Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 2

The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 2    Label-Blood Covenant Emotional Healing

The Path for Emotional Healing Blood Covenant Devotion Part 2 

Label-Blood Covenant Emotional Healing 

Thought for Today:  A disciple of Blood Covenant realizes they cannot be still no matter how hard they try in their emotions, they must learn how to draw from Blood Covenant and instantly stillness comes. ~Sister Lara 

In today's Scripture we read in Exodus 14:14, "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." 

There are times in our day when the concerns of life try to pull your focus away from being determined to be a disciple of Blood Covenant.  The other day there was an elderly person who wanted to take a short cut to walk to the front of the building in order to see her son.  She was standing at the door to open and walk across a garden area and did not know how to open the door.  So, she turned back around and began to walk towards the elevators to go home.  So, off in the distance I said to the woman "Hello, can I help you?  Are you trying to go out the door?"  She said, "Yes.  I am trying to go out the door to meet my son but it will not open."  I said, "Well you did a great job getting here to this point let me help you open the door. All you have to do is push this button next time and the door will open."   She said, "Oh I never knew that was so easy.  If I knew that I wouldn't have turned around to go back home."  So, I told her I would walk her through the garden and through the main doors to help her get to where she wanted to go.  The odd thing is that when we got to the main door the button was there to push the door open and it did not work.  Luckily, I was there to manually open the door for her and walk her to meet her son.

In today's Scripture we read, "The LORD will fight for you, you shall hold your peace."  As we remain disciples of Blood Covenant everything we need we already have.  Here, the woman walked all the way to the door to get to where she was going but didn't know how to open it.  Like many of us during our day we get focused on doing what is needed to be done and we come to a point where nothing seems to be working.  Just like that woman standing at the door "The LORD will always have someone you do not know is there to help you get to where you need to go."  

It is in times like those, "Be still.  Hold your peace and don't turn back.  Don't give up.  Help is on the way."  So I was able to help her by showing her the button but the other one didn't work.  The just of the matter is, "What worked one way one time may not work the other way the next time."  In times like that, "Don't give up because even though what you know works the LORD will lead you to a place where you have to go through doors of resistance."  It wont take long for that door to open and before you know it you will be on the other side. 

This has everything to do with emotional healing.  Look, nobody wants to admit that sometimes doors in our lives are easier to open than others.  In times like those you don't need a confirmation you are on the right track, what you are needing confirmation is that "God is with you."  Emotionally, this might be hard in times like that because we say, "Oh I can't do this on my own because I don't know how."  There are other times our emotions will say, "Well maybe it is not meant for me to go through that door." Or, "Maybe the person I am supposed to meet isn't really coming."  

If you find yourself questioning why doors in your life are hard to walk through, and there are times of resistance for those doors to open, "Simply be still and hold your peace" and draw from Blood Covenant.  1 John 5:8 says there are three things in the Blood that you can draw from: Blood, Water, Spirit. 

You see as you learn to rely and draw from these three things the Spirit will testify of your situation "Quicker than you can imagine" because the Spirit bears witness to the Blood you are a child of God.  You might think you do not know how to open the Doors in your life but the Spirit opens doors no man can shut because of the Blood.  Learn to rely upon the Blood in Rest.  It is not a time to apply the Blood to your situation because a disciple of Blood Covenant the Blood flows 24/7 in your life for everything you need. 

In the Blood there is LIFE, which is the water that is needed in our every day situations.  LIFE isn't always something you drink it could be a person standing by to help you too.  Don't get sidetracked God works in many ways. 

Yet, from the woman's point of view we can also learn every day realities.

1. Realize the fullness of God is with and lives in you in everything you do: If that door does not open, then take time to stay there at that door and enjoy God's presence and draw from Him as your Helper.  You will be suprised to know that someone is already there to help. Don't retreat.  Stay on course. 

2. When that door does open be assured there will be other doors that won't open too.  Look, Jesus said in John 10, "I Am the Door to the sheep and the Porter opens the Door."  The Holy Spirit is the Porter and He will give you strength and comfort to open those doors of resistance so keep going through to the other side.  Face resistance, and receive emotional healing of that challenge of God's Peace and Joy. 

God is Faithful.  It takes more labor to give up then keep on going because in the "Keeping on" God has already given you the victory to meet the person you need to meet at the right time and place.  That is Good News! 

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant


  1. Very nice devotional giving an every day example of how to rest and hold your peace. We have every need met through Christ.
    Verses: Be still and know He is God and He is a present help in tine of need. God bless. Amen.

    1. Amen Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing your comment!


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