Saturday, November 14, 2020

One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One Part 2


One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One Part 2

Welcome to Lesson One Part 2 

One in God the Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series 

If you missed Lesson One, Part 1 |- Click Here 

Let us open our Bibles to the Book of 2 Timothy 3:16.  I will give you a moment.  Now, I realize that there are people who do not know how to use their Bible.  I realize that there are people that we have talked to that have never opened up a Bible Dictionary and that is why I have this user friendly for a lot of people because I wrote the Scripture down for you.  But, if you have your Bible you can open up your Bible and follow along and highlight this Scripture because this Scripture that I want to give you is probably one of the most important Scriptures in the whole Bible  

One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One


One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness Book Talk Series Lesson One
Hello Everyone, What a blessing it is to be here with you today I am Sister Lara.  Welcome!

Today we want to welcome everybody into our Foundations of Training in Rest and Righteousness Community.  As we begin to share we want to talk about our beginner series on righteousness from our "Righteousness Studio Booklet."  It is there available for you in the file section of this page.  We want to take time to invite you to join along in these series, but also to subscribe and follow these teachings so that you can grow in God's Rest and Righteousness.  So, let us go ahead and open up in prayer. 

Opening Prayer One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness

Father, today we just thank You and praise You for all that You are doing in the heart of Your people as we grow together as a Body.  Father, we thank You that even in this program  you are here with us to lead us, and guide us in Your Word.  We thank You in advance that the Holy Spirit will take of Jesus and give to us and You will give light to help us understand Your Word.  Thank You Father for all that we say and do ahead of time.  In Jesus name. Amen. (And they all said?  Amen.)

Introduction One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness

A lot of people are coming into a place of God's Rest and are also coming into a place of desiring to learn about Righteousness.  That is the purpose of this beginner series.  Personally, I have been teaching on Righteousness and Rest since 2011.  So, if you have the Book or maybe if you have not had a change to get it yet just message me.  You can also go over into the file section of this page and fill out the form and sign up to get your Book so you can follow along.  Those of you who do not have that information available, what we have done is we want to take you inside the Book today and we want to give you an opportunity to follow along in the teaching inside the Book.  This is what it looks like and it is called, "Righteousness Studio God's Rest How to Enter Into His Rest."   We are going to use some drawing board snippets to teach from about righteousness.  So, again this is inside the Book and we invite you to join along.  This is volume One and I think we have written a total of eleven book, maybe more than that, since 2011.  This is the very beginning where to start so we continue to see inside.  

