Saturday, April 25, 2020

What is Faith in Two Simple Words Gods Rest in Prayer and Faith Devotions

What is Faith In Two Simple Words: God's Rest In Prayer and Faith Devotions

2 Corinthians 5:7 - (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

In today's Scripture we read that we should walk by "Faith" yet let me ask you, "What is faith?" So often people will say, "Faith is what pleases God." Or, "Faith is trusting in God and believing in God." If faith was that easy, "Then why is it so hard for people to live by faith?"

For that reason, I wanted to share what faith is in two words. First, I will tell you what faith is then I will share a Scripture. Ok, so here it goes. "Faith is God's ability." It's that simple!

Romans 10:9(b) says, ..."And shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." This Scripture is giving Testimony to what God did, through Christ.

If we understand that "Faith is God's ability" then we must understand that we have "God's ability in us, through Christ." You see, through the finished works of the cross, God came to live INSIDE of you through Christ. It is acknowledging that God lives in you, and in that place He rests in you to have a personal relationship with you. Through that rest, we learn that prayer is our position to abide in Rest and faith is simply, "Releasing God's ability." Hallelujah!

Everything you need, "God has already created, God has already done, God has already prepared for you to live by--all things that pertain to life." Release God's ability from your heart today, and say to your situation that "You live by God's ability, has changed your situation through Christ in you-today." Now that is good news!

Let's turn our hymns to:
Keep the Song of Faith
(Margaret Barber, 1869)
Keep up the song of faith,
However dark the night;
And as you praise, the Lord will work
To change your faith to sight.

Confession: Father, today in Jesus name I acknowledge your place of rest in me as my prayer for today to know you. I thank You that in this place I can release what you have already created, I release what you have already said, into my situation through Christ Jesus and remain as one in You. Thank You Father ahead of time. In Jesus name. Amen.
Source: Sister Lara
Category: Gods Rest in Prayer and Faith

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