Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Exercising Spiritual Senses And the Covenant Mind


As you grow in the Covenant Mind of God through the Sacrifices of Jesus you learn to remain upheld in Divine Union behind the veil of Jesus in God's Rest and Righteousness.

The Sacrifices of Jesus are the pure senses of the Born of Covenant being. For example: The Turtledove Offering of Jesus is the sense, to see. Here, as you remain behind the veil of Jesus in the Turtledove Offering you are 'dove eyes, to dove eyes full of pools of Covenant Waters.' Inwardly, and outwardly the daily focus of the disciple is to remain hidden behind the veil of Jesus--as Turtledove. [The Book of Song of Solomons describes this beautifully!] At the same time, Jesus was revealed in the Book of Revelation as having 'eyes of fire' which represent fire from the Altar of Sacrifices which is the Light of Righteousness from the Father shining through the element of Covenant which is blood to 'appear as red.'

Another Sacrifice of Jesus to represent the purity of the Born of Covenant senses is the Lamb Offering. This Offering is the senses to "to hear." John 10 says, "My sheep hear My voice." Isn't that something? As you remain in Divine Union in the Covenant Mind of God you will notice 'directions' in your mind from the Voice of God being deposited in your inner being. Now that is another whole new teaching! This is how a disciple purely grows in discernment to exercise their senses in purity and maturity from a Covenant view, [right side of picture illustration below.]

Keeping your senses pure and mature is remaining behind the veil through the Sacrifices of Righteousness in Rest because it is here that your senses are continually cleansed in the presence of God -the Trinity, and the elements of Blood Covenant: blood, water, and the Spirit-Trinity. [Right side of illustration]

Confession: Father, I give thanks that I am a disciple of Covenant: divinely brought back to You by Your hands through the Sacrifices of Jesus and made alive by the Holy Spirit. Today, I walk in expectancy and joy to walk with you behind the veil of Jesus as Your redeemed inheritance. In Jesus's name. Amen

Questions and Answer Prompts for Journaling
As you meditate upon the Sacrifices of Jesus concerning your senses, what comes to mind?  Why is that important to you? 
Can you think of a time yesterday or last week when you could have put these thoughts to work and missed it?  How would you respond differently? 
As you grow in Covenant how important is it for you to live behind the veil of Jesus? 
Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.
Freely we receive and freely we give.  Not for commercial use.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness Born Again of Covenant | About Sister Lara | 

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