Friday, April 24, 2020

Faith and the Holy Spirit Gods Rest in Faith and Prayer

Faith and Three Works of the Holy Spirit: God's Rest in Prayer and Faith Devotions


As we continue to understand that the reason why it is impossible to please God without faith--because faith is God's ability.

For that reason God created everything in the heavens and earth that we could possibly need, that we could possibly want, so that where He lives we will live with Him as One in His Rest.

It is through the cross that Jesus became the Door; the Way; the Key; for the Father to enter in and through to live in each of our hearts. Even though Jesus is the Door, Jesus does not open the Door on His own accord.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to approve what Jesus approves to come in the Door, and not approve what Jesus does not approve to enter in through the Door.

It is the Father who comes in--by the opening of the Holy Spirit, through the Door who is Jesus to live in us. At the same time, the Holy Spirit shuts the Door so that nothing that is not of God can enter in. It is in this blessed place of God's Life and Rest in us through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit that is our Resting position of prayer.

Here, we release God's ability from the launching pad of Restful Prayer --which is faith, into our situation on earth. Here, the Holy Spirit deposits God's Rest upon our words--through Jesus, and the weight of God's Rest quickens where the word is sent to accomplish what it will. Hallelujah! Now that is Good News!

The Holy Spirit through deposits of God's Rest through Christ in us, releases His ability (faith) upon our words. How can we release His ability today in our situations?


The Holy Spirit is our Seal

(John Calkin 1827)

The Holy Spirit is the seal,
The foretaste, earnest, and the pledge.
He designates us as God’s own
And guarantees our heritage.


Father in Jesus name thank You that as I acknowledge your ability of Rest in me, I am in prayer with You throughout my day. Father, thank You that Your ability (faith) and the Holy Spirit are at work through Christ in me where ever I speak and send Your Word on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!

Source: Sister Lara


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