Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Divine Union of Covenant Love Marriage of Canaan


Label-Union Gems of God's Rest 

Each Holy Moment that the disciple of Covenant acknowledges that the Father's presence flows freely through the Sacrifices of Jesus, into the disciple every area of need, is like a water pot ready to be changed into waters of Life-Giving Covenant Wine. Everyone thirsts for more of the Father. HO! Everyone participated in the marriage of Canaan in their first lifestyle of inward miracles of reflective pools of inward Love of the Father, through Jesus.

The Holy Spirit takes of the Father, like a wheel, to fill the disciple through Jesus, inwardly in the Love of loves, Great Love Divine!!

To acknowledge the call to action of this inward filling of quietness and holiness is pure Love.  Love has free course to fill and join in Covenant Union inwardly in the disciple.  Like a waterfall of Life, the tributaries of Life flow freely through the thoughts that came as thieves, and robbers: worry, [you will always lack] fear, [you always be sick] anxiety and more. Corruption  thoughts reveal what it means to be poor in Spirit and in need of water spouts of Divine Union in Covenant Wines of Love. Fear is a water pot needing to be changed into new wine. Anxiety and lack are water pots needing to be changed into new wine. 

Ah, the bliss of Love having free course to fill each pot, as the disciple waits quietly inwardly to allow and acknowledge the Father filling each pot in wine, through the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus.

One by one each water pots are filled and changed into new wine, in multiplication of the Father revealing and forming more of Christ in the disciple to overshadow the disciple from inwardly to outwardly in the transfiguration of Christ:the Spirit-Trinity Union of the God-Head.

We wait,like the Mother of Jesus at the marriage of Canaan who went to Jesus because there was no more Wine. Jesus changed the pots into wine, and in the best wine.  Yet, inwardly Jesus is still filling our pots inwardly, with fountains of the transfiguring depths of Jesus, the Resurrection and Life.

The Glorious Church, the Redeemed Covenant Church must [and will] become full of Red New Wine of the Marriage of Canaan of God's Divine Union of Covenant  Love, one pot at a time.

Recommended Studies: 

Coming Soon-Awake to Righteousness Helping Disciples Be Established in Righteousness and Awake in God [Free 60-page Study Companion Booklet, Video Teachings, Printable Study Notes.)

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

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