Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Spirit Mind for Healing of Emotions


Spirit Mind and Emotional Healing

Label-Blood Covenant and Emotional Healing 

"Helping you bring out of you what is already in you."

Your mind is a gift that is beautifully and wonderfully made, in the humble feeding trough of the Father's Oneness of Love.

The Light of His Righteousness shines upon you. You are never out of His sight and you are already joined back unto Him in His Love.

Your mind does not have to battle. Your mind does not have to be bruised from trauma, the Lord will fight for you. How does the Lord do battle? Here, the word fight means--to feed upon. What does the Lord feed upon? The Lord feeds upon the Father's Love to give to you through the Sacrifices that He became.

As you feed with Him in Oneness of the Father's Love, the elements in His Sacrifices: blood, water, Spirit remove and wash away in the Love-Fountains of the Father. These Fountains of the Father's Love are filled with the roar of His water spouts of Covenant Oneness filling every trench, every lodging place inwardly, while you feed upon One Covenant Love.


I acknowledge that I am hidden in the Father's Love and the Fountains of His Love I feed upon with Christ in me. The Lord battles on my behalf through the elements of His Sacrifices of Blood, water and Spirit. In One Love I am perfectly postioned and hidden. In Covenant my Spirit Mind is upheld in the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus through blood, water, and Spirit.

Religious Union that is external suggests to go many routes outside of the Spirit Mind of Covenant Oneness. Yet, the Spirit only testifies of the Father's Love through the elements of Covenant. Oh! May the tables be flipped and transfigured in the Spirit mind of the Body of Christ into Fountains of Love in Covenant Oneness.

Ro. 15:6; 2 Cor 13:11; 2 Tim. 1:7

*Excerpt from my free Sermon Book

The Spirit Mind for Healing of Emotions and Techniques

Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara

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