Saturday, August 14, 2021

Conversations With God Blood Covenant What Do You Desire?

 Welcome to Prophetic Wells, "Conversations With God on Blood Covenant, Part 2" 

A Spoken Word Devotion of an open journal of my life in the revelation of Blood Covenant.

 What Do You Desire? 

Voice of Jesus 

We all desired to have a place on earth like it is in heaven and in that place everything We created to be there: to talk with, to go with, to create with to be One is Our Dream because the Father's Love wanted to be shared and have a Family.  

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and darkness was upon the face of the deep. So, I wrote about this in My Word.  I desired it.  There, the Spirit of who We are moved upon the face of the earth.  In the same way allow the Spirit of who we are to move upon; through; around; fill everything you desire.  Your desire is Spiritual not earthly-or in the body. (Proseuche.)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. So, I wrote about this in My Word.  I desired it.  There, the Spirit of who We are moved upon the face of the earth.  In the same way, allow the Spirit of who We are to move upon you; through you; around you; fill everything you desire.  Your desire is Spiritual not earthly or in the body. (Proseuche.)

Rest in Blood Covenant.  Experience the presence of the Waters of Life moving, speaking, creating and creating, create with Me.  These  Waters that you see are Waters of Life that come from Life in the Blood. Blood Covenant. Yes, as you acknowledge in your heart and your whole being that you are One in Blood Covenant the Voice you hear in you the Holy Spirit will cause you to hear "Conversations with My Father, Conversations with the Holy Spirit, Conversations with who I Am." 

An Open Journal Spoken Word Devotion 

Listen as you read. 

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Suddenly, I am in...

A Field of Golden Wheat With Jesus

There,  I found myself laying in a field with my head on Jesus` lap and Jesus was sitting upward looking down over me.  He held each arm of mine as I looked up into His face: His long hair coming down over His shoulders, the Robe of Righteousness He had on with a Red Shawl over His shoulders with purple colors in and out of the Red Shawl.  As Jesus was speaking to me the words, "Create with Me" He reached down and put His hands on each side of my face and gently blew upon my lips.  This act was so fast I thought to myself, "Jesus did you impart Your Breath to me?"  As I continued to listen to Jesus speak and enjoy His gaze, Jesus repeated reaching down to me with His Breath on my lips and gently and quickly touched His lips to mine.  There He said "Create with Me" a second time.  The wheat field was lush and full of Life.  The tips of the wheat was bowing in His presence with a gentle wind of Life blowing over them causing them to dance in His presence.

Draw-Back To the Garden

Draw from Blood Covenant there is abundance of supply of Life and the ability to create.  Draw from the Waters of Life in Blood Covenant there is an Eternal Supply for all you need.  Draw from My Voice.  Draw from the Father's Voice.  Draw from the Holy Spirit's Life.  We will never leave you. We will never forsake you. 


Fill your desire with what you want.  The Father said, "Le us make mankind in our image" so we made mankind and filled mankind with Our Desires.  We wrote upon mankinds heart words of Life.  We wrote upon mankinds being, "You are One."  We wrote upon mankinds flesh, "You are One" and We filled you with Waters of Life and We breathed into mankind all that We created.  


I live in you with My Father and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit in fullness.  All the riches are found in Me.  As you live as One in Blood Covenant let the desire of your whole being come out of who I Am.  Let Blood Covenant transfer those desires into your being born again Spirit being from who We are.  Let the Waters transfer abundance of Life through Me into Your Life for Divine Appointments.  My Father called everything out of the Waters that we made that had Life, so will you transfer everything you create out of the Waters by calling things out that are not as though they were through Blood Covenant.  Draw from Blood Covenant so that the desires of your heart will be created in Blood Covenant.  Many speak My Word but are not in Blood Covenant and nothing can be created.  Only Blood Covenant can give shape to what you created.  Only Blood Covenant can "Transfer" from out of the fullness of the Firmanent of Our Presence through Me into you.  

In the beginning We created heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and without shape and was void.  To be without form does not mean it does not exist, because they did exist.  To be without form means that Blood Covenant was not yet cut into shape on the desires of Our Heart, as One.  Many have desires that We have given to them and they are void and without shape and without form.  They have tried to speak the desires of their heart into being but they have never been transfered through being One in Blood Covenant.  Blood Covenant cuts the desire of your heart.  Blood Covenant shapes the desires of your heart. Blood Covenant causes the desires of your heart to come into being as you speak them. 

Only Blood Covenant testifies of what you desire to create because the fullness of who we are are the pattern of how to cut Blood Covenant.   It is written in My Word "These three things bear witness in the earth: Blood, Water, Spirit."  (1 John 5) At the same time, these three things bear witness in Heaven, "The Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son."  Blood Covenant hovers over what you create because We fertilize the desires of your heart with Life, (in the Waters of Blood Covenant), with Blood (Sanctify your desires to be cut and formed, and shaped) and the Spirit (To quicken and make alive.) 


Just as the Father created fish to multiply you have created to multiply.  This is true prayer.  This is true dominion.  To create in prayer is to cut Covenant: Blood, Water, Spirit.  Take time to think about your life.  Are you living the way you desire?  Your desire is what has been transferred into you to create with Us.  Just as I spoke to Abraham, "If you can see it you can have it."  Just as I told Elisha, "If you see me, you can have it." 

So Rest & Draw 

Find yourself resting in Blood Covenant.  In that place of rest begin walking and know that We are with you inside your whole being in fullness. I taught Moses this.  He built a Tabernacle with Three Compartments and He wrote it down and He drew it. 

