Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Praying in Tongues Three Stages of Tongues Glory Tongues Tongues of Oneness and Tongues of Fullness


Praying in Tongues Stages of Tongues of Glory, Part One   (Praying Gods Word in Tongues Book by Book Verse by Verse Series)

Praying in Tongues Stages of Tongues of Glory, Part One 

(Praying Gods Word in Tongues Book by Book Verse by Verse Series)

Hello Everyone, What a blessing it it to be here with you today I am Sister Lara.  

Today, we want to begin a series on the topic of praying in tongues.  In this particular series we want to talk about the different stages of what is tongues of glory.  In this first part series if you have a desire to learn how to grow in your heavenly language then I encourage you to subscribe to these same pages, or channels and follow along.  Take advantage of the links that are given on these same pages and be part of our Online Communities, too. 

Watch and Read along in today's time together.

Introducing Three Stages of Tongues: Tongues of Glory, Tongues of One, Tongues of Fullness

Three Stages of Tongues: Tongues of Glory, Tongues of One, Tongues of Fullness

So, let's get started.  To start out with we want to talk about three areas that are going to be discussing.  Today the number one thing we want to talk about is the word, "Glory-What does it mean?"  Glory is not something to step into, and it is not something to step into in order to ascend. It i snot something to descend into, or something to wait for to come.  Secondly, we want to talk about "What does it mean to be One in prayer?"  Jesus prayed in the Book of John chapter 17, "Glorify thy son that Thy son can glorify the Father."  We want to talk about the Glory.  We want to talk about being One.  Thirdly, we want to talk about "Fullness-What is praying in Fullness?"  How do we develop that life of being full in prayer so that we can begin to hear God's Voice.  Is there such a place or it just something we eventually grow into.  So, without any further thought on the matter we want to begin today's time together.  

Three Stages of Tongues |- Tongues of Glory What is Glory? 

Three Stages of Tongues |- Tongues of Glory What is Glory?

One of the first things we want to understand is, "What is glory?" Glory is the Greek word doxa and the meaning of doxa is often translated as manifest presence of God.  When you look at this particular word it also speaks about what you need to order to cause you to stand.  So, when we look at the meaning of the word glory and the different characteristics that we read about it really does not give us much information about what glory is. When we talk about the glory we want to understand in the most simplest terms that the word glory means to be One.  Now you might say to yourself, "Sister Lara how get to that point?"  The word glory is what you need to make you stand is resurrected life and resurrected life is when you are quickened and you are made alive.  Watch this, "With God through Christ as One."  So, we come into a time in our life where we understand that the glory if One because we when we look at the lost art of the finished works of the cross I want us to understand that it was at the the cross there in romans chapter six it says, "We have died with Christ we have risen with Christ and at the same time we have not only died with Christ and risen with Christ but 2 Corinthians 5 says that "God was in Christ and He reconciled us back together into Himself not imputing, not counting against us our trespasses but it is in that place that we have been made One."  That is why tongues is the tongues Glory. 

Tongues of Glory |- The Work of Intercessions of the Blood of Jesus 

Tongues of Glory Hold Back and Crucify and Thwart off Darkness
Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2 

When we talk about tongues of glory we talk about glory as being One in God through Christ.  We have to understand that when we pray in tongues it is true that we died with Christ and we have risen with Christ.  So because of that when we pray in tongues the cross of Jesus Christ holds back the work of the enemy in tongues because the Blood of Jesus is an Everlasting Concert of Intercession in prayer.  The Blood of Jesus is constantly protecting.  The Blood of Jesus is constantly interceding the Blood of Jesus constantly separates me from the things of the world.  

Tongues of Glory |- The Work of the Binding Work of the Cross 

Tongues of Glory |- The Work of the Binding Work of the Cross
Exhibit 3

The Blood of Jesus constantly separates me from the things of the world and yet it is the work of the cross that binds the work of the enemy keeping the work of the enemy at bay.  So, as we pray in this position of being One, or with Tongues of Glory, the work of the cross holds back the works of the enemy because we have died with Christ; we have risen with Christ.  At the same time not only does the work of the cross (because of the Blood of Jesus) hold back and crucify the works of the enemy and keeps him out but it is the resurrection of Jesus that positions the believer in the resurrection of Jesus.  It is in this place where the Father has made you One.  We have died with Christ and we have risen with Christ as well we have been made One with God.  This is very important because when we take a look at that it is through the cross where Jesus was the Door; Jesus is the Way; Jesus is the Truth that the Father joined Himself together as One.  The Father sought for me and He found me and He joined Himself together with me, with you, and we became that bud on the vine.  We have been positioned as a watch person over that place of influence that we have been given in the kingdom of and it is in that joining together the resurrection, it is in that joining together that we have been made One.  When we talk about tongues of Glory it is God's manifested presence as we see in exhibit one, exhibit two, exhibit three. 

