Saturday, August 14, 2021

Conversations With God Blood Covenant Cutting Covenant as One


 Conversations With God Blood Covenant Cutting Covenant as One (Part 3)

As you draw from Blood Covenant in the Garden of Eden (In God's being) and you relax as One continue to meditate upon the abundance around you.  As you look at the Rivers around the Garden you see the abundance of Trees on either side.  Each Tree bears Fruit for every season and the leave never wither from abundance.  Each Fruit has been cut in Blood Covenant because each Fruit has Life which are Fruits of Righteousness.  Fruits of Righteousness are realms that cut Blood Covenant making Our Desires One with yours on earth as it is in heaven.  For that reason Righteousness is a Key to the Kingdom because every Key cuts Blood Covenant and duplicates Blood Covenant on earth as it is in heaven. Continue to see the desire of your heart as One in Blood Covenant.  Call those desires out of the Waters and you will begin to have those Desires meet you in your life and manifest to give to people and serve to those whom I send you in Blood Covenant. 

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Conversations Wtih God Blood Covenant Cut Covenant as One
What is it you desire needs to be accomplished.  There are also angels of Blood Covenant as "Cherubim" are on the outside of the Tree of Life.  With each flame from their swords the Flames of Fire cut Covenant.  The Flame of Fire is the fullness of our Passion to be One with the Redeemed yet this same Flame of Fire cuts Covenant against all that tries to break Blood Covenant with you.  Here, the Blood of Covenant speaks against false witness and the Blood of Covenant makes you a witness unto Me.  The angels cut Blood Covenant in their protection as everything that I have created has been created in Blood Covenant to cut the desires of their heart to be One in Blood Covenant.  This is true Priesthood.  This is true Kingship.  This is true reigning and ruling.  This is true Prayer. My Temple is a Distribution Center to Cut Blood Covenant and cause the Desires of your heart and Ours One to cover the earth in Glory and Righteousness. 

Just as each seed in the Garden replenishes, it has been given Our Ability to duplicate in Blood Covenant.  The angels bring you everything needed to replenish, because this is part of cutting Blood Covenant.  It is written, "Angels keep you in all your ways."  

The Holy Spirit hovers over the face of all the things brought and given to you just as the Holy Spirit hovered over everything to be created through Blood Covenant.  Your desire will enlarge through each month of the year because the Holy Spirit is always enlarging your desires in Blood Covenant, "From faith to faith and glory to glory." 

Section Two-Transfigured

Just as I was on the Mt of Transfiguration with My disciples I wanted the Father to reveal how I did what I Am telling you.  I allowed the cloud of the presence Our Fullness to hover in Blood Covenant to become One.  I let the fullness of the Spirit of God to hover over Me, enlarge Me, until eyes of My disciples could see and hear and be opened to see into the Kingdom.  When I enlarge in You your eyes will be opened through and only Blood Covenant in open vision of the Kingdom. 

There, the disciples could see and heart and there My disciple wanted to create.  It is written, "Should we make booths so that all will come?"  So will all come to what you create and make One in Blood Covenant.  Others will be drawn by the Spirit to walk in My Temple by Your example because Blood Covenant will Testify of Our Presence to those whom are sent to you.  It is written "My disciples walked into the cloud." This is when My Father said, "This is My Beloved Son hear ye Him, in whom I AM pleased." 

Section Three-Light 

Just as the Holy Spirit came upon Me in My Word, "Did you notice the Holy Spirit lighted upon Me?"  Light is Life in the Waters of Blood Covenant from the Spirit.  Now, I speak to you a mystery.  The Holy Spirit reveals Light of Righteousness to cut Covenant.  For this reason, "I came full of Light" so that the Holy Spirit would take of that Light in Me and cut Covenant with Light. I of My ownself can do nothing.  

My Body was cut to make You One in Blood Covenant to give You Life.  Yet, the Holy Spirit cuts with Light that comes from Life to make Righteous.  Righteousness is more than right standing with who We are, "Righteousness is the Key that cuts Blood Covenant in the same shape and form as We are, as One.  Righteousness is the Key the cuts Blood Covenant in the same shape and form as the Desires of our heart in yours to be One, on earth as it is in heaven."  The same Spirit that is upon Me is upon You to "Cut Blood Covenant" in all that you create this is true work of prayer.  This is the true work of being an Ambassador of My Kingdom. 

