Saturday, February 27, 2021

I Will Watch to See What He Will Say Unto Me and What I Shall Answer Habakkuk 2 Verse 1-Part 1


I Will Watch to See What He Will Say Unto Me and What I Shall Answer Habakkuk 2:1 -Part 1

Label: Seer Daily Devotions

"There was a longing in the life of the Prophet Habakkuk to be in a place to see in the Kingdom, and wait upon the LORD God to answer what to say." 

Such a longing is in every heart of a disciple that desires to see into the kingdom, and hear what to say.  Every vision from God is His faith at work.  Every word that is spoken to a disciple is God's faith and work at work in the heart and life of a disciple.  

I am reminded of the time in the Life of the earthly ministry of Jesus that Satan came to Jesus in the wilderness and said, "If you are God's Son, tell this stone to turn into bread."  (Matt. 4:3, Luke 4:3)  Yet, there is like temptation from Satan to every disciple to "Speak something --just to be speaking and say they saw something just to say they had a vision."  At the same time, I am reminded when Peter was walking with Jesus having a conversation and as they were walking Peter saw John.  When Peter saw John he turned and said, "Lord, what about him?"  Jesus answered and said, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?  You must follow me."  (John 21:21) 

These sayings are true to the Prophet Habakkuk.  He was trained to see what the LORD God would say, alone.  He was trained to hear what the LORD God would say alone.  While this is true in the Life of the Prophet's in the Old Testament, it is true in the Life of the Remnant Seer Disciple. Every Seer Disciple must learn to "Be set, to watch and see and be set to hear what to answer." (Habakkuk 2:1) 

At the same time, "We must ask ourselves what was Habakkuk waiting to see and hear?"  The Prophet Habakkuk was waiting to see "How his prayer was going to be answered." This is a key to learn to keep the development of the Secret Place simple.   Habakkuk  did not stand at his watch with no agenda when he was at his tower.  For that reason, this is a simple key for everyone to have, "When you prepare to set aside a time to watch and see--always go with the desire to see how the LORD will answer your request through listening and seeing." 

For this reason we read in the opening of the verse, "I will stand upon my watch." Here, the word stand is to "Present yourself."  

  1. When you prepare to look for a vision all you have to do is simply present yourself unto the LORD.  Presenting yourself is understanding your position of "Righteousness and Rest."  We have been studying this topic for almost two years, but it is from the viewpoint of being ONE with GOD: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit (Greek Word-Theos in the New Testament) that they are your Tower you see, listen, you watch from inside. 
  2. When you prepare to look for vision another simple key to understand that as you "Stand upon your watch" to stand not only means to present yourself but also "To minister to the King and confide in." Taking time to minister to the LORD is vital because without Him we are nothing.  Yet, at the same time it is vital because every Seer Disciple must learn to confide in the LORD concerning every area of their lives.  This might sound simple but Jesus is the DOOR to every vision waiting to be seen, waiting to be heard, from the Father. 
  3. As well, when Habakkuk was "Standing at his watch" every Seer Disciple can learn another simple key to apply to seeing visions and hearing the instruction of the vision on how what to say and how to answer.  This simple key is "The Seer Disciple" must learn to endure and wait for the vision.

Waiting is a lost Art of the Seer Disciple. Here, the Prophet Habakkuk gives the example of what it means to "Wait for the LORD to reveal and speak" by honoring the LORD by waiting for His response. This can be very difficult for a Seer Disciple.  I know this statement has been heard many times throughout our lives but this simple key is vital. 

When I first had the desire to see in the spirit I waited for almost nine months.  At the time I had no body to teach me as all I had was the Word of God to learn by, and to study.  I went into the Word of God and studied who had visions and what they prayed to receive visions.  At the same time I studied how visions were given. I was looking for an instruction in order to put to practice how to see in the spirit. 

Finally, after nine months I was visiting a local church and communion was being given out.  As I was eating bread in remembrance of the LORD my eyes were opened and I saw the LORD as Shepherd.  He was dressed in a beautiful red robe with a Shepherds Staff and a purple/blue prayer shawl around His shoulders.  As I was engaging in this vision the deacon of the church touched my shoulder and began to speak to me during communion by handing me a "New Comers Tithe Packet" for me to give my Tithe. I tell you, "I wanted to smack the man!"  He caused me to come out of the vision that I had so longed for and waited for almost nine months to see.  Needless to say I was fully irritated at the moment and I told the man he was out of order, that this was a time of communion. (Just wanted to keep it real. lol)

However, this experience was back in September '97 and many years ago and I continued to rely on Word of God and study more on the topic of "Seeing in the Spirit." Through those times of learning I wrote a book on seeing in the Spirit and I still have it in it's original Microsoft Word 2000 software .doc file with pictures. Those early years of seeing for me where years of instruction.  These days you can read books on the topic and learn from others their experiences---however, "The experiences that you have been chosen and destined to walk in will come from your private times of waiting and watching, and hearing and walking in."

"Habakkuk taught us that no matter what you go through--a Seer Disciple must learn to rely fully upon the LORD to see and hear no matter how long it takes for the answer to come, on any situation." 


Father, in the name of Jesus thank You for Your Word today.  Thank You for giving me the desire to grow in my Secret Place through hearing and seeing Your voice at work in my life.  Your Voice is Your faith.  Your Voice is Your works at work in me.  Open my eyes in the Light of Your Righteousness even more as I simply present myself to You to watch, see, listen concerning areas of need I have written in my journal and those areas You have given to me for instruction.  In Jesus name. Amen. 

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