Monday, April 27, 2020

Growing in Gods Ability and Oneness of His Rest Makes You Fully Equipped

The Door Life of Jesus |-Growing in God's Ability and Oneness of His Rest Makes You Fully Equipped


"Faith is God's ability, and we can grow in God's ability continually." What joy there is for every disciple to experience the Rest that God has given to all who are born of Him, because of the finished works of the cross.

When Jesus gave up the Ghost and shed His blood upon Calvary it was the only redemptive path the Father could come inside-through the Door-Life of Jesus and live in us. There, our Heavenly Father would live in our hearts and Rest and have His being.
It is from this place of God's Rest in our hearts that we experience His Ways and His delight towards us as our Heavenly Father in prayer to release His ability into any situation we are in, because His ability is where all the resources of the kingdom are found: on earth, as it is in heaven.
The ability of God is as close as the air you breathe living in you and He wanted you to know so urgently that He even put His words upon your mouth to release His Word to every situation. Now, that is Good News!



Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.


Father, today we thank You that as we acknowledge Your Rest in our hearts You will never leave us, or forsake us and You will with hold no good thing from us. Today, we release Your ability in our lives through Your Word into this situation, and that situation- giving thanks that Your Word is already on our mouths to speak through Christ Jesus amen. I choose Your Rest and Your ability today, and desire to grow in Your ability for all things. Amen.



Welcome to Online School of Prayer With Christ Free Course:

Righteousness Studio: God's Rest and How to Enter Into His Rest (Drawing Board Snippets to Righteousness) Vol. 1 

Tools: Booklet, Video Teachings, Notes
High Speed Internet Needed
About: This is a 7 Week Course that is designed in half-hour video teachings where Sister Lara shares from this free Book on the topic of God's Rest and Righteousness.  Study notes are given with each teaching and is designed to fully equip you at the end of this 7 Week Course a new way of Living in God's Rest.

Each week you will be given a link to click on and participate.  Upon completion you will be given the next link to study. When complete, you will receive a certificate of completion from Sister Lara through Online School of Prayer With Christ. 
  • The Basics of God's Rest & Righteousness 
  • How we are positioned in the High Calling of God in Christ
  • Righteousness is More Than Right Standing With God..and more.
We do not need more faith for powerful prayer we need to understand our position of God's Rest through Christ in us."
Sister Lara-Visionary Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries, Since 2003

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How to Glorify God by Living in His Ability Oneness in God Through Christ

How to Glorify God by Living in His Ability |-Oneness in God Through Christ

Romans 3:27
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

Faith is "God's ability." Through the born again experience Jesus became the Door for the Father to come through Him, and into you to live. You are now joined with all of God's ability because He now lives in you-through Christ Jesus. It is in this position of being One in God, He rests in you. Jesus called this act of God to live in you, "How the Father is glorified in you." (John 17)

Can you imagine such a high precious calling, "That as you live in God's Rest as One, through Christ --you are living a life-style of glorifying God?" It is not a place to step into. It is not a place to ask to come into. You have already been put in this position because you died with Jesus; you have already risen with Jesus and God already moved into you--by the quickening work of the Holy Spirit.
You are not only born of God but you are joined with God in everything about Him; all ability of His; all His completed works; all of His Divine Nature; through Christ. As well, you are vitally born of faith and joined with faith: relating to God; relating to Christ; relating to the Holy Spirit. Now that is Good News!


Christ has Made the Sure Foundation
(Henry Thomas Smart-1813)
Christ is made the sure foundation,
Christ the head and cornerstone,
Chosen of the Lord and precious,
Binding all the Church in one;
Holy Zion’s help forever,
And her confidence alone.


Father, in Jesus name I choose to live a life that glorifies You by acknowledging my position
Of Your Rest in me through Jesus. Thank You that I am born of Your faith and joined of Your faith in the fullness
Of who You are through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. Today, I choose to release Your ability out of Your Rest as my position of prayer, through the words I speak from Your Word. In Jesus name. Amen.



