Sunday, October 11, 2020

His Resurrection in My Heart Causes Me to Ascend Gods Rest Daily Devotional


His Resurrection in My Heart Causes Me to Ascend
..without climbing any stairs on my own. His rising presence in me causes every shadow in my heart to flee. Every image of darkness flees, at the Son of Righteousness bringing a new day, in the Light of His Rays upon the hills of my heart.

I respond in whispers of Love, and Gasp.

Ascending Love in the Galleries of My Heart,
Righteous Habitation

Song of Solomon 4:10
How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

Steal Away in the Secret Place,

Lara Grace

  • To be a part of ongoing communities of Foundations of God’s Rest & Righteousness in order to grow in the finished works of God through Christ request our Facebook Group today.  This commission began in 2011 by God in the life of Sister Lara.  As well God gave permission to Sister Lara after she died in October 2019 and came back to earth to teach God’s people His Rest & Righteousness through the finished works of the cross which is pure Justice.
  • For prayer please visit Windows of Heaven Prayer Group on Facebook as we have loving Scribes there to agree with you in prayer. 
  • To grow in Spiritual Sight as a believer request Beyond the Veil School of Teaching Group

We are here to serve you, 

Sister Lara 

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