Label-Covenant Oneness Meditations
For that reason, the act of using other methods to try to unite yourself to God in Oneness, such as: turning inward, stepping into, going to God in prayer is external of being joined together in Oneness through Covenant with God. Many say that they are One, yet are not habitually upheld together in Oneness through the elements of the Covenant Sacrifices of Jesus which are blood, water and sacrifice.
Everything you desire is not external, but internal because every desire is already joined to you within and hidden in the Father's Love and vitally joined in Love, through the elements of Covenant through the Sacrifices of Christ Jesus. To unite, I simply acknowledge I am already One upheld in the elements of the Sacrifices of Covenant through Christ Jesus.
Confession: Father, I acknowledge that Your Love is flowing freely through me continually and is Eternal. All my desires, and everything I desire to manifest, is already hidden in Your Love and joined together through the Sacrifices of Christ Jesus in blood, water, and Spirit. Your Love expands through me, to outside of me and the Holy Spirit takes from Your Love and causes all things to appear to me that is hidden in Your Love. I trust Your Love in Covenant Oneness and walk in Peace for all things. Amen
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Reconciled Unto God to Live in Covenant 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
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Sharing God's Dream,
Sister Lara
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