Saturday, November 14, 2020

One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One Part 2


One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One Part 2

Welcome to Lesson One Part 2 

One in God the Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series 

If you missed Lesson One, Part 1 |- Click Here 

Let us open our Bibles to the Book of 2 Timothy 3:16.  I will give you a moment.  Now, I realize that there are people who do not know how to use their Bible.  I realize that there are people that we have talked to that have never opened up a Bible Dictionary and that is why I have this user friendly for a lot of people because I wrote the Scripture down for you.  But, if you have your Bible you can open up your Bible and follow along and highlight this Scripture because this Scripture that I want to give you is probably one of the most important Scriptures in the whole Bible  

Please forward this video to to 25:44 seconds to begin this time together today.

The Scripture is 2 Timothy 3: 16 says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for reproof, for correction."  I think we get that.  We learn about God through His Word and what to do, what His standards are, how to live for correction.  However, did you notice that the last three words in this verse is for "Instruction in Righteousness."   All Scripture is about this word instruction which means "Training in Righteousness." 

Journal Your Thoughts: 


Remember the picture I just drew for you?  It shared how God joined Himself together. (Hello Chantelle, thank you Sister Salome for passing that amen.)  So, when we think about Scripture is used for training in righteousness, what, what, what comes to mind?  Remember I said open your Bible and get a highlight?  If you do not know how to use your Bible there is an index.  You can go to the front of your Bible and it will look up chapters for you and it will tell you what page to turn to.  If you do not know how to use your Bible the front of your Bible will tell you what page it is on.  Now, 2 Timothy 3:16, like I said, is the most the important Scripture probably in the Bible because the whole Bible is to be read from the viewpoint of God's Rest.  It says here that "All Scripture is given to train the disciple about God's Rest and God's Righteousness."  How He joined Himself together to you through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  So, as a child we grow you know, we go to Sunday School, and we are learning teachings from the Bible.  We might learn Bible Stories about David and Goliath, or Jonah and the Whale.  Or, we might learn how Jesus fed the multitudes from our Children's Bible in Sunday School.  On Sunday mornings as we graduate from that and we grow older we might learn in our Junior Sunday School.  We might learn how to start reading the Bible from the Book of Genesis to Revelation, or the Book of John. We might also learn to study the Bible from the Book of Psalms.  People might want to read the Bible from the Book Genesis to Revelation.  The thing is, "Where do you start your studies?"  We are so trained as a child growing up that we learn about picture stories and that is why Jesus came and He taught stories.  If we understand that every story Jesus taught was about the right here, rest in righteousness we are programmed to study the Word of God even knowing why it was written.  So, it was written to train us in the finished works of the cross because Jesus died before the foundations of the world.  So, without getting into too much we have to understand that when we, as a disciple, read the Word of God it should be about God's Rest and Righteousness.  When we talk about prayer it is about God's Rest and Righteousness.  When we talk about miracles, faith, when we talk about healings, visions, dreams, prophecy it should all be about God's Rest and Righteousness.  How we are joined together with God through Christ as One.  In fact Jesus said, "My purpose of coming here is to train and is to fulfill all righteousness."  So, when we look at the Bible and we hear sermons that are about anything outside of God's Rest and Righteousness then we know that these servants we know them by their fruit.  We know these sermons are from the outside lookin.  Here's the world down here you know, they are from down here, they are earthly and they are based upon what is good and what is bad.  They are based upon what is happening now: news, politics and what ever we live.  We are joined together in God's Rest. 

In John 3 we read, "Verily, verily you must be born again to see the kingdom of God."  The word God is translated: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and it is translated as God the Son.  So righteousness is more than right standing with God.  Righteousness and Rest is how you are joined to the Father as One.  Righteousness and Rest is how you are born of His Rest.    You are born of His Rest. You are born of His works.  You are born of His Rest and you are born of His Faith.  You are also born of Jesus works, number two in the illustration.

In John 3 we read, "Verily, verily you must be born again to see the kingdom of God."  The word God is translated: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and it is translated as God the Son.  So righteousness is more than right standing with God.  Righteousness and Rest is how you are joined to the Father as One.  Righteousness and Rest is how you are born of His Rest.  

