Monday, October 12, 2020

How to Have Peaceful Dwellings and Secure Homes and Walk in Quiet Confidence


How to Have Peaceful Dwellings and Secure Homes and Walk in Quiet Confidence
1 John 2:29 If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him. 

The Prophet Isaiah said in his writings, "The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever.  My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure home, in undisturbed place of rest."  (Isaiah 32:17,18) 

Here, as we read these Scriptures and see that the result of righteousness is something that the Prophet Isaiah spoke about, and what a timely word this is.  

As well, in today's meditation we read "Everyone that does righteousness is born of  him." 

As you study the word "born" it shows a profound work of righteousness that I would like to make my central thought thought in today's topic.   If you have a heart for growing in God's Rest and righteousness and you have been prayerfully seeking God's Rest and righteousness in your live be sure to subscribe to this blog so you will receive more teachings like this. 

Here, the word born represents the idea to procreate.  This type of procreation ability comes from the work of God through Christ Jesus making sons and daughters through the faith of Christ.   These thoughts come from the original Strong's Concordance word  G1080. While most have heard that Jesus died, Jesus arose, and Jesus is coming again through His works on the cross, "There is a work of God-our Heavenly Father, that took place as well.  This work is how God brought disciples of Jesus to Himself converting them over to His way of Life, to be joined together as One in His Rest."

Oh to sing Ten-Thousand Years!  So if someone would say unto me, "What is righteousness?"  I would tell them "The Way that God joined Himself together as One in His Rest through the faith  and works of Jesus: His death, His resurrection."  

Just as Jesus said in Matthew 3:15, that He came to "Fulfil all righteousness" we must remember that the disciple is no greater than the Teacher and that in order to walk in the Steps of the Teacher they must walk as well.  Showing people the way to righteousness and how to come into the position of God's Rest should be the highest call of the disciple.  For it is written, in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." 

To seek the kingdom is the simple acknowledgement of my position of being One in God's Rest through the faith and works of Jesus: His death, His resurrection.   It is there I acknowledge in my heart that God converted me and brought me over into His way of Life through that joining together as One making me born of Him. 

It is there I fulfill what the Prophet Isaiah said, "I make Peace" because being One with God's Rest allows God's Peace to keep me and hold me from falling from my position.  Hallelujah! Now that is Good News!

Confession: Father today in Jesus name I give You thanks and praise that You have converted me over to Your Way of living, and Your Life through the works of Jesus and His Rest.  Therefore, I rest in You today and continually allow Your Peace and quietness to be sown into heart and my mind as I remain as One with you.  Amen.


  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group
The Voice of Gods Rest presents, "The Voice of Gods Rest Online .PDF Bookstore."

The Voice of Gods Rest presents, "The Voice of Gods Rest Online .PDF Bookstore." 

Helping God's people enforce the lost art of God's works through the finished works of the cross.  Click here, to read more.

Steal Away in the Secret Place, Today! 
Sister Lara 

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