Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Jesus is Our Repentance Part 2 Daily Devotion of Gods Rest

Jesus is Our Repentance Part 2 Daily Devotion of Gods Rest Label-Gods Rest Daily Devotion  James 5:14-16 14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:  15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Jesus is Our Repentance Part 2 Daily Devotion of Gods Rest

James 5:14-16 14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

In our last time together, in part 1, I shared how Jesus is our Repentance from the view point of the lost art of the finished works of the cross. A disciple of God's Blood Covenant of Rest & Righteousness has died with Christ, risen with Christ, ascended with Christ. (Romans 6, Col. 3, 2 Cor. 5:17-19) and has changed their way of living. Jesus became their "New Way of Living" because of the Blood Covenant and for that reason, "Jesus is Our Repentance."  (To read more, please read part 1.)

So, in today's time together let us take a look together at a few more Scriptures about "Anointing of Oil and Confession your faults to one another." When interpreting Scripture we must always ask: To whom is this being spoken to? What is the context being said? What is the custom of the Scriptures? 

First, we see the instruction, "Call for the elders of the church."  It is custom in the Levitical law that an elder was a Priest, and a Priest was an elder.  If anyone was sick they were to go to the Priest and the Priest were trained in natural health in herbs and food.  You can read these Scriptures from the Book of Leviticus 13 through Leviticus 19.  This law was not done away with, and Modern Day elders should be able to diagnose the sick with natural remedies as it was in the Book of Leviticus.   Sister Elizabeth is a good example of this in this part of God's Loving Family.   The church would go to the church for healing, by getting the diagnosis from the elders first.  In today's Modern Church most go to the doctors.  Now, don't get me wrong Luke the disciple was a Physician, so these are gifts from God. 

Secondly, "The Anointing Oil" is used among the church in these Scriptures.  This gives us a key to understanding the whole section.  Anointing Oil is used in the Old Testament as a symbol of the Holy Spirit as an outward deposit of righteousness because there was no indwelling Holy Spirit in the people or the Priest. Therefore, it is a wise interpretation to say that "Those who live outside of the Blood Covenant of Life without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit" do not yet know how to live a Life of Blood Covenant and Rest. Therefore, a Body Ministry is needed to tutor in healing and the ability to carry one another's burdens in "The prayer of faith" rather than living Life in the Faith of God. (His works: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son." )

I remember the late Charles Hunter speaking at a convention on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and his wife Frances Hunter was sitting in the front pew.  As Charles was speaking Frances saw Jesus come up to the pulpit and had a conversation with Frances.  Only Frances could hear and see Jesus.  Jesus said to Frances, "Do you see that bottle of oil over there?"  Frances said, "Yes Lord."  Jesus said, "The bottle of oil is used for those that do not have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but what Charles is speaking about is the real Oil." This conversation made total sense to me and helped me understand that it is important to be able to minister to all people, where they are.  Not everyone understands Blood Covenant.  Not everyone has learned to walk in the lost art of the finished works of the cross.  The Apostles in the Book of Acts was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and for that reason they had the real Oil, which was the Holy Spirit Indwelling.  It was there that in that Oil Fullness indwells the God-Head--who is the Oil. 

In closing, "Someone who constantly speaks about sin and turning from sin has not yet come to the place of Rest in Blood Covenant."  A disciple of God's Blood Covenant grows daily in learning to draw from God's Rest rather than trying to achieve God's Rest.  A disciple of God's Blood Covenant grows daily by learning to live a Life of yieldedness in God's Rest through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.  When you are born again, you have fully moved into the God-Head and it is there you draw from them as your "Oil" in all things that pertain to Life (Blood Covenant) and God-Likeness. (God's Works which is now our faith to live out of.) 

It is these same people, who use the bottle of oil, who have not yet heard the lost art of the finished works of the cross in the Ministry and Word of Reconciliation to walk in Sonship and Ambassadorship of the Kingdom.  Therefore, we can be all things to all people and in the spirit of meekness lift one another up to run the race that is set before them in Life.

It's not a place you have to step into.  It's not a place you need to ascend to.  It's not a place you strive to enter into.  It's not a chant you have to say to get full of the presence of God.  It is a place you have already been positioned in and that position will train you in God's Rest. Now that is good news!

If you would like to learn how you came into this place of Rest & Righteousness, click here on this blog. 
You will be glad you did!

Confession: Father, in the name of Jesus I give You thanks that Jesus is my repentance.  Through Him You brought me to live in You.  Through Him You caused me to be seated over every challenge in life.  Through Him you made a Blood Covenant with me that You made me clean.  I choose to simply stand on this a hundred times a day if need be that Jesus is my repentance because You already knew I could not change in my own ways.  Amen. 


Jesus is Our Repentance Daily Devotion of Gods Rest Label-Gods Rest Daily Devotional  Matthew 5:30
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