Here in the copyright section of Righteousness Studio all rights are reserved under international copyright law.  This why I can give them away free to those in this class because they are published with the ISBN and because of that, I give you an opportunity to read a little bit about the Book.  If I give it to you then were you can find more information that is available for you tot study.    Many are just joining in for the first time as our Youtube channels are growing, and our podcast channels are growing outside of Facebook.  We want to give you the opportunity to learn a little about how I received this message.  I was actually praying in tongues for a whole year and through this time of praying in tongues it was there I received the revelation of God's Rest and God's Righteousness.  I basically, through that time of one year of praying in tongues, received not only the revelation of God's Rest and Righteousness but I began to study God's Rest and Righteousness for four or five more years even before I went public with the teaching.  So, inside this Booklet that is free I begin to share a little bit about how I wrote the book.  Like I said, I have written maybe eleven or twelve books on the topic and was during October when I came to the end of my studies in 2019. There I was literally asleep at the end of this time of studying what I learned without going public about it praying in tongues for one year where I died.  I died literally in my sleep.  You have to understand that this was in October.  I just celebrated one year of 2019 and it was there that two angels came and took me to heaven before the Father's Throne and it was there that I did not see the Face of the Father, but I did speak to the Father.   I told the Father that my work on earth was done.  I had just finished caring for my Mother over twenty-years.  I thank the Lord for the time.  I realized I died because my of my body.  My spirit came out of my body.  I was standing before the Throne and the Father spoke to me and He said, "Would you like to stay or would you like to go back to the earth?"  This is when I said, "I will go back because Your people do not know Rest.  Your people do not know Righteousness."  Now, of course I had an ulterior motive because I began to learn about Rest and Righteousness in 2011 through supernatural ways.  I do not want to draw attention to that, I would rather draw attention to the fact that my reply to the Father was, "I will go back.  I will teach Your people."   You see, God's Rest and Righteousness is something I wanted to finish my course.  I wanted to finish my race in what God had given me to do.  It was there the Father replied, "Well done, Daughter."  He called me daughter and the same two angels that took me to heaven brought me back and as I began to come out of that heavenly place and back down into the earth, the earth was very small. I saw multitudes of people up out of the earth and they were heading before the Throne.  You know it is amazing how many people have ended their life on earth even as we speak.  Time is precious.  God has given every single person an assignment and that is what sets who I am and what I do separate from, perhaps, other teachings.  It is that even though I am here with you today everything I do and everything I say is from the viewpoint of God's Rest and Righteousness.  No matter what teachings I share it is always going to be from the viewpoint of God's Rest and Righteousness.   So, this Booklet is designed for that.  Now, in the link in the Booklet it is going to point you to Online School of Prayer to get the booklet. I have actually updated that and it is the Voice of God's Rest and Righteousness  Bookstore.  I have a Bookstore where it is called "The Voice of God's Rest" so I want to take time in this beginners series to thank you for taking the time to be here with us today.  Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and take it into your Secret Place and learn about what God has to say about Rest and Righteousness.  Some of the thing we will be going to talk about, is found here in the Table of Contents as we look together and also over the Copyright section.  We learned a little bit about who I am and that is why I give these booklets free because I want to grow in relationship with you and I want to help you.  God bless you Salome it is good to see you.  God bless you and Salute in Jesus name.   So, we look at that is why I want to share a little bit about I am for those that are just now learning they can learn a little bit about me and I want to learn a little bit about you.  That is why I give this book away.  So the first thing we are going to go into is the section, "Into Your Hands."  

Now, if you open your Booklet me get me get mine real quick.  I have a hard copy let me grab it right quick.  Now, when you get your booklet you could print it out.  In the best size it is six by nine so you could take this booklet and you can print it out.  Take it to your local shop or if you have a printer set it to six by nine.  It is staple bound really nice and there is plenty of room inside of it for you to take notes. So, the first that we are going to take a look at is what is behind me here in the webcam.  It is literally called "Into Your Hands."  

Into Your Hands One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness

Into Your Hands One in God The Fullness of Gods Rest and Righteousness

There is a picture here that why we call it drawing board snippets. Again, your Book print is a six by nine and you can follow along.  That is why I am teaching from the inside today so you can get the Book and follow along.  We read, "Hello everyone what a blessing it is to be here with you to officially welcome you to Righteousness Studio."  Today, we are are going to take a look at what it means to have God's Rest in us and we are going to learn how we come into that position.  Notice the word I used is position. Rest is a position.  You might say, well I have never heard of that before.  Isn't that good?  It is not a place to enter into.  It is not a place to step into.  It is not a place to ascend to.  It is not a place to try to get into.  It is a position that you have been given.  So, we think about that keep in mind as begin to learn about God's Rest there is two insights that we want to share.  Yes, we will talk about that position throughout this Book.  Rest is a position and there are two insights that I want to give.  Okay?  God's Rest in us is His Life through us and that is Righteousness.  God's Rest is His Life through us. (Repeat)  Now, I wrote this back in many years ago and I have grown since then.  Let me draw a picture. 

One with God Living in Fullness Gods Rest and Righteousness Free Book Lesson One
Picture in 19:20 of the Video

God's Rest is how He joined Himself together with us, as One.  When we continue to study this we will learn how God joined Himself together with you as one in that place that He joined with you in your heart.  That is what made God's Rest a position. 

Remember I said earlier, "God's Rest is a position.  It is where He joined Himself together with you as One."

