covenant John 3 Verse 4 and 5 Episode 3 

What would you like to learn today about Blood Covenant? Why? 

What are the three elements of Blood Covenant? 

What is the work of each element of Blood Covenant?


What is God speaking to you after you heard today's message? 

How can you reflect upon what God has spoke to you? 

How can you respond to what God has spoke to you? 

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

The Righteous Will Shine Forth as the Sun Matthew 13 Verse 43

Welcome to today's Righteousness Chalkboard Bible Study 

Labels-Righteousness Chalkboard-What is Righteousness and How to Walk in the Fullness of God, Blood Covenant of Gods Rest 

Blood Covenant With God Thought of the Day: Those who acknowledge their position in God's Rest & Righteousness are continually upheld in Blood Covenant.~~Sister Lara 

**Thank you for following this page.

In today's time together I share with you a few thoughts on the topic of Righteousness & Rest through my drawing board to help disciples understand the purpose and work of Blood Covenant, and their elements. 

Today's Teaching

Journal: What would you like to learn today? Why?

1.  Now that you have heard the video, "What is God speaking to you?"
2. Now that you have heard the video, "How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you?"
3. Now that you have heard the video, "How can you act on what God is speaking to you?" 

Confession: Father, I choose as an act of my will to acknowledge that I am one with who You are in Rest and Righteousness, through Jesus by the Holy Spirit.  I acknowledge that it is the work of Blood Covenant that upholds me and maintains me in Rest being continually washed and filled in the elements of Blood Covenant.  In Jesus name. Amen. Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.
In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Being Born Again of Blood Covenant John 3 Verse 4 and 5 Episode 2


Today's Blood Covenant Thought: Being born again causes the disciple of God's presence to be born of Blood Covenant as One in the fullness of the God-Head to rise and go in the kingdom of God. 

Today's Podcast 

What would you like to learn today about Blood Covenant? Why? 

1. How should we purposefully study God's Word? Why is this important?

2. What are the elements of Blood Covenant? 

In Heaven:

On Earth: 

3. What is the work of water? 

4. What is the work of Spirit? 


**This is a snippet study compananion.  We pray it helped kick start your studies today!Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.
In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Monday, September 20, 2021

Google Classroom School of Blood Covenant Three Elements of Blood Covenant Romans 5 Verse 1


Welcome to Google Classroom School of Blood Covenant 
Three Elements of Blood Covenant 

Today's Blood Covenant Thought:
The recognition of what Peace in our lives through the lost art of the Cross positions every disciple in three elements of Blood Covenant to walk in a life of Victory.  That's good news! 

Today's Video

Chalkboard Bible Study

Google Classroom School of Blood Covenant Three Elements of Blood Covenant Romans 5 Verse 1
What would you like to learn from this video and why? 

1. What is today's Scripture? Write it out.

2. Video Time Pause and Journal (1:52) The Father made a disciple one through Jesus as our Blood Covenant.  What does this mean to you?

3. The Holy Spirit testifies and upholds a disciple in a place of God's _____________ (answer.)

4. What are the three call to actions of Blood Covenant?

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Protocol of Personal Prophecy in the Local Church The Holy Spirit Said


Label-Seers Daily Devotional 

There is a protocol for prophecy in the local church assembly in the New Testament Church, that explains how the local assembly operated as a Body in hearing the Voice of God.  In today's time together I would like to share a few insights to bless those who desire to walk in God's highest best in the Kingdom of God. 

In the Book of Acts 13 we read about a church by the name of Antioch that assembled together for a year with Prophets and Elders.  It was during this time that great revival was taking place as the whole church came together to minister as unto the Lord. 

Acts 13:1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

(verse 2) As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

(verse 3) And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.

Here, it is important to notice that everyone was assembled in public meetings worshiping and ministering unto the Lord--together as a body.  Not only was everyone there ministering unto the Lord but the members of the church of Antioch were fasting together ministering unto the Lord. 

As they ministered and fasted together, "The Holy Spirit spoke" and all the people heard what was spoke.  There was unity in what was heard, and there was unity on the focus of who the work of the Holy Spirit was for.  

Yet, after all the members of the church heard, along with the Prophets and Elders "They continued fasting and praying" and it was there the laying on of hands were given. 

This is very important to understand the protocol of prophecy in the local church because "it is the team" that prays together and stays together not breaking ranks of the Holy Spirit and the people to worship and minister unto the Lord together. 

At no time did any of the prophets and teachers go to Paul (who was Saul) to deliver a prophesy in private or a vision because ministering and praying together as a body for the work of the Holy Spirit and as unto the Lord was greater. 