Section Four-Light Cuts & Light Shapes What is Cut 

When you speak My revelation that Word through Blood Covenant that My Father reveals, goes forth to cut and shape where it is sent as One in Blood Covenant.  For that reason, "Blood Covenant" makes My Word sharper than any two edged sword to cut Blood Covenant and give shape and form. 

Find yourself hidden in God and find yourself being put into Me of My Father by the Spirit of God.  Let Light in Blood Covenant hover over you going through you and upon the desires of your being you have created.  This Light will cut, frame, shape, create as One in Blood Covenant and separate day from night your desire and set it aside.  Your desire has been created just as it was in the beginning.  We created heaven and the earth now releax and be still and let Light from Blood Covenant cut the desires to awaken .  See your desire from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet be cut in Blood Covenant by allowing the Light of the Spirit of God cut Blood Covenant and make your desires as One.  This is when you call out of the waters what you have created.  We will come out of heaven and make those desires be one in the earth in Habitation of Blood Covenant.  This is the work of Sonship and this is the work of the Priest and King to rule and reign in the Kingdom. 

As you allow Blood Covenant to cut those desires in your heart with Light you are creating like Me.  It is written "All things were created by Me and all things became by Me." Each time you allow what bears witness in heaven: My Father, the Holy Spirit, and Myself to the desires of your heart through Blood Covenant, "You are learning to create like Us as One." 

In the beginning it is written, "And God said let there be Light."  There was Light and He saw that it was good.  Light cut Covenant with what was without shape and form by causing what was in secret to appear and drop down out of the firmanent into My Son for Him to Proseuche (Create in the Three Elements of Blood Covenant) and appear. 

You must learn to live in what you create.  Your body is Our Temple to become a Vault to create and moveout of heaven into the earth.  (Proseuche)  This is prayer. This is Blood Covenant.  You only heart Our Voice and it is only Our Desire we have put in you that you are passionate about to create.  You delight in the Fruits of the Tree of Blood Covenant.  You are increasing in Blood Covenant because You are increasing as One in the Fruits of Righetousness.  (Galatians 5) 

As you learn to create in Blood Covenant you will be given more insights the desires you have been given to create.  It is written, "Solomon asked for Wisdom and I gave Him what He did not ask for."  So shall it be with you.  This is proseuche, this is prayer and dominion. 

As the Spirit hovers over your desires and fills them everything in you is moving.  Light has given your desires Life and Life has given your desires expansion and hope. Everything in Blood Covenant moves and is not stagnant and so is My Disciple of Blood Covenant.  

Section Five-The Voice of Wisdom 

As you allow the Spirit of God to move and cut Covenant you are allowing yourself to receive.  Just as I did on the Mount of Transfiguration it was Peter and James who walked into the cloud of Our Presence because of Blood Covenant caused them to walk in their Destiny as One.  Just as Noah built and Ark He cut Covenant by forming and giving shape to what I called him to create and the Waters sustained Him, which is the Waters in Blood Covenant. 

It is written upon this wise I was born of a Virgin called Mary, and conceived of the Holy Spirit.  It was prophesied that My name shall be called, "Emmanuel -God with us."  I was born of a Virgin to cut Covenant and reveal that My Father who lived in fullness in Me as a child born in a manger to be a Lamb to cut Covenant of Life Giving Waters through the Cross. 

For that reason, the Tree of Life is a picture of the Cross which bore My Body.  I came to give Life through Blood Covenant yet took upon Me the Fruit of the Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil so that mankind can be One in Blood Covenant.  

Those that live outside of Blood Covenant live outside of being alive to Blood Covenant.  It is from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that they eat of in order to find Me and that is why My Father is revealing Blood Covenant and teaching My Disciples how to be One by yielding their members of Righteousness unto who We are. 

As you sow so shall you reap.  You are what you meditate and think upon and living a Life of Blood Covenant is learning to live a life creating the desires of your heart to be One in Blood Covenant. Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.
In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

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Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant

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