Friday, October 13, 2023

Emotional Healing The Covenant Mind and Eyes

Today's Topic: The Covenant Mind and Seeing in the Spirit 

Today's Scripture: Set your mind (Acknowledge your mind is already a Covenant Mind) on things above [the Sacrifices of Righteousness which are the Testimonies of Jesus] and not on the things of the earth [the external mind not vitally enjoined in Divine Union and Harmony in Covenant]. Colossians 3:1-3

It is the daily focus of the disciple to look unto Jesus as the Author and Finisher of their faith.  At the same time, as the disciple looks unto Jesus from the finished works of the cross they grow in a greater love relationship with the Testimonies of Jesus. 

As we learned in our Study Companion Online Book Righteousness Studio and teachings, the mind of the disciple is enjoined by the Father's Hands through the Sacrifices of Righteousness of Jesus which are His Testimonies. Daily, the disciple of Covenant hides behind the veil of Jesus allowing the Testimonies of Jesus to be their Seer's Glass of purity of mind and inward journey of communion with God. [God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.] 

The Sacrifices of Righteousness are the lost art of the cross and the greatest Treasure to the disciple because the Testimonies of these Sacrifices are Bodily form, covering the disciple inwardly and outwardly.  The disciple must acknowledge they are already in Divine Union and practice the Testimonies of Jesus because these are the portals of the Father's Paths to shine His Light of Righteousness through, and to testify of Christ Jesus in the disciple to their outer world on earth as it is in heaven.  This is pure authority on earth as it is in heaven, but this is also pure worship in Covenant with God.  

Covenant with God is Oneness with God: the joining together in Divine Harmony with the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Sacrifices of Righteousness of the Body and Being of Jesus.  Just as the Holy Place in the Tabernacle of Moses; the Tabernacle of David; the Tabernacle of Solomon housed the Altar of Incense [The resurrected Covenant Mind of Jesus] along with the Table of Showbread [The resurrected Divine Nature of Jesus] through the Sacrifices of Righteousness the fullness of the God-Head shined the Light of Righteousness in Divine Union into the soul [the conscience] of the disciple.  As such purity of worship is practiced in the inward Life of the Covenant Disciple the beautiful Habitation of the Testimonies of Jesus are seen outward as the garments of Praise that are worn by the disciple. 

You see the Sacrifices of Praise is when all the Sacrifices of Righteousness are flowing in fullness of the Covenant Mind of the disciple. I wrote about this in the Sacrifices of Righteousness and Sacrifices of Praise Revealing the Covenant Mind of God Book.  To say you praise by word without the Sacrifices of Righteousness flowing in fullness in your life your praise is eternal and in need of grace for the revelation of Righteousness to flow in fullness of Covenant.  

Confession: I acknowledge my mind is already a Covenant Mind with God [God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.]  I practice flowing in the fullness of the Testimonies of Jesus in quiet, inward, reflection throughout my day.  If someone approaches me in gossip, I simply remain hidden behind the veil of the Sacrifice of Righteousness of Peace and the Father shines His Light of Righteousness through the Turtledove Sacrifice of Jesus so all lying spirits are instantly disintegrated from taking hold of Christ in me.  If someone approaches me to lust in the flesh, I remain hidden behind the veil of the Sacrifice of Righteousness and the Father shines His Light of Righteousness through the Lamb and Bull Offering: by the stripes of Jesus my flesh will rest in Hope, and my spirit will be infused with strength and might.  If someone approaches me with offense and words of hatred I remain hidden behind the veil of the Trespass Offering of the Sacrifice of Jesus and those words are thrown as far as the East is to the West.  The Blood, the Water, and the Spirit of God -the Trinity uphold my mind and inner being in Life as I walk with God today in the Covenant Mind.  Hallelujah!

Living Life Beyond the Veil is Living Life Inside the Veil of the God-Head Trinity through the Covenant Body of Jesus by Way of His Sacrifices of Righteousness.

In the link below there is a free study companion booklet offered along with teachings and picture illustrations to bless your day.  Kindly click on this and be blessed. 

Emotional Healing From Feeling Abandoned Psalm 34 Verse 18

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Steal Away in the Secret Place today.  

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Sister Lara-The Voice of Covenant 

NEW~Study Companion Booklet --->>>Instructions in Righteousness About Sister Lara | 

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