At the same time, after the ministry of the Lord was known by the church of Antioch before the "Work of the Holy Spirit was released" there was more fasting and prayer unto the Lord and then the confirmation of the what was heard among the believers. 

I personally love this study of the Prophets because you see their strengths among the local assembly and their protocol.  As you continue in this chapter you will see that there appeared a "False Prophet" in the midst who wanted the "Word of God" so that the "False Prophet" would turn people away from the faith rather than ministry unto the Lord.  Do you see here what makes a "False Prophet" as well?  A "False Prophet" desires the Word of the Lord 'to turn people away from ministering together as a body."

(Verse 9) Then Saul, (who was also called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.

(Verse 10) And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right wasys of the Lord? 

You see a "False Prophet" operates independantly against "Righteousness in the Body" to be a body to minister together as unto the Lord. 

(Verse 11) And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season.  And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the  hand. 

(Verse 12) Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.

In Closing:

This is a common mistake to those that are young in seeing in the Spirit--yet they are not categorized as false prophets.  Just because they see does not mean they are Seers, however, the greatest challenge of a mature Seer is to wait upon the church with the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit speak to the whole church before stepping out in the laying on of hands for the work of the Holy Spirit in an individuals life. Young Seers have great desire to operate privately and in secret.  Young Seers have a great desire to see in secret and not "Share as a team" waiting upon the call of action and protocol of the Holy Spirit as a body.

What do you do with those who are young Seers who desire to operate out of protocol? Do you cast them out?  Eventually, there will be hearts lifted up in pride and privately seek others to tell their vision or dream without the whole church to have ministry unto the Lord will do one or two things. 

First, they will learn by continual study of the Word of God in a heart that desires maturity as a body.  Or, they will be like those who have gone astray seeking their own way without the body to minister unto the Lord as a body.   There is a reason why the sons of the prophets were called sons, "They learned how to recognize the anointing by what was external, and speak their vision until the Leader (2 Kings 2-Elisha) was ashamed."  

This came to the point where the Prophet could not say anything else to the sons except, "Hold your peace." 

Voice of God's Rest Bookstore--(Seer Devotionals, Click Here)

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 

Sister Lara

The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Part 5 Restored After a Set Back


The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Part 4

"Restored After a Set Back"

Label-Blood Covenant and Emotional Healing

Thought of the Day:  The disciple who walks in God's Rest & Righteousness may have set back for a moment in time, but will always be re-routed in strength and Peace in Blood Covenant that washes and watches continually over their soul.

Psalms 23:3 - 

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

It was a normal day at work when I received a text message from my boss, "When you get a chance come and see me in the office."  As I read the text I wondered, "Oh no, did I do something wrong?"  

It's common when we are nudged by the Holy Spirit in the fullness of His presence to think, "What is going on?  Why is Your presence more than usual when I had my mind on the day or thoughts on what needed to be done today?"  Just like in my day at work when my boss texted me, "Come and see me." 

As I approached my bosses office and walked in he said, "Shut the door."  So, I shut the door as I was told to do and he told me that one of the people I was with tested positive for sickness.  Immediately, my mind went through a million thoughts as I listened to my boss.  My boss said, "I want you to go into the room down the hall and I will be there to test you." 

As I walked down the long hall I tried to practice God's Rest & Righteousness through Blood Covenant and immediately God's Peace returned.  After I took the test and waited for my boss to speak I said "Thank you for calling me to the office.  After the tests result being negative where do we go from here?"  He replied, "I don't know I will speak to the nurse."  Fifteen minuets went by and my test came back negative and my boss said "I can return to work but must be tested again the next day."  The next day came and I was tested again, "The results came back negative." 

Just like those sheep that are led in paths of righteousness, "The road is not always going to be easy.  There are mountains to climb.  There are pathways that are unknown.  There are times when the shadows of the mountains are over shadowing your path you are taking.  It is in times like those to continue to hold the line of  practicing God's Rest through Blood Covenant, because as you do your soul will be restored in God's Rest even though there was a set back for a moment and you will receive emotional healing from fear, or lack of understanding."  It is in times of not knowing that fear tries to grip a disciple of God's presence because of a bad report when there is no evidence of any report that has already revealed as Truth, just like in my case.  That's good news! 