Journal Your Thoughts:


Picture Illustration One in God The Fullness of God Diagram Number 3 Gods Rest and Righteousness Studio
Picture in 21:19 of the Video

Now the thing that makes it so interesting is that God did it through Jesus.  God did it through the death of Jesus and He did it through the resurrection of Jesus.  That is why the cross is in the middle of this picture.  

So the Father needed a Door.  The Father needed a Way.  The Father needed a set place to join Himself together with you as One.  He did that through Jesus through His death and through His resurrection. 

Journal Your Thoughts: 

Now, don't try to catch up to all this at one time.  You might be saying, "Well where is the Scripture for this and where is the Scripture for that?"  We are going to go through that.  That is why I make these tools available for you.  Now the thing is that most people believe.  Most people see the cross and they believe that Jesus died, Jesus arose and Jesus ascended into heaven.  He overcame death, hell, and the grave and that is absolutely right.  These same people that believe this do not know that we have died with Jesus, they have risen with Jesus, they have ascended with Jesus.  you see, we have been presented a Gospel that Jesus died, Jesus arose, Jesus is coming again.  We believe that, but in Romans 6 it says, "We have died with Jesus and we have risen with Jesus, we have ascended with Jesus."  So, because of that Jesus positioned us in His Rest and in His finished works.  It is there the Father finished off what happened through the cross.  We are going to take an in-depth look at that but being a believer, "Can we say we know how to present to someone what it is really means to be born again?  What it really means what God did through the death, the resurrection of Jesus and how we died with Him?  How we became One?"  So, when we go back to our studies and we see that God's Rest in us is His Life and how He joined Himself together with us as One (Salome can you message Sister Chantelle she just messaged me and I do not think she knows I am live, thank you if you are there.)  Anyway, that is why God's Rest is a position.  God's Rest is understanding the final work of the lost art of the cross.  So, we are just in our introduction.  God's Rest in us is His Life and this joining together is called Righteousness.  That is why we have this Booklet, Foundations of God's Rest and Righteousness and we are going to build upon that.  We have to understand that you  have been joined together with God.  When you been presented the Gospel the Way that it should then you should be able to begin to understand this teaching even more.

This ends this section of this teaching at 25:44 in the Video.  Please click the next link to begin to see, listen, and read together. 

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  • Please visit our suggested navigation links to encourage you in your personal secret place, too. 

Thank you for visiting today, 
Steal Away in the Secret Place, 


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Praying The Book of Revelation in Tongues Verse by Verse the Revelation of Jesus Christ


1 Corinthians 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.  **Welcome to today's time together.  Thank you for subscribing or bookmarking this blog and leaving your comments with us today.

Praying the Book of Revelation in Tongues Verse by Verse Scripture Reflection

1 Corinthians 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.

**Welcome to today's time together.  Thank you for subscribing or bookmarking this blog and leaving your comments with us today. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Praying in Tongues Building Up Yourself on Your Most Holy Faith Part 2


Praying in Tongues |-The Importance of Praying in Tongues, Part 2 Jude 1:20  But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.

Praying in Tongues |-Building Yourselves Up Your Most Holy Faith, Part 2

Jude 1:20  But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.

Praying in Tongues The Importance of Building Up Yourself on Your Most Holy Faith Part 1


Scripture Reflection-Praying in the Holy Ghost

Jude 1:20 -But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. 

