Sunday, February 23, 2020

Three Steps to Increase Your Faith Questions and Answers About Prayer

Online School of Prayer With Christ 

"Three Steps to Increase Faith in Prayer?" 

Questions and Answers for the Intercessor

question and answers on prayer

There are times in our lives when we think that we need more faith because our prayers do not seem to be answered as quick as we want.  It is in times like that we question ourselves, "How Can I Increase in Faith in Prayer?" 

The way we increase in faith is to ask ourselves, "Are we praying from God's Rest point of view?"  Operating out of God's Rest in our lives, through the finished works of the cross, affirms that He is with us and that He has heard our prayers.  God's Rest gives affirming prayers because His Rest in us, through Christ, makes us One.  It is in that place of Resting as One we have confidence that He is watching over our prayers. So, ask yourself, "I am praying from the position of God's Rest in me, through Christ?" 

Secondly, we must understand that "Increasing in Faith" is understanding what faith is.  Faith is "Releasing what God has already accomplished through Christ Jesus on the cross" on our behalf. Faith is, "The works of God that He has already put in place for us to put them to work in our lives.  Faith is the victories of God has He has accomplished through the cross on our behalf."  So, we increase in faith through prayer by releasing His works and what He has already created for us to use.  The reason God already created everything we already need, and has given us the victory of all things in our lives already through Christ and His cross is that "He will Rest in us as One in a deeper relationship and have greater fellowship with Him." When we learn this insight and begin to operate out of it we are operating out of "God's Faith, we are operating out of Jesus faith, we are operating out of the faith of the Holy Spirit."  At the same time, "To the measure we release the fullness of faith in our lives  into our situations, we learn the joy of trusting God."

So many people say they trust God, but really do not.  So many people say that they have faith, and that is true, but they have never been taught that the fullness of faith is available for them in every area of life. 

In Genesis 1:26-28 we read,
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Lastly we must understand that when we pray from God's Rest in us, "We speak a position where our hearts and mouths are one."  Romans 10 says, "It is with the heart man believes unto righteousness but it is the mouth confession is made."  Not long ago I looked the meaning of the word 'mouth' and it means mind.  Did you know, or could you imagine that your mouth is your mind? Your mind is connected to where you are One in God, in the fullness of who He is in your inner being.  It is here when you learn this secret you are doing more than just speaking God's Rest, you are releasing "His ability" without any hindrances and the quickening work of the Holy Spirit releases the power of God's Word because you are Divinely Connected with the Resources of the Kingdom in your inner man. 

If you would like to learn more about "Living out of God's Rest" be sure to sign up for our free course and get your free book, "God's Rest How to Enter Into God's Rest" by using the Course Navigation Page, today.

Thank you for kindly subscribing to this blog, and signing up at Online School of Prayer With Christ to receive more questions and answers on prayer to bless your day.

Steal Away in the Secret Place,
Sister Lara

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