Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Joshua Gods Chosen to Enforce Blood Covenant Part 1


Image made by Sister Lara through YouVersion Bible App
Label-Joshua and the Ark of the Covenant Bible Study 

Voice of God's Rest Bookstore -Label Joshua and the Ark of the Covenant (Taught in Feb-April of 2021) 

Scripture Picture-Made by Sister Lara in the YouVersion Bible App

Today's Blood Covenant Thought: As a disciple simply acknowledges Blood Covenant in their heart they are upheld continually as One in the God-Head, and as the Body of Christ in overcoming victory. ~~Sister Lara

I was nudged by the Holy Spirit to re-visit the Book of Joshua a few weeks ago from teachings I shared earlier at the beginning of this year, and the later part of 2020.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of what I taught on in "The events that are happening in the world now are a School Master to the Church.  Just as I taught Joshua to have the 7 Levites carry the Ark of the Covenant as an example to the children of Israel without speaking, so I Am I teaching My people in this hour to carry the Ark of My Presence in My Rest & Righteousness. (The meaning of the number 7)  

It is there in My Word that as the Priests of Levi carried the Ark of the Covenant the children of Israel had to walk apart from each other in Social Distancing .5 miles from each other.  They were not allowed to speak but they must keep their eyes on My Covenant and learn to keep My Covenant.  I will tell them when to speak.  I will tell them when to shout. 

I will dwell with My people, My nations in Blood Covenant as One.  I have sent My spies out, just as Joshua was sent with Caleb and the others and it was only Joshua and Caleb who returned with the Grapes carrying them on their shoulders.  This is My Blood Covenant.  Shall you not know it?  All the others have come up short and full of want.  Those that speak of My Blood Covenant and how to carry My Blood Covenant in this hour are those that I have sent and continue to raise up in this hour.  I see the King of Jericho and the King of Jericho's Captains.  My hand has already given the victory to My people for these walls to come down, but I Am sending those to you to teach you of My Blood Covenant.

It is through the Ark of the Presence of My Covenant that the Apostolic/Prophetic Priesthood will begin to carry as I Am raising them up as My ensamples to be an example to the Nations.  Prophets do not bring deliverance to a Nation, but it is Blood Covenant that brings deliverance to a Nation.  My Blood Covenant will fill the earth and through My Blood Covenant My people will learn to create in Blood Covenant the desires that I have given them.  They will root out, tear down, build up as I reveal to them the Heavenly Pattern to create in the Feasting of My Tabernacle on earth as it is in heaven. 

Turn not to the left or the right.  Be steadfast in this hour and be not stiffnecked to run to those who say they speak of Me and do not.  For My Voice is the Voice of Blood Covenant from the beginning and I change not.  

I will teach of you of the heavenly pattern just as I gave to Moses and Moses taught Joshua.  I will teach you the heavenly pattern just as I gave to David and David gave to Solomon.  I will teach you the heavenly pattern just as I walked in My earthly ministry and gave this heavenly pattern to My Apostles."  


Today's Message 

Joshua: God's Chosen to Enforce Blood Covenant, Part 1

Journal Thoughts

What would you like to learn from today's teaching? Why?


What is God speaking to you today? 


How can you reflect upon what God is speaking to you? 


How can you respond to what God is speaking to you? 


Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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