Friday, March 29, 2024

The Fruit and Purpose of Meekness Part 1


Today's topic: Learn "The Importance of the Fruit and Purpose of Meekness."

This is a great article for those in Leadership to train young disciples of Covenant.


As we read today's Scripture we learn that there is a Fruit of God's Love called meekness.  We see this Fruit mentioned in Galatians 5 where all Fruit comes from God who is Love.  First, what does the word meekness mean?  As we study the word meekness we discover the word means to be gentle, and humble. [Strong's G436]  An example of meekness is used in this tense from the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:29.  

"Take my yoke upon you, learn of me; for I am lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."  Here, to be yoked with Jesus is to acknowledge that part of the new creation that a disciple has been clothed with, which are the Sacrifices of Righteousness that Jesus became.  It is through these Sacrifices that the disciple has been equally yoked or reconciled into the God-Head through Covenant and given the position of rest of Righteousness inside of God to live an established Life.  It is this place where inside of the God-Head that the elements of Covenant flow: blood, water, and the Spirit-Trinity of God.  While we were yet sinners, "God the Father was in Christ Jesus and came to where you are in unmerited favor (Grace) and brought you; joined you; established you inside of the God-Head (Righteousness and Rest in Covenant) to live a life of a deeper relationship as God's Redeemed inheritance.   While the term yoke in the Greek represents the idea of a transference to the commands, we also see that this word yoke represents balance and scales that is used on cattle.   Jesus became the Bull Offering of deliverance but also resurrection as the final work of the cross that the Father reconciled (balance paid in full of Redemption) His inheritance (you and all creation).

We are commanded to "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage" (Or, live outside of Covenant where we have been re-joined through Grace [salvation] and righteousness [established inside of the God-Head in rest and joined in the fullness of all the Divine Nature and supply of the God-Head.] (Galatians 5:1) 

Here, in today's Scripture we read that those who are meek or equally yoked inside of God through the Sacrifices of Righteousness in Covenant with God will see a people in their lives that are not equally yoked.  These are a people that oppose themselves.  These are a people who do not know Covenant.  These are a people who unknowingly afflict themselves continually.  There is a saying, "You are your own worst enemy."  I am not sure if this applies to this statement or not, however, it certainly describes those who do not understand Covenant, nor have been taught Covenant.   For that reason, "Meekness" is a Spiritual Fruit that is developed in the a disciples life who are constantly surrounded by people of chaos and opposition.   At the same time, these people can also be people who think they are Spiritual but lack the ability to be skilled in Righteousness and Rest through Covenant. 

You see this word oppose means, "Anti-dia-tithemi."  The word diatithemi means to be a testator of the Covenant, and for that reason anti-means to oppose Covenant.  You see, "Meekness is for instructing." As we read today's Scripture instructing is for those who live outside of Covenant.  

This same word instruct; instruction; comes from the idea of a raising up a child: in Godly morals-or the Way to think which is a Covenant Mind.  As well the meek are to instruct a child the Way to think concerning their body, which is to live in a Circumcised Body.  Whether mind or body both are to live in a circumcised Covenant Mind of God and Body or, "Rest and Righteousness inside of God."  You do not need to seek and pursue the presence of God, because that is living outside of Covenant instead a disciple now habitually lives inside the presence of God because of Covenant. 

This ends lesson 1 of "The Fruit and Purpose of Meekness."  Here, we see in this Scripture what meekness is: 

a. Meekness is being equally yoked in the God-Head through the Sacrifices and Yoke of Righteousness of Jesus as a bond slave.  The bond  has been paid by the Father in the redemptive inheritance of Covenant. 

b.  Meekness is a Spiritual Fruit that is given for a call to action to instruct a child who is not skilled in Covenant in Rest and Righteousness.  It is those who habitually live outside of Covenant that are anti-diatithemi.  They live outside of the Tithe of Jesus and the supernatural infusion of the continue flow of the elements of Covenant: blood, water, and the Spirit-Trinity of the God-Head and continually inflict themselves in opposition and Spiritual oppression. 

We will continue in lesson 2 of this Scripture in our next time.  I would love to hear your comments below.  Thank you ahead of time for moving your thumb to the right on your device and following this blog today.   As well, I have some free suggested tools below to help you grow in Covenant with God, or share with friends and family. 

Recommended Studies: 

Coming Soon-Awake to Righteousness Helping Disciples Be Established in Righteousness and Awake in God [Free 60-page Study Companion Booklet, Video Teachings, Printable Study Notes.)

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

1 comment:

  1. Potent Sister! Gives a new view/understanding of being unequally yoked as well!


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