Welcome to Online School of Prayer With Christ Free Course:

Righteousness Studio: God's Rest and How to Enter Into His Rest (Drawing Board Snippets to Righteousness) Vol. 1 

Tools: Booklet, Video Teachings, Notes
High Speed Internet Needed
About: This is a 7 Week Course that is designed in half-hour video teachings where Sister Lara shares from this free Book on the topic of God's Rest and Righteousness.  Study notes are given with each teaching and is designed to fully equip you at the end of this 7 Week Course a new way of Living in God's Rest.

Each week you will be given a link to click on and participate.  Upon completion you will be given the next link to study. When complete, you will receive a certificate of completion from Sister Lara through Online School of Prayer With Christ. 
  • The Basics of God's Rest & Righteousness 
  • How we are positioned in the High Calling of God in Christ
  • Righteousness is More Than Right Standing With God..and more.
We do not need more faith for powerful prayer we need to understand our position of God's Rest through Christ in us."
Sister Lara-Visionary Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries, Since 2003

Saturday, April 25, 2020

God's Rest Daily Devotional Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart |-God's Rest Daily Devotional Heart to Heart 

ROMANS 10:10


"Did you notice that it is the heart and mouth that are one, not the heart and head?" So many times we have heard the statement, "I think I just think too much."

What if I said that the heart is where you think your thoughts, your desires, your passions-and more? It is from your heart that Righteousness flows, because it is that place in the heart that Jesus is the Door for the Father to live through you.

Yet, at the same time, "What would you think if I told you that the word mouth is heart too?" Yes, you read that right.

So, here is the thought. When we allow God to flow out of our hearts and our mouth where our words are "Heart to heart" we are flowing purposefully, and passionately, as One, in God's Rest.

For that reason, "With the mouth being One in God deliverance is revealed" in Jesus name.

Now that is Good News!


Enthroned in Jesus now
Enthroned is Jesus now,
Upon His heavenly seat;
The kingly crown is on His brow,
The saints are at His feet.


Source-Sister Lara; God's Rest Daily Devotions
Category: God's Rest Daily Devotions

What is Faith in Two Simple Words Gods Rest in Prayer and Faith Devotions

What is Faith In Two Simple Words: God's Rest In Prayer and Faith Devotions

2 Corinthians 5:7 - (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

In today's Scripture we read that we should walk by "Faith" yet let me ask you, "What is faith?" So often people will say, "Faith is what pleases God." Or, "Faith is trusting in God and believing in God." If faith was that easy, "Then why is it so hard for people to live by faith?"

For that reason, I wanted to share what faith is in two words. First, I will tell you what faith is then I will share a Scripture. Ok, so here it goes. "Faith is God's ability." It's that simple!

Romans 10:9(b) says, ..."And shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." This Scripture is giving Testimony to what God did, through Christ.

If we understand that "Faith is God's ability" then we must understand that we have "God's ability in us, through Christ." You see, through the finished works of the cross, God came to live INSIDE of you through Christ. It is acknowledging that God lives in you, and in that place He rests in you to have a personal relationship with you. Through that rest, we learn that prayer is our position to abide in Rest and faith is simply, "Releasing God's ability." Hallelujah!

Everything you need, "God has already created, God has already done, God has already prepared for you to live by--all things that pertain to life." Release God's ability from your heart today, and say to your situation that "You live by God's ability, has changed your situation through Christ in you-today." Now that is good news!

Let's turn our hymns to:
Keep the Song of Faith
(Margaret Barber, 1869)
Keep up the song of faith,
However dark the night;
And as you praise, the Lord will work
To change your faith to sight.

Confession: Father, today in Jesus name I acknowledge your place of rest in me as my prayer for today to know you. I thank You that in this place I can release what you have already created, I release what you have already said, into my situation through Christ Jesus and remain as one in You. Thank You Father ahead of time. In Jesus name. Amen.
Source: Sister Lara
Category: Gods Rest in Prayer and Faith

Friday, April 24, 2020

Word and Breath of Gods Mouth Gods Rest and Righteousness Devotions

Word and Breath of His Mouth: God's Rest and Righteousness Devotions

Psalm 33:6
By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

To say that we live by the word of God, is true--but not all truth. For some that is a bold statement, for others it leaves a question mark. Let me ask you, "Did you notice Scripture says the word of the Lord and the breath of His mouth?"