Father, in Jesus name I choose an act of my will to continue in Your Rest and Righteousness of Your Blood Covenant.  When every thing is stacked up against me I trust in the Peace of Blood Covenant.  I confess I might fear for a moment.  I confess I might loose my emotional peace for a moment.  Yet, as I do my part to remain in Blood Covenant You will always bring me through a momentary setback.  I lift up my hands giving thanks that Your Blood washes over my being and through; Your Life maintains my every need and outcome as I choose Your Rest and Righteousness throughout my day. Amen. 

Other Scriptures of God's Rest & Righteousness 

Psalm 5:8

Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight Your way before me.

Psalm 19:7

The Law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making wise the simple.

Psalm 25:9

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.

Psalm 31:3

For You are my rock and my fortress; lead me and guide me for the sake of Your name.

Psalm 85:13

Righteousness will go before Him to prepare the way for His steps.

Psalm 109:21

But You, O GOD, the Lord, deal kindly with me for the sake of Your name; deliver me by the goodness of Your loving devotion.

Psalm 139:10

Even there Your hand will guide me; Your right hand will hold me fast.Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to Walk in Joy When Everything in Life is Against You Devotion of Gods Rest


Label-God's Rest Daily Devotional 

Psalm 45:7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

We have all thought, "Well, nobody is looking I will go ahead and do this just one time." Yet, at the same time, those who practice God's Rest & Righteousness think differently than those who say, "Nobody is looking."  This does not mean that those who walk in God's Rest & Righteousness are greater than those who do not, it simply means they realize they are not of this world and the actions of others do not define who they are and what they do around them. 

In today's Scripture, we read that those who love righteousness, hate wickedness. Here, the word wickedness means, "Condemnation because of choosing what is morally wrong."   Condemnation is the worst feeling anyone could have because when you feel condemned you know in your heart you are wrong.  Condemnation makes you feel like a piece of gum under your shoe, whereas God's Rest gives you great joy.  At the same time, the word wickedness represents the idea of making a person agitated to cause a commotion of disturbance.  You know the kind, "Things around you easily get under your skin."

So, when God's disciples choose as an act of their will to acknowledge in their hearts: spirit, soul, and body, that they are One in the fullness of the God Head it is there that the elements of Blood Covenant wash over a person's heart above everyone else who loves wickedness.  You don't have to allow what is going on around you to mold you into the actions of others.  You don't have to allow what is going on around you to shape you into what is being deceitfully created.  You don't have to allow what is going on around you to influence the choices you make because "You are above that through the Oil of Joy" to walk above those around you. 

You know what, "Walking in joy because God has anointed you with joy is one of the greatest rewards of walking as One in God."  No matter what is going on around you, "You can laugh, you can freely make others smile, you can freely look in your own heart and see the Father smiling back at you."  Joy is a lost art and joy is freely given like an oil of gladness to those who love Righteousness and Rest, through Blood Covenant. 

There will always be those in your life who pass you every day and never say a word.  There will always be those in your life who pass you every day to tempt you to gossip or walk in condemnation with their words of indifference.  You don't have to play that part to be accepted because God's favor is His Rest and Righteousness and the oil of who He is in Blood Covenant towards you cannot be compared to anything the world can offer.  

The Psalmist goes on to say, "All your garments smell like myrrh, aloes and cassia out of the ivory places they have made you glad."  You see, the oil has spices and fragrance in it that is upon the head of those who walk in God's Rest & Righteousness of Blood Covenant of the finished works of Jesus on the Cross.  You say, "Sister Lara what do you mean?"  You see, "Jesus was crushed on the cross and bruised for our iniquity." It is an amazing concept that when a disciple of God's presence of Blood Covenant chooses as an act of their will to do what right, "There is a cost to Joy in the heart of doing what is right when you think no one is looking."  The cost is that "When you choose to do right you are partakers of the Joy of the Lord as an Overcomer of what He went through for those who faithfully yield to Blood Covenant of Rest & Righteousness."  Listen that oil that you are wearing of the Lord's joy is from His Victory.  Let us meditate on how wonderful that is.  Let us meditate upon how great His Victory is: despised and could not be looked upon, beaten to the pulp and could and flagged publically--yet, He never gave up!  No, He never gave up but chose Righteousness and Rest even in those moments because He hated wickedness and condemnation. That is good news! 

Father, today in Jesus name I choose as an act of my will to love Rest & Righteousness over wickedness.  Thank You for Your oil of Joy that causes me to walk around in being free from condemnation and the weight of sadness and grief of defeat.  I was born to laugh.  I was born to be free in Joy.  I thank You and praise You in Jesus name. Amen. Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

Thank you for joining us today!   Kindly navigate your phone to the right and click follow to show your support to this blog, share this time together with a friend.  

Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...