This also is more than His presence.  If we are seeking His presence in tongues then we are on the outside looking in of these three diagrams that I have shared. These three diagrams that I have shared with you that is why it is so important that you get connected with the links I always share to the Foundations of God's Rest and Righteousness Online Community.  Righteousness is more than right standing with God.  Rest is more than just saying hear God here is my situation I put it in Your hands. Rest is being One.

Tongues of Glory |- Praying in the Fullness of God  

Now when we talk about Glory we want to also talk about the topic of fullness as our second thought on our agenda today.  Let me clean the board and let us talk about the fullness of God.  The fullness of God is not about what comes out of God.  The fullness of God is not about what comes out of God to cover the earth.  I hear teachings on the fullness of God being the seven spirits of God, or the seven horns of God  of what comes out of Him.  I have also heard the explanation about the water in the cup.  Some have the cup half full while the other have the cup full.  Well the fact of the matter is in tongues of glory we are positioned already where it is full.   Paul said in Philippians 3 "He presses toward the mark or that place of overflowing.  That place of God in Christ, or the word -in-means, Rest.  It is a position of being in that place of overflow because of Rest.  What is fullness?  There has got to be a better definition and that is why I want us to talk about it.

Stages of tongues of Glory because of fullness represents not what come out of God but how you are positioned as One with God.  Now, hold on just a second and I will give you some understanding on that.  You see in John 3 Jesus told Nicodemus, a familiar Scripture that we all know,  "Verily, verily I say unto you except you be born again you cannot see into the kingdom of God."  Here, the word born again not only means to be seen from the the beginning, not only means to appear even as He appears; not only means to be set in a position that you were from the beginning.  When you study this it says "The kingdom are born into the kingdom the kingdom of God."  Now, hold on we are talking about the fullness.  Here, the word God in the Greek is the Words: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son. 

So when we are talking about tongues of glory and fullness, "Fullness represents how you are One. Are you listening? Are you flowing?" How you are One with God the Father is fullness.  See, through the cross He came and joined Himself to you.  He came and joined Himself to me and in that joining He rested.

So when we are talking about tongues of glory and fullness, "Fullness represents how you are One. Are you listening? Are you flowing?" How you are One with God the Father is fullness.  See, through the cross He came and joined Himself to you.  He came and joined Himself to me and in that joining He rested.  I am born of His Rest.  I am born of His Faith. So, tongues of glory is stages how I am One already with the Father.  I am One with the Holy Spirit because it is the Holy Spirit that quickened me and you and made us alive unto the Father.  The Holy Spirit is what made us alive.  It says the Father raised us by His glory, or joined Himself together with us as One.  So we are talking about fullness.  Fullness is how we are born again, or we are made One with the Father through the lost art of the finished works of the cross.  How we are made One, we are born of the Father and His Rest.  We are born of His works or Faith.  See, Faith in God is something before the cross but born of Faith of God is after the cross.  The Word Faith is literally the Greek Word-One.  So, we are born of the Father and His Rest and His Faith.  We are born of God the Holy Spirit.  Thank You Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit just nudged me concerning the Scripture, "There is One baptism and there is One Faith; there is One Body."  So, when we talk about the fullness it is how we are joined together as One, which is Glory.  We are born of the Holy Spirit and we are born of His Rest.  Because we are One with Him it is final. He made us One through Jesus through the Door and we are born of the Faith of the Holy Spirit.  (Number 3 in the illustration) As we continue to talk about the fullness we are born of God the Son who is Jesus.  We have died with Him and we have been hidden in God with Him.  Really want to get some in-depth teaching on that we share teachings in the Foundations Class of God's Rest and Righteousness.  We are born of God the Son who is Jesus.  It was because we have died with Him and we have risen with Him we have been cleansed by the Blood which is the true ministry of repentance.  We have died with Him we have risen with Him we have a whole new way living repentance.  It isn't so much about what I confess--even though that is important or being right or wrong.  Repentance is about acknowledging and receiving that I have died with Christ Jesus and I have risen with Christ Jesus.  I rest with Christ because I am born of His Rest.  I am positioned as One with Jesus because He is the head and we are the Body as One.  I am positioned through the works of Jesus and made whole and clean because Jesus is the Door; Jesus is the Way.  It is not how I go to the Father but it is about how the Father came to me to join Himself together with me as One.  The Way the Father came and the supply that was given as the Father joined Himself to me is Grace.  However, when He joined Himself to me and I became alive with Him that is Rest and Righteousness.  You see the difference?  That is part of the fullness and that is why Rest is greater than "Here God I give it to you."  That is why Rest is greater than I have Peace as I wait on God.  Rest is Glory and I am One with God.  I am born of His works and I am born of His Rest.  I am born of the Holy Spirit who is God.  I am born of His Faith.  I am born of Jesus-or God the Son.  I am born of His works and I am born of His Faith.  So, when we talk about tongues of glory we see it in exhibit one; exhibit two.  When we also talk about the fullness of tongues it is about not so much what comes out of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  Fullness is where I am joined and positioned to.  "Isn't that good?"  So, when we go back to our objectives for today we wanted to talk about about "What is the meaning of the word, One? What is the meaning of the word Glory?  What is the meaning of the word Fullness?"  I think today we got a pretty good handle on those thoughts.  I do want to leave a closing thought to talk about it tongues of glory.  "Do you want to do that? I know you do."  There is a closing thought.  