You are born of His Rest. You are born of His works.  You are born of His Rest and you are born of His Faith.  You are also born of Jesus works, number two in the illustration.  You have died and risen with Jesus.  You have ascended with Jesus.  Because of the cross and the Father came through to find you, to join Himself to you as One.  Now you are born of the Father and you are born of the Son Jesus and His works.  Now there is number three (3) in the picture.  You are born of the works of the Holy Spirit.  He is your Advocate, He is the One who takes of Jesus and gives to you.  You are One with the Father, you are One with the Son and One with the Holy Spirit. That is Rest.  That is fullness.  Because you are One with the Father, one with the Son, and One with the Holy Spirit that is how you are established in the ability to sit as One with God in Heavenly Places. You are joined together in their Rest but also in their Faith. "All Scripture is given for training in Rest.  All Scripture is strength is given for training in Righteousness."  So, when we read Scripture we practice it by simply acknowledging in our hearts that we are One.  We receive in our hearts the finished works of God He joined Himself together with me.  I have died.  I have risen with Christ.  The Holy Spirit reveals the heart of the Father to me through Jesus. When we realize that we are One we realize the purpose of all Scripture.  So from Genesis to Revelation the Holy Spirit has One desire.  You live in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  It is a place where you are hidden in them.  So, here the desire of the Holy Spirit is to train us in that Rest in Righteousness.  How we live in that place of Rest One with the Father, One with the Son, One with the Holy Spirit and it is the desire of the Holy Spirit your whole life to teach you how you are there already in that position of being born of the Father, born of the Son.  

In the illustration the Father is number One, in which are born of.  

Write your thoughts:


In the illustration the Son if number Two, in which we are born of. 

Write your thoughts:


In the illustration the Holy Spirit is number Three, in which we are born of.  Write your thoughts:


It has always been a desire of the Holy Spirit to help us grow in God's Rest: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  When we say God we are saying the fullness of who God is and all three of them are working together to keep you, to hold you, and keep you positioned in them. See, God's Rest is God's Hug because He holds you in Him and because He holds you in Him you have no where to go but to Rest.  Jesus holds you in Him.  Jesus said, "Come unto Me all ye that are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you Rest.  You are positioned for the Father to be joined together as One.  The Holy Spirit desires to help you grow in God's Rest.  The Holy Spirit desires to help you grow in God's Work, God's faith through Jesus.  (Amen Chantelle)  It is a hug it really is.  It is all three of them hugging you keeping you held so tight.  God's presence if not something to seek because we already live in the fullness of who He is.  One thing about the Holy Spirit is He takes of the Father.  Amen.  I do to Chantelle.  He takes of the Father to give to us through Jesus.  That is why Jesus reveals He came to reveal the Father.  We can not say we live in Christ alone because we live in the fullness of who God is.  We can say it was through Christ alone that we died and we have risen and we are joined together as One with the Father, by the Holy Spirit.  So, the Holy Spirit will reveal to us the Father through Jesus.  As we are joined together as One in the Father He will protect us through the death and resurrection of the cross.  See that is still Rest and Righteousness.  That is why Righteousness is so much more than right standing with God: God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son.  We Rest as we remain in that place in God.  The work of the cross holds the enemy back and we enforce it in Jesus name.  It is written, you have already been defeated, you have already overcome.  So the work of the cross continues to hold back what has already accomplished.  Jesus is going to see too.  He ever liveth to make intercession.  He ever lives to enforce that for you.  So, as we remain One with the Father's Rest the Father will keep our mind and the work of the cross holds the enemy back.  Absolutely that is is Rest.  The work of the cross through the death not only holds the work of the enemy back but the work of the cross through the resurrection continually positions me in resurrected Life as an overcomer.  Again, Righteousness and Rest is so much more than right standing with God.  So, when we learn that we just meditate you know I will draw circles sometimes and just sit and think about "Verily, verily you must be born again.  How we are One with the Father, how we are One with the Son, how we are One with the Holy Spirit."  I will think about all these different angles: the cross, the Holy Spirit, the Father and I will think about how the world, you know, is really outside.  We understand that when we start thinking outside the box we have lost our place of being in God.  We have lost our place of Rest.  So, it is always the desire of the Holy Spirit to help us grow in God: The Father, The Son, the Holy Spirit.  How God worked through Christ.  You know I talk about here in this last section on this page how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. 

One in God the Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series

When we remain in this place of being One where the Father joined Himself together with us. (Number 1 in  illustration)   Jesus, number 2 in the illustration watches over us as a Good Shepherd.   We delight in God Jesus sees the desires of our heart and He goes out and get it.  All the sudden prayer is answered, it came out of no where because we remain in One, we delight in God the Father. 

Journal Your Thoughts:


