Sunday, March 28, 2021

Living Life in the Spirit of Oneness Prosueche The Predestined Kingdom of God Out of You


The more a disciple of God's presence practices being One in the Trinity the more there is a deeper hunger to live Life in the Spirit of Oneness.  A certain distaste comes to such a heart against all that is external because the disciple no longer desires to live from what is sensual in the earthly realm. 

This is the work of the fullness of the God-Head, the Blessed Trinity, in the life of a disciple to bring that disciple up into the image of them. 

Even in this place of longing to live in the Peaceable Habitation of Oneness can be pricked from what is outside is still be found earthly and sensual.  

The Holy Spirit will allow these actions of what is external to come into the path of a searching disciple to give them greater desire for an inward desire to remain in Oneness in purity and in rest.

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Living such a life causes a heart of meekness and stillness that is indescribable.  The Psalmist said, "He maketh me lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters." (Psalm 23)  Meekness is rest and stillness is the work of rest causing the disciple to begin to inherit what was theirs from the beginning of time into the earth.  Such a disciple is full of "Gates and Doors" of heavenly realms of authenticity on earth as it is in heaven.  When a disciple comes into this place, a supernatural event takes place.  Yes, to some there are supernatural encounters of heaven; visions; trances and more.  However, there is something far greater in my opinion than these events. 

This secret is found in the Scripture from Psalm 23, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters."  Here, I would like to share a few thoughts and be on my way. 

"What does it mean to lie down?"  From a sheep point of view in the Hebrew these words represent the idea of having your feet and chest under your body with your neck stretched forward to drink. However, from God's point of view a sheep that is laying down is a vessel to pour out Rivers of Oneness into the earth. For this reason the waters are "Still waters" as mentioned by the Psalmist. 

This position of Oneness and the work of Life in the Spirit of such Oneness is called "proseuche." This word "proseuche" means to be a watering station to the earth by causing the predestined kingdom of heaven in the disciple of God's Rest and Oneness to come out on earth as it is in heaven. To be a "watering station" is true prayer.  Prayer is the ability to bring out of what is predestined in the kingdom of heaven in you.  Most prayer that is prayed is external and sensual without the influence of the kingdom of God in the disciple. 

In Acts 2:42 we read that the Apostles continued in "proseuche" as we read, "And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of the bread, and in prayers. (proseuche) In quietness each practiced the presence of Oneness, or Life in the Spirit of Oneness allowing the fullness and bliss of Oneness flow from within to be a watering station to their day, their assignments, their desires "Continually." 

In Colossians 4:12 we read, "Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers (proseuche), that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God."  

Every disciple has the kingdom of God in them, "But not every disciple knows how to bring the kingdom of God out of them."  For that reason so many disciples are sensual: taking the personalities of others, taking the revelations of others for marketing, and more. The Shulamite in the Book of Song of Solomon described these external actions the best. 

Song of Solomon 5:7 

The night watchmen found me as they made their rounds.  They beat and bruised me and stripped off my veil, those watchmen on the walls. 

At the same time we see the servant of the Prophet Elijah, Gehazi, stole what was the Prophet's even though Gehazi was a servant of the Prophet.  2 Kings 5:20-27 

So it is in today's Modern Christianity, as they are full of cheaters and stealers.  With that thought in mind, "I am thankful the Holy Spirit will perfect those things that concern the redeemed."  Jesus was no stranger to this thought as even "Judas" stole what was His.  Jesus warned us of the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins, too. 

With that reason every disciple who is hungry to manifest what is kingdom predestined for them they must learn to be a "Watering station" or practice proseuche. 

We see in the Book of Genesis "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Genesis 1:1,2) 

Here, we see what existed "IN GOD" yet, we learned that even God brought was in Him out through "Proseuche."  God allowed the "Spirit" the Breath, the Ruach -the HORSE, to move upon and "PLUCK OFF" (another teaching) and give shape and form and more.   Here, what was in God was watered before He spoke, "Let there be!"  

In today's Modern Christianity most think that prayer is saying and most of what we call prayer is external.  Jesus said, "Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth (proseuche) as it is in heaven."  

In closing, we are living in the Kingdom Age and have been chose by God to live in such a time as this.  I almost hate publishing these types of revelations because there are many "Gehazi's" who cannot birth from their own kingdom destiny's and would rather steal.  At the same time I realize there are those with a pure heart who are hungry for Truth and realize what worked in times past, will not work in these times. 


Father I give You thanks that I am now living inside of You; (My Spirit is one with You) Holy Spirit I thank You that I am now living inside of You; (My soul is one with you: mind, will, intellect, reason, memory, reason, knowledge); Jesus I thank You that I am now living inside of You; (My senses: taste, touch, see, smell, hear) and as I practice to be Your Watering Station (Proseuche) in quietness and stillness I am seeking the kingdom first and Your Righteousness (The God-Head) and everything else will be added unto me.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

Thank you for subscribing to this blog, 

Sister Lara 


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