I am One with the Father and Us trhough and together with Him in the Holy of Holies. So, he wrote it and he drew it. He wrote about the Holy of Holies and He drew it.  There he put Blood Covenant in the Ark of the Covenant: Blood, Water, Spirit. Blood upon the Word, Spirit was the Rod and the Waters of Life caused the Rod to bud and bear Fruit.  There the only place to live is the Ark of Covenant and the Golden Pot of Manna.  It is Gold in Habitation.  (One in Blood Covenant.) 

The second compartment the Holy Spirit with Him in the Holy Place.  There, the Menorah: a symbol of the Tree of Life given Life to all that is there: Wisdom and Understanding, Council and Might, Knowledge of who we are as One.  The Center of the Shaft represents you are One with Me, as My Father is One and it is the Holy Spirit who gives Light to Blood Covenant in the Fear of who we are. 

 There, we also see the Table of Shewbread.  He drew it.  He wrote it down how all were made One in the Kingdom and how all the Life of Blood of Covenant causes the Bread to be One on the Golden Table of Rest. There, My Father and I are One as you are One with Me and the Holy Spirit is One. He crowns us with Life yet we are in that Crown.  The Father and who I Am as a Wall of Protection; as a Wall of Life having you centered in Our Rest.  To sup with Us, to go with Us, to talk with Us, to muse with Us, to meditate with Us upon the desires of your heart.  He (Moses) drew it. He talked about it.  He talked and drew about how the Priests would go and partake of that Bread. 

Then, He drew the Ark of the Altar of Incense  sitting upon the wood.  The Altar is a picture of how I Am One with the Father and how the Holy Spirit gives incense of Life and Light.  It is there the Priests took the Blood and applied to the veil.  Yet, he drew it and talked about.  He drew it and talked about it more.  He showed us the desire of his heart (Moses) to move as One in Blood Covenant.  

All that is Outside of the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place is the Water and the Blood to be washed through the Laver representing how we are One. All that is in the Court is a picture of the Cross: the Blood, the Water, the Spirit  represents how we are One.  He (Moses) cut Blood Covenant how we are One and He (Moses) taught the Priest how to cut Blood Covenant daily. 


It is written you are My Temple, or "You have been cut in Blood Covenant." Present your body a living place for us to dwell, and we will establish Our Covenant with you in increase.  You will only hear Our Voice in this place.  Just as I spoke to Moses out of the mountain, I will speak to you from within your whole heart.  (Exodus 19:1-3) Your being is Our Mountain to dwell in on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

Be still.  Let My Spirit continue to make your desires One in Blood Covenant in abundance. Let My Spirit continue to move over your eyes.  Let My Spirit continue to move upon you in fullness over your ears; over your eyes. We desire to move over You and through you.  When We move in this Way We fertilize the desires of your heart through Blood Covenant with Our Desires and yours to be One.  Desires must be cut as One in Blood Covenant. To have a desire not cut in Blood Covenant is to eat from the Tree of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This is learning to cut Covenant with Who We are.  Be still find yourself inside of Blood Covenant.  Let the fullness of who we are cut Covenant with the desires of your heart over your smell; over your nose, over your brain, over your thoughts, over your ears, over your neck, over the back of your neck, over your shoulders.  This is Blood Covenant. This is the Government of who we are.

See the desires being One in Blood Covenant with passion; with emotion of the Fruits of Blood Covenant in My Word, which are Fruits of Righteousness.  Fruits of Righteousness are more than right standing with who We are, "Righteousness shows Our Passion: Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Patience, Goodness, Mercy, Faith, Longsuffering, Meekness, Self Control" and against these there is no law.  Righteousness not only reveals our Passion but Righteousness cuts Covenant on your behalf to cause the desires of your heart to drop down out of secret places of the Firmanent of the Cloud of Our Presence into your life.  Righteousness is a Key that cuts Covenant and Righteousness is a Key that reveals what has been cut. 

Relax and be still in Blood Covenant.  Let the Spirit of who We  move upon the Life (Waters) in you and through you over your shoulders; over your arms to your fingers.  Over your heart, over your lungs; over your heart. Let not one desire be left undone outside of being cut in Blood Covenant.  As you relax and allow Us to move and cut Covenant to your desires learn to Breathe and learn to Breathe in through the presence of who We are.  Learn to Breathe them out and Breathe out as One in Blood Covenant.  

Just as Breath was given to Adam Breath cut Covenant by releasing Blood, by releasing Water, by releasing Our Spirit with His as One in overflow. What came out of Him He saw and named (Called into being.)  Desire Breathe. Through your abdomen breathe in Blood Covenant; through your intestines breathe in Blood Covenant, through your bladder breathe in Blood Covenant.  Let it cut and let it release Waters of Life and Spirit. Habitation of who We are, through your colon let the fullness of the Spirit fill the desires and become a Habitation.  Breathe in Our Life into those desires and create with Me and We will cut Covenant with those desires in your abdomen, through your intestines, in your kidneys, in your bladder, in your colon, in your upper legs, in your lower legs, past your knees down to your toes into the earth.  This is exactly what Moses did.  He drew a picture of the Tabernacle how He was One with the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit. He drew a picture of how all of those who would come after Him as Priests would be revealed as One in their monthly and daily job to cut Blood Covenant with their being.

It is written, "Heaven is your Throne (Life in the Spirit of Fullness) and the earth is your Footstool." 

Thanks for listening to "Conversations with God on Blood Covenant Part 2 | A Spoken Word Devotion From My Open Journal to You." 

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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