Seek ye first this place of Rest and everything else will be added unto you.  Jesus, your Good Shepherd is there to watch.  The Holy Spirit is there to reveal. As we delight in God, Jesus is our Good Shepherd to protect and keep us through the works of the cross.  So, we are almost finished with first section.  I remember that I was sharing this I went to a small woman's group in a local church in my area and a woman said, "I thought righteousness was just good behavior trying to act right and trying to respond right and good. Trying to be kind and trying to be nice."  The fact of the matter is, it is not because we love because God loved us first.  We rest because God joined Himself together with us first. We have peace because God joined Himself together with us in His Peace.  The Fruits of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, patience, goodness, meekness, temperance, self-control, faith, against such there is no law against.  The Fruits of the Spirit are there as buffers as they have joined themselves together with us.  They are not something we reach for and to take and see that God is good.  They buff us to keep us for God to delight in us.  It is part of who God is and it is His nature and how He reveals to us Himself.  Now that is a whole different teaching.  I only said that because the woman said, "Oh I thought righteousness was choosing good moral behavior."  That is how people think and I wanted to sit with her and listen to her as to why she thought what she did and what made her make that statement but I just thanked her and kept going.  Then she said, "To Love God with all your heart."  Well, "How do you love God?  How do you love God with all your heart?  How do you love God with all your soul?  How do you love God with all your mind?  How do you love God with all your strength?"  We do so, "By simply receiving that He has already joined Himself to together with you in His Rest.  He has already given you all things that pertain to Life and God-likeness.  You love God with all your heart, not by trying to obtain, but through Rest.  That is why this is why our Scripture is "All Scripture is training in God's Rest in Righteousness."  It is not from the outside looking in it is how God is joined together with you as One.  Love God with all your heart, soul, strength, mind is understanding how God holds you unto Himself with all His heart, with all His strength, with all His mind, with His body.  Jesus is the Body, and we are One with His Body.  So, we love God with all that we are by acknowledging how all that He is holds us in a position of Rest.  That is how we seek first. It is putting Him first that way so that is when I replied "We love God because He loved us" and she said "Yes."  It there that she realized that God's Rest and Righteousness is an act of how He came to us first for us to experience.  That is why so many have a heart to please God but pleasing is based on the outside of God because God joined Himself together with us.  So, at end of the is page our next time that we are going to talk together we are literally going to go into a prayer that Jesus prayed from the cross.  I need to update this section and put the words Luke 23:46 in there at the end of the chapter of the Book.   It will help prepare us for our next teaching and when we open it up it will literally give us a place at the end you can write that in.  For today there is a section where you can journal your thoughts for this teaching.  I am going to update this Booklet and I am going to put links to where the video teachings are so that when you do get your new update the Booklet will have links where you can go inside the Booklet to learn about the teachings.  

Before we close today I just want to remind us that we are at the Foundations of Training and Righteousness Group on Facebook.  I want to encourage you to join and come along.  This will be shared on Youtube as well and it will also be made in some podcast areas.  I think there is four or five different Youtube channels that this will be shared on as I have different pen name channels.  If you are on Facebook and you are just sitting out there looking in we welcome to you to do that, but we want you to come into the group.  We want to build relationships with you.  We have a team that can help you as we are a Body ministry.  I am not the only one who can help you in this journey, although I can honestly say that this place I believe, and I have seen since 2011, we have teachers and preachers and helpers in our Scribe Team that they can literally help you.  They are branded as the Voice of God's Rest and they can help you understand things things that I have shared with you.  So, don't sit on the outside, come inside.  If you are on one of the Youtube channels or video channels or some of you are listening through podcasts and you were not able to see the video drawings or inside the Book, that is why you need to come over and that is why you need to be part so you can see these drawings.  Take time together and subscribe that would be wonderful.  Literally follow along. 

Let's have a final time of prayer, you want to?  I know you do.  Let us just go ahead and take time to say a time of prayer together.  Father, we thank You and we praise You for today's teaching and even as we start our prayer we start out and we ask the Holy Sprit will teach us and train us how to pray from Rest, how to give thanksgiving from Righteousness.  Father we thank You that You are joined together with us as One.  We thank You Father that the cross of Jesus hold back all the works of the enemy through the cross and we have been translated away from that place.  We have been changed and we have been taken out of darkness and we have been brought into this glorious place of Rest.  We have been positioned in Resurrected Life and we thank You Father that all things are under our feet. Your Peace will keep our mind and our hearts stayed on You that the Holy Spirit is our Helper.  We thank You Father that He is our Paraclete, our Standby, our Advocate, our Intercessor, our Guide to lead us into all Truth.  We thank You that we are born of You Father.  We thank You that we are born through Jesus and we thank You that we are born of Your Spirit quickened and made alive as One in Peace.  Father we just ask that everything in our lives today that we heard from our teaching when we walk away that You will give us a hug.  You hold us in a place of Your Rest and You purchased us through Your Son and You will never, never, never, let us go because that is all we want is You.  Father we thank You and we praise You.  We give You glory and honor.  Father today we pray for those that are watching on demand that they come into this place of fullness  of being joined together as One.  Father today we pray for them that as they hear this message we speak Peace to them that are afar and we speak Peace to those that are brought near that the Footstool of every word spoken, that the Footstool of every picture drawn, that the Footstool of every connection made with those coming in and those going out we speak Peace.  Let Your net's Father be enlarged through the cross through he Boat of Jesus to bring You in the harvest for You to take them, one by one, bring them unto yourself into that place of Rest.  Father we thank You and we praise You.  We give You all the glory and honor in Jesus name.  Hallelujah!

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