In this article today, I will be sharing on the topic of praying in tongues.  As I share this topic with you today I pray that those that have been prayerfully seeking more of God's purpose in their life will find comfort and encouragement from this article.  Thank you for subscribing and following this blog post and sharing in your secret place. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What Does it Mean to Pray Kingdom Prayers Praying From Gods Rest and Righteousness

When I was a child and it came time to pray over the meal at the family table I carried a children's prayer book incase my Dad called on me to pray.  It was not uncommon for my Dad to call on me sometimes to pray.  I would try to read the prayers from the children prayer book and sometimes I would just interpret the pictures to make my prayer personal. One time my Dad caught me looking at the picture so long he made a noise to distract me so I would come back to focus on my prayer.  Dad would always say, "That was a nice prayer."  Then after my Dad complimented me on my prayer he would lean over to me and say, "Amen."   Those were the good old times at the family table learning how to pray.   
I am reminded how the disciples were with Jesus and they asked Jesus to teach them to pray.  Jesus taught them to pray "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name.  Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" from the Book of Matthew 6.  Here, Jesus told His disciples to pray "The kingdom of God" would come on earth as it is in heaven.  In today's Scripture picture devotion we also see that disciples are suppose to seek first "The kingdom of God."  

What Does it Mean to Pray Kingdom Prayers About 

In today's time together the Holy Spirit asked me to write a question to who ever comes to read.  The question is, "What does it mean to pray kingdom prayers?" In this time together I will write some brief thoughts and I pray each thought is a blessing to you.  At the same time I pray each thought will help you grow in prayer. 

What Does it Mean to Pray Kingdom Prayers Main Article

At first sight, let us take a closer look at the words "Kingdom of God."  When we learn to interpret the meaning of the word God, we learn a little more about how to pray from a kingdom point of view.  Here, the word God is translated in the Greek Strong's Concordance as: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  When a disciple is born again a disciple is born of the kingdom of God.  In other words, every disciple is born of the image and likeness of each part of the God-Head and in each disciple the fullness of God dwells.   This is part of the lost art of the finished works of the cross, to understand that through the death and life of Jesus on the cross the disciple is saved by Grace.  Yet, in salvation the disciple is positioned in Jesus for the Father to come to each disciple and join Himself to each disciple as One in His Rest, and in His Likeness which is Faith.  As each disciple acknowledges the position of God's Rest as One in their hearts through their confession it is there that living One with God glorifies Jesus. 

Learning to pray kingdom prayers is first understanding the lost art of the finished works of the cross.  The disciple is saved by Grace through Jesus and it is through Jesus that a person is born of our Heavenly Father's Rest and Faith, or born of God.  As the disciple maintains their position of Rest as One with God the disciple also rests in the finished works of Jesus in their hearts.  That is, each disciple has died with Jesus in the same burial of his death and the disciple is risen with Jesus in the likeness of His Resurrection.  It is there the disciple rests in the Rest of Jesus, and a disciple Rests in the Faith of Jesus as One.  

So, praying kingdom prayers is learning to pray from the position of Rest with God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit takes from the Father to reveal the Father through Jesus to each disciple.  Jesus said in John 16:14, "The Holy Spirit will take of me to give to you" because the Father lived in Jesus as One. 

When a disciple does not practice the acknowledgement of being born of God's Rest and Works which is their Faith, "There is doubt and unbelief in prayer."  You can have faith but if there is no Rest in the position a disciple has been given in the finished works of the cross a disciple will not have confidence in prayer. Not only when a disciple does not practice the acknowledgement of being born of God's Rest and Works which is their Faith they battle from the outside looking in from a death point of view of the cross.  Some of the examples I have witnessed of this is, "A person prays for something then immediately prays again, or asks others to pray for them and they have no quiet confidence in God."  

As you learn to maintain your position of Rest with the fullness of the God-Head as One you are not only born of their Rest, born of their Faith, but you are positioned to walk in The Blessing that God commanded over your life.  

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 

You see, when you learn your position you walk in the command that God has already spoke over your life to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish. 

Confession: Father thank You that You have joined Yourself to me with Your Rest and Your Works through Jesus. I acknowledge my position of Rest with you and this position glorifies Jesus and His Works that I am born of, too.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit leading me, and guiding me to reveal You to me through Jesus and that You are Faithful to watch over me as I live in You.  Praise You that every prayer I command You have already positioned me to replenish and multiply Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus name Amen.


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  • Please visit our suggested navigation links to encourage you in your personal secret place, too. 

Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...