In the beginning when God said, "Let us make man in our image the word image means to be One."  I am born of the Father and His Rest and His works.  I am born and I am created of the Son and His works and His Rest.  I am created of the Holy Spirit and I have His Breath and I have His life. So the image of who I am is One, but that also means what I am born of.  I am also born of their Faith because of that, that is the kingdom.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God, or how I am One with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  I simply acknowledge that through the finished works of the cross I am One.  So let us make man in our image and likeness or being One.  Allowing them to be One in their works in our lives causes us to understand that we are made of His image and likeness.  

He put us into the garden and called the garden the Garden of Eden.  Something amazing happened because the word Eden, or the Garden of Eden literally means (Are you ready?) let me get this over here literally means, "Tongues-multitudes of tongues.  Tongues of many languages."

He put us into the garden and called the garden the Garden of Eden.  Something amazing happened because the word Eden, or the Garden of Eden literally means (Are you ready?) let me get this over here literally means, "Tongues-multitudes of tongues.  Tongues of many languages."  That is why tongues is the original language of God.  God said, "Let us make man in our image and let us put man in the Garden and in the Garden there will be rivers."  Four rivers.  Let me get my pencil four rivers and he name them.  These four rivers come into four heads-or One.  The Body of Christ how the Father joined Himself to us through Christ. God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son.  How we are One tongues of many languages, tongues of Glory.

It is interesting that these words rivers, it says that there was lots of gold.  Here, gold is often translated as light and light in sown in righteousness.  God sows and gives light to the righteous in the upright in heart.  So, out of these rivers came light or righteousness.  It also says that these rivers there was plenty of gold.  Gold is translated as oil and it is also translated as butter and honey.  God wanted to take us to a land of milk and honey, "Didn't He?"  As we begin to flow with God (God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son)  we are flowing in tongues of Glory and tongues of the stages of Glory.  It is there that when you read the Book of  Genesis all these precious colors of stones begin to come out.  We are those lively stones.  So, speaking in time we are so much more than the stones that came out. There is so much to that tongues of glory that I don't have time to get into today but that is why the Priest wore stones upon the breastplate of righteousness.  We became those stones as part of our garments that we wear.  That is tongues of glory as well.  However, for today I want us to go back and be reminded of tongues of Glory.  "What is Glory? Are you able to tell somebody what Glory is?  Are you able to go into the Strong's concordance and talk about what it really means?" Number two, "What does it mean to be One in tongues of Glory?  What does it mean to be One in tongues in the lost art of the final work of the cross?"  Number three, "What really is fullness?  Are you able to tell other people what those are?"  If you can then the Holy Spirit did well to teach you today.  There are some links on this page I want to encourage you to get some article, or another part of these writings to encourage you.  At the same time please be encouraged to visit the Voice of God's Rest Bookstore and get books like these teachings today, too. You can also join our Online Communities, too.  

Thanks for being a part today in this time together, 

Steal Away in the Secret Place, 

Sister Lara 

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