What is breath? Breath is the means of transportation that carries what is spoken before the nostrils of God. For that reason, breath means to smell. However, breath does not stop there as you must take deeply inside--through the joining of one, in order to Breathe.

For that reason, "to Breathe means to join what came by breath as one: smell, taste, touch, see, hear."

The Lord's breath is from his mouth, but the location in which He received His Breath is from God. God lived inside Jesus, in a position of Rest as One. Jesus lived inside of God in the position of One. The same with the Holy Spirit. Here, we see the blessed Trinity..and yet, through our born again experience we are now in the same position of God's Rest --in Him, through Christ. Through the final work of the cross, Jesus became the Door--for the Father to come inside of you and live in you. Jesus can not open the Door--He is the Door. It is the work and employment of the Holy Spirit to open the Door and Shut the Door.

So, when we read, "The heavens were made by the word of the Lord and by His breath of his mouth" we must understand that "It was the Life of God in Christ--that was deposits of who God is upon His mouth, or Breath" that caused the word to go forth as One in God. God sowed His desires through His Breath through Christ and the Breath of His Rest was released through the words spoken by Jesus. Now that is Good News !

Confession: Father, today I thank You that You live in me through Christ. As I acknowledge Your Rest and presence in me I wait for Your presence to fill my mouth --in Your tangible presence, to release Your ability and Rest upon my words--through Christ in me. In Jesus name. Hallelujah!

If you would like prayer please visit us at Online School of Prayer With Christ

If you would like to learn more about God's Rest and Righteousness please visit our Courses Section at Online School of Prayer With Christ on the Navigation Bar.

Source: Sister Lara
Category: Gods Word and Gods Breath Daily Devotions

Faith and the Holy Spirit Gods Rest in Faith and Prayer

Faith and Three Works of the Holy Spirit: God's Rest in Prayer and Faith Devotions


As we continue to understand that the reason why it is impossible to please God without faith--because faith is God's ability.

For that reason God created everything in the heavens and earth that we could possibly need, that we could possibly want, so that where He lives we will live with Him as One in His Rest.

It is through the cross that Jesus became the Door; the Way; the Key; for the Father to enter in and through to live in each of our hearts. Even though Jesus is the Door, Jesus does not open the Door on His own accord.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to approve what Jesus approves to come in the Door, and not approve what Jesus does not approve to enter in through the Door.

It is the Father who comes in--by the opening of the Holy Spirit, through the Door who is Jesus to live in us. At the same time, the Holy Spirit shuts the Door so that nothing that is not of God can enter in. It is in this blessed place of God's Life and Rest in us through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit that is our Resting position of prayer.

Here, we release God's ability from the launching pad of Restful Prayer --which is faith, into our situation on earth. Here, the Holy Spirit deposits God's Rest upon our words--through Jesus, and the weight of God's Rest quickens where the word is sent to accomplish what it will. Hallelujah! Now that is Good News!

The Holy Spirit through deposits of God's Rest through Christ in us, releases His ability (faith) upon our words. How can we release His ability today in our situations?


The Holy Spirit is our Seal

(John Calkin 1827)

The Holy Spirit is the seal,
The foretaste, earnest, and the pledge.
He designates us as God’s own
And guarantees our heritage.


Father in Jesus name thank You that as I acknowledge your ability of Rest in me, I am in prayer with You throughout my day. Father, thank You that Your ability (faith) and the Holy Spirit are at work through Christ in me where ever I speak and send Your Word on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!

Source: Sister Lara


Psalm 91 Verse 1 Meditation

  Label- Covenant Oneness Meditations  Click to listen to today's teaching In today's time together Sister Lara shares